The most profound mysteries of life are condensed for teenagers by their parents. This list has what they say, first, then what they are trying to teach.
1. The world doesn't owe you a living.
Reality perception.
2. Close the door.. did you grow up in a barn?
Conservation of resources.
3. Because its my house & while you live here you will do as i say.
The golden rule.. those who have the gold make the rules. Reality perception.
4. If you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.
Interpersonal socializing. The original golden rule.
5. Money doesn't grow on trees.
Reality perception. Conservation of resources.
6. Eat your food.. there are children starving in India who would be thrilled to have what you do.
Conservation of resources.
7. So if your friend jumps off a cliff, you will too?
Independent thinking, interpersonal socializing. Resisting peer pressure.
8. Be nice to your sister.
Blood is thicker than water. We are family. Interpersonal socializing.
9. Wait until you get to the real world.
Perception of reality.
10 When are you going to grow up?
Perception of reality.
These are just a few of the more common sayings that parents say to their teenagers. Most kids roll their eyes when they hear these things, but then when they become parents, say the exact same thing!
But for the past few decades, some of the 'teenage truths' have been lost. Young people start to believe the opposite. Schools TEACH the opposite. They teach entitlement, pleasing peers, & a distortion of reality. We are becoming caught in a vicious circle of puberty as a nation, unclear about reality & how life really works. Now, we have this list being promoted as 'truth'.
1. The world owes you a living.
2. You deserve to have fun, play, & do what you want, with no repercussions.
3. 'Repercussions' is too big of a word. 'no one giving you any shit' is more adolescent.
4. Education, knowledge, & hard work is for nerds, not cool hipsters. We are here to party, not work.
5. Money grows on trees. The govt can just print it & hand it out.
6. Mob rule is cool. Together the hip can rule the squares.
7. Teenage angst & insecurity is a lifelong condition.
8. Knowledge, logic, & common sense is boring. Emotion, hysteria, & drama is the bomb.
9. Life is a party. Live it up. Now is the time to have fun.
10. Reality shows portray reality.
Do these smell like teen spirit? While teens have always been self absorbed, confused, & ravaged with hormones & conflicting messages, the new role models of permissivism take them down a path of entitlement & selfish pursuit. Consideration, respect, & other traditional human virtues are largely forgotten by the new progressive parent. The governmental 'village' has taken charge, & has emasculated fathers & promoted the destruction of the nuclear family. Social policy has nuked the family, & we are building a generation of spoiled dependents, who think the world owes them a living. There are many exceptions, but the sociopath used to be the exception, & the hard working young person was the norm. It is becoming reversed, fueled by taxpayer funded propaganda centers.
Philosophical Musings

Sunday, February 22, 2015
Monday, February 9, 2015
Christianity & Jihad
Christianity is at the core of modern civilization. Any peace, harmony, tolerance, & individual liberty has come from the christian influence on the culture they rootede in.
Slavery, oppression, genocide, war... these are typical human activities, that have been typically practiced for all of human history. But the influence of christianity brought a new world view.. that of an orderly God.. a universe of Morality. Natural Law & a systematic quest for truth, rather than indoctrination found the christian world view at its center. Modern science was born with christian roots. Record keeping, education, hygiene, the scientific method.. christians were at the beginning & carried the torch of this new trend. Voodoo & witch doctory gave way to scientific evaluation. LAW was esteemed over individual mandate. The equality of man is rooted in christian ideology.
Christianity brought consideration, tolerance, & an elevation of respect for our fellow man. Any good in western culture has at it root christian principles that run contrary to the base nature of man.
Many other religions elevate this base nature. They either deny it, or they use it to rally the faithful to kill their enemies. Islam at its core is a war mongering ideology. They spread by conquest & force. It is antithetical to civilization, & takes us backwards to dark age practices & mindsets.
Christianity CHANGEs the culture it is in. It promotes tolerance, love, freedom, & justice.. the rule of LAW over human lordship. A cosmic watcher would conclude that the rise & spread of christianity was the best thing that ever happened to humanity. These changes are made slowly, as the 'salt' of individual christians permeates the culture. Violent, forceful intimidation by islam uses forced conformity to elicit change in the culture. All must 'submit' or die. That is the core of islam.. 'submission'. That is what 'islam' means.
The godless left & the intolerant jihadists are strange bedfellows, to be sure. I'm still trying to find the common ground that draws them together. The only thing i see is their common hatred for christianity. Their tactics are similar. They both use intolerance, bigotry, forced conformity, & indoctrination. Both of them are leading us back to the dark ages, squashing the holy curiosity of inquiry, & demanding compliance to mandates. Neither use logic, & both rely on fickle decrees.
The christian thread can be seen weaving its way through human history; mending lost souls, making a tapestry of healing in interpersonal interactions.. building bridges of hope & harmony that overcome the violent, brutal nature of man. The stupidest thing a culture could do is despise the positive influence that christianity has brought to this earth.
Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants. ~William Penn
The pop religion of the day tries to ridicule & diminish the contribution of christianity in modern culture. The base nature of man is elevated, & the correlation of decline in our society follows. A godless, secular society is not a prosperous successful one. Neither is one based on fear & forced compliance. Individual freedom is a gift of christianity.. you can see the rise of it through history, with a few setbacks from anti christian movements. And as the influence of christianity has waned, so has the return of human oppression, violence, & intolerance. American liberty is rooted in christian principles. If we abandon the latter, we will lose the former.
Slavery, oppression, genocide, war... these are typical human activities, that have been typically practiced for all of human history. But the influence of christianity brought a new world view.. that of an orderly God.. a universe of Morality. Natural Law & a systematic quest for truth, rather than indoctrination found the christian world view at its center. Modern science was born with christian roots. Record keeping, education, hygiene, the scientific method.. christians were at the beginning & carried the torch of this new trend. Voodoo & witch doctory gave way to scientific evaluation. LAW was esteemed over individual mandate. The equality of man is rooted in christian ideology.
Christianity brought consideration, tolerance, & an elevation of respect for our fellow man. Any good in western culture has at it root christian principles that run contrary to the base nature of man.
Many other religions elevate this base nature. They either deny it, or they use it to rally the faithful to kill their enemies. Islam at its core is a war mongering ideology. They spread by conquest & force. It is antithetical to civilization, & takes us backwards to dark age practices & mindsets.
Christianity CHANGEs the culture it is in. It promotes tolerance, love, freedom, & justice.. the rule of LAW over human lordship. A cosmic watcher would conclude that the rise & spread of christianity was the best thing that ever happened to humanity. These changes are made slowly, as the 'salt' of individual christians permeates the culture. Violent, forceful intimidation by islam uses forced conformity to elicit change in the culture. All must 'submit' or die. That is the core of islam.. 'submission'. That is what 'islam' means.
The godless left & the intolerant jihadists are strange bedfellows, to be sure. I'm still trying to find the common ground that draws them together. The only thing i see is their common hatred for christianity. Their tactics are similar. They both use intolerance, bigotry, forced conformity, & indoctrination. Both of them are leading us back to the dark ages, squashing the holy curiosity of inquiry, & demanding compliance to mandates. Neither use logic, & both rely on fickle decrees.
The christian thread can be seen weaving its way through human history; mending lost souls, making a tapestry of healing in interpersonal interactions.. building bridges of hope & harmony that overcome the violent, brutal nature of man. The stupidest thing a culture could do is despise the positive influence that christianity has brought to this earth.
Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants. ~William Penn
The pop religion of the day tries to ridicule & diminish the contribution of christianity in modern culture. The base nature of man is elevated, & the correlation of decline in our society follows. A godless, secular society is not a prosperous successful one. Neither is one based on fear & forced compliance. Individual freedom is a gift of christianity.. you can see the rise of it through history, with a few setbacks from anti christian movements. And as the influence of christianity has waned, so has the return of human oppression, violence, & intolerance. American liberty is rooted in christian principles. If we abandon the latter, we will lose the former.
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