Progressivism is not new. It is an ages old ideology, repackaged, named euphemistically, and driven into the citizenry through State sponsored propaganda.
Here are a few of the symptoms of progressive Indoctrination. It has not only infected academia, and other left wing ideologues, but is rampant in conservative circles, Republicans, and church people.
Declared Truth. Scientific methodology, due process, Reason, and any systematic examination of facts is rejected in favor of declared, or mandated Truth. It is not truth, of course, but carefully spun lies, driven into the gullible masses by dedicated ideologues and a constant, unwavering propaganda stream.
Censorship. Reasoned discourse, debate, and open examination is forbidden, among progressive indoctrinees, in favor of memorized dogma. Any.. ANY.. who depart the Approved Tenets of belief are bullied, censored, attacked viciously, and castigated with smears, like 'Hater!' 'Denier!', etc. Censorship is widely used to protect the Official Belief System, and prevent doubt among the faithful.
Hatred. Any outliers from the progressive status quo are viciously attcked, and caricaturized as irrational, unscientific fools. It is used to intimidate the faithful, as a warning: Do not leave the Fold. To be part of The Group, loyalty is required. Any questioning of the belief or mandates from the hidden, mysterious progressive elite, is considered Treason, and any outliers are vilified as enemies.
The 2020 election. Progressive indoctrinees do not want to examine evidence, and are forbidden to do so. They can only repeat their mantras: "This was the safest, most secure election ever!" Piles of evidence.. testimonies, videos, statistics, and blatant, obvious corruption within some districts is ignored.. dismissed with a hand wave.. and the mantra repeated, so the indoctrinees do not lose faith.
Global Warming! Data is contrived, imagined, and 'Experts!' are presented with.. NOT Science or Reason.. but declared belief, obscured with the appropriate tecno babble, to deceive the gullible. Any in the scientific community who depart the global warming reservation are hunted down and ruined.
Choose your Identity! Biological facts.. Chromosome combinations, and common sense, are dismissed for the belief that you can choose your gender, race, and even species. Men masquerade as women.. girls.. to beat the fairer sex in physical competition. White people pretend to be black, for a perceived advantage. Accepting, and living within the limitations you were born with is ridiculed.
Hunter Biden's Laptop. This was known about by the justive department, but covered up to defeat Trump and deceive the American people. The NY post printed an exposè, which the complicit media, Democrats, and other co-conspirators against America.. bought and paid for by billionaire tech moguls.. censored, ignored, or falsely accused as 'Russian Disinformation!'
Common Ancestry. This one goes very deep, as the propaganda for it has been blaring for decades.. nearly a century. It is the belief.. mandated by all progressive institutions, that all life forms 'evolved' from a single celled amoeba, and usually includes atheistic abiogenesis, that life began spontaneously, through natural processes, not from a Creator. It is the ideological basis for Progressivism, and is foundational to all other beliefs. It implies amorality, situation ethics, 'the ends justify the means', and is the cover needed to justify lies, violence, bullying, and censorship, from progressive ideologues.
There is much more. But the symptoms of progressive Indoctrination are clearly evident. Mandated belief.. assertions rather than reason.. censorship, and seething hostility are the first, and obvious, symptoms of progressive Indoctrination. If you are 'triggered', into these reactions, in a pavlovian response, beware! The Indoctrination goes deeper than you know. No one in this modern era has completely escaped it.
Progressivism is a return to the Dark Ages.. an abandonment of Reason, due process, and scientific methodology. It is an ideology of despotism, and has all the similarities of tyranny in the past. It is anti-freedom, anti-American, anti-christian, and anti-human. It will only lead to death, slavery, and oppression.