Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Evidence for the Creator: Entropy

 The law that entropy increases—the Second Law of Thermodynamics—holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. — Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington

'Entropy' broadly means tending towards chaos constantly. ~Sid Sriram

The most obvious, proven, repeatable scientific principle is that of entropy. EVERYTHING in the universe increases in randomness and chaos, not order and complexity. Another force must act upon matter to put it in order. It does not happen by chance.

Entropy is simply the observable reality that all things tend towards randomness, unless acted upon by an intelligent, ordered force. Even things put into ordered complexity will decay into random disorder, if not maintained by an orderly force.

The origin of the universe had to have an ordered, intelligent force to begin. In a godless universe, all matter, order, and complexity we see now would have dissipated into random equilibrium.. cold, dead, lifeless matter, expanding eternally through infinite space and darkness. All stars would have burnt out eons ago, and planets, systems, and galaxies would be drifting endlessly.. no order.. no life.. only random chaos dissipating any semblance of order. There is NOTHING to 'arrange' the universe into galactic order, in a godless universe.

Life would be impossible, in a godless universe of eternal entropy. The complexity of living things, the blueprint of their design, and the visible order of the universe providing an island of ecosystem, in a harsh, lifeless universe, flies in the face of every natural law, which would have left everything cold, dark, and dissipated. The stars, orbits, galaxies, and EVERYTHING orderly in the universe cannot be explained by natural processes. What, (or more precisely, Who), overcame the universal, dissipating force of entropy, and ordered this universe into a small dot of livable possibility? The amazing complexity of life becomes absudly impossible, without an Intelligent Designer to order these things.

The Creation model explains entropy, cosmology, and the beginnings of life very well, and is congruent with the facts. Atheistic naturalism has no mechanism to overcome entropy, to either create life (abiogenesis), increase complexity (universal common ancestry), or cosmic origins (big bang). The obvious HUGE problem of Entropy, as a dissipating force in the universe, is ignored, for some magical, wishful thinking process, that is not defined, observed, or subject to scientific inquiry.

..neither atoms, nor compounds, nor chemical reactions are immune from the effects of entropy. Entropy rules, in our universe, with an iron fist. Nobody and nothing can escape its reach, and the simple fact of universal entropy makes the big bang, abiogenesis, and common ancestry impossible. There is nothing and nobody, in a godless universe, to 'create' order from randomness and chaos. There is nothing and nobody to 'create' life, and the amazing complexity and diversity we observe. ONLY an Intelligent Designer, with Extra-Natural Ability, could have ordered the universe, winding down, as it is, under the inescapable effects of Entropy.

"..if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation." — Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington