This concept is denied and obscured, by the propagandists and manipulators of Progressivism. It is the belief that all origins happened by natural processes, without the intervention of a Creator.
I have described the 3 pillars of atheistic naturalism in other articles:
The Big Bang: Origin of the universe
Abiogenesis: Origin of life
Common Ancestry: Origin of species
These are the trifecta of atheistic naturalism, which provides the basis for atheism, Marxism, and Progressivism. Atheistic naturalism is NOT atheism, as belief in a God or gods is allowed, just not a Creator. A belief in God is permitted, by the High Priests of atheistic naturalism. Your God can be good, compassionate, pacing about, wringing His hands over the inequities of this world, but He cannot be the all powerful Creator of the universe. THAT.. happened naturally.
Most theists, and even Christians, believe in the Indoctrination.. that all origins were by natural processes, without the supernatural intervention of any God or Creator. Atheistic naturalism is the Majority Opinion, promoted as 'settled science!' It is, if course, the foundational belief among atheists, marxists, and other ideologies that reject God, but it is not exclusive to them.
It may seem like a subtle difference, but the implications are significant.
- Christianity is based on a lie. God did NOT create everything, as the Messiah and His apostles testified. The bible is an antiquated collection of superstitions, and is not to be taken literally.
- Morality is relative. Brutal animal instincts 'evolved' to 'be nice!' Murder, theft, and jungle Law are the only real virtues, with origins of atheistic naturalism. If there is a God, He is fickle and changing.. there are no absolutes.
- The soul of man, as a being created in the image of God, is imaginary. Man evolved from 'lower' animals, and is not specisl or significant. He is no more than an amoeba or a fish. There is no soul, heaven, or hell. Imagine that.
- Natural Law, posited by the Enlightenment philosophers, (which is the foundation for the American Experiment), is a lie. Morality and human rights are man made constructs, to control people.
- Human Equality is a lie. There are those more highly evolved, and they should rule over their inferior subjects.
- God is superfluous. People can believe, if they wish, but it is irrational, unscientific, and superstitious. It is an opiate for the masses, to keep them in subservience.
All of these conclusions and implications from atheistic naturalism are diametrically opposed to the historical, biblical worldview. It is the root of Progressivism, that is destroying America, and replacing her with an Oligarchy.. a coalition of billionaires, bankers, politicians, foreign powers, and self serving politicians, willing to sell out the American people for a Place of power and wealth. This process has been going on for decades, and the Indoctrination of the citizens is nearly complete. Atheistic naturalism is the Official State Religion.. it provides the foundation for all the tenets of Progressivism, and has permeated all our institutions, ESPECIALLY the 'religious' ones.
The denial and obfuscation of this naturalistic religious belief is part of the pretense of 'science!', that these ideologues hide behind. It is progressive pseudoscience pretension, and dominates the govt, academia, entertainment, the judicial system, religious institutions, and every institution of man. ANY belief or expression for the Creator is ridiculed, reviled, and removed. Progressive courts and academic institutions have banned any mention of the Creator as 'religion!!', while the RELIGIOUS BELIEF of atheistic naturalism is mandated as 'settled science!'
There are fewer and fewer voices, exposing this diabolical conspiracy, to establish a State mandated religious belief. The few that are have been censored with increasing frequency and hostility. Reasoned discourse, or scientific debate is not allowed, as the bully pulpit of atheistic naturalism controls all the information outlets, and the Narratives.
This is a warning to Christians: Beware the pseudoscience of atheistic naturalism! Your Saviour IS the Creator, as the scriptures have said. Science does not support atheistic naturalism, as they decree.. they only censor any opposition to the State mandated beliefs.
This is also a warning to non-Christians. You have been indoctrinated with pseudoscience pretension. The evidence in this world overwhelmingly suggests a Creator, NOT atheistic naturalism. The Powers that be just will not let you see it. Reason and evidence are censored, even in presumably sympathetic venues. The cancel culture will not only ban Mr. Potato Head, and Dr Seuss, but any consideration of the Creator.
Why do they ban any consideration of the Creator, in every progressive institution? Because the Reality of the Creator takes their power.. they want people to worship and submit to them, as privileged elites, not some pesky God. He is the competition, and must be canceled.