Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Atheism vs the Creator: Omniscience

 Presumption of Omniscience. 

This is another logical flaw in the Atheistic worldview. When the atheist declares, 'There is no God', he is asserting that he knows all the mysteries in the universe, inhabits eternity, & has all knowledge. It is a statement of divine omniscience. But this is absurd. How can any human being claim to have all knowledge about everything, & categorically declare anything like this? The atheist is not just saying, 'I have no evidence of the supernatural', but is making a positive statement of belief.. that there IS NO GOD. He is claiming that nobody could ever have any interaction with the supernatural, but every anecdotal story about it is contrived, or imagined. All of these claims are made without any evidence.

Now, some atheists move easily between agnosticism & atheism, & wriggle out of the above fallacy by claiming ignorance. When challenged, he changes the tune, & revises the claim, 'I have no evidence of a god, therefore i do not believe in a god'. This is better, as a subjective statement of belief, but more often the claim is hiding the dogmatic disclaimer, 'And no one else has any evidence of a god, either!' They do not merely claim personal ignorance, but move back into the state of omniscience, where they can declare themselves to be the 'knower of all things'. Because of their own limited experience, or lack of understanding, they project that on everyone else, & declare EVERYONE'S knowledge or experience invalid, if it conflicts with their own. So whether the claim is made under atheism or the quick revision of agnosticism, the same pretense of omniscience is made.

IMO, this is why many atheists are so arrogant.. they truly believe themselves at the pinnacle of knowledge, & there is nothing more for them to learn. Everything is neatly defined, & dogmatically presented. Now, of course, many theists do this as well, which is another evidence that both beliefs are religious in nature. They both are zealously defended, promoted, & the opposite attacked. Either belief system seems to attract zealots & dogmatists for their cause.  That is why atheism is primarily a religious belief,  and is not a scientifically evidenced hypothesis. 

This is also why true science is not at odds with creationism.  Science is a method of discovery,  not a club to defend one's philosophical beliefs.  It is religious  bigotry and pseudoscience, that declares, 

'Atheistic Naturalism is science! Creationism is religion!'

..because IF.. there really is a Creator/God (and there absolutely is), THEN searching for the hows and whys of the universe we live in is a valid exercise, for the created beings of humanity.  Knowledge of the world around us has been the pursuit of countless creationists, for millennia.  It is NOT the exclusive domain of atheists

Atheism vs the Creator: Indoctrination

State Indoctrination

Atheistic Naturalism has become the Official State Religion. It is promoted in every national park, public media show, entertainment, schools, universities, & driven into impressionable children from infancy. Movies are filled with sci-fi imaginings of evolution. The media, entertainers, celebrities, govt leaders... everyone of influence & status present a unified, constant drumbeat of naturalistic origins. Even if it is blended with some nostalgic references to a deity, there is NEVER any question of the theories presented, the narrative, or the ideology. The Big Bang, Abiogenesis, and Common Ancestry, the 3 pillars of atheistic naturalism, are exclusively taught, and zealously defended by the High Priests of Atheism.

Historical timeline

To show the progression of this belief system, & how it has become the official state religion, one only need to follow the court's rulings on common ancestry, aka, evolution. Since evolution is a foundational element for the belief in atheistic naturalism, & the cornerstone for atheism, it follows that it needs to have a voice, if the atheistic worldview is to gain traction. Creation was the majority belief system for origins, for most of American history (and world history). When Darwin's theory began to spread among the intelligentsia & the academic elite, a naturalistic view ..evolved.. that was much superior to the old one: spontaneous generation. Pasteur's experiments, and other scientific discoveries, were putting too many holes in the pop belief of the day for naturalism. But the Theory of evolution (ToE), had no such experimental flaws. It was a belief, shrouded in scientific jargon, that could not be falsified by  traditional scientific methodology. There were no proofs FOR the theory, but neither could it be disproved, as the assumed time frames made that impossible.

In 1925, during the early years of progressive ideology, the Scopes Monkey Trial, as it was called, brought the ToE to the limelight. Politicians & elite academians had been singing the praises of common ancestry for years, but most of the rank & file citizens did not. Engineers, doctors, & the applied sciences were concerned with practical science, not the theorizing & speculations of philosophical beliefs. This trial was from a lawsuit in Tennessee, where a state law had forbade the teaching of evolution. After much grandstanding by the lawyers, it was eventually held up by the court. The states were allowed to decide the curriculum on origins. The advent of WW2 put the promotion of evolution on the back burner.. especially since the 'godless commies', & the Nazis used evolution as an integral part of their ideology. Americans were in the midst of a mini religious awakening, & faith in God took center stage in this struggle against despotic aggression. 'Under God', was added to the pledge of allegiance in 1954. 'In God we Trust' was to be put on all money in 1956. 'Godless Commies' were pursued by McCarthy, in an effort to rid the nation of anti-American influences. Marxist ideology was very popular in the entertainment industry, the universities, & the intelligentsia, but they slunk in the shadows, unwilling to openly proclaim their beliefs.

But by the 1960s, this began to change. The Scopes ruling was overturned, & the ToE was allowed to be taught, alongside a supernatural view. In 1967, the state of Tennessee repealed the act that forbade the teaching of evolution. Slowly, a series of court cases have brought us to where we are today, where the ToE is the ONLY allowed belief system of origins. No criticism or questioning of the science is allowed, but mandated belief & conformity in what is presented as Absolute Truth, regarding origins. Most students now graduate from school well versed in the doctrines of evolution, & believe it to be 'settled science'. Ironically, it was not scientists that made this social change, but lawyers, imposing their indoctrinated beliefs on everyone else.

Since the ToE is the cornerstone of the naturalistic world view, & since every atheist i have ever known has professed a belief in this theory, it is not hard to correlate the expansion of atheism with the promotion & eventual monopoly of this belief system on origins.

Note this study on atheism in the US:

Atheists, in general, are more likely to be male and younger than the overall population; 68% are men, and the median age of atheist adults in the U.S. is 34 (compared with 46 for all U.S. adults). Atheists also are more likely to be white (78% are Caucasian vs. 66% for the general public) and highly educated: About four-in-ten atheists (43%) have a college degree, compared with 27% of the general public.

Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals(compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives). Atheists overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage (92%) and legal abortion (87%). source: 10 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center

The timeline & correlation of the subjects of indoctrination are impossible to miss. Atheists just happen to be mostly progressive, in their political views, & fall in line with most of the progressive talking points. Even the few that do not, mostly older atheists, have the same indoctrination about the ToE. They believe it to be Proven Scientific Fact, & allow no questioning or examination of the science behind it. They are triggered to irrational rage, if anyone dares question the sacred tenets of their beliefs. Outrage, not science, is the primary "argument' for the defenders of atheistic naturalism. When you add the progressive doctrines of global warming, sexual identity, abortion, social justice, & other neo marxist/darwinist agendas, the evidence of it being politically indoctrinated dogma is unmistakable.

Atheists are made, not born. They are the result of a series of indoctrinating processes, put together in unison by a manipulative philosophical belief system. Progressive ideology is at the root of this indoctrination, & it controls every institution in America. The few dissenting voices are shut down, attacked with jihadist zeal, & ridiculed with contempt.

But it is not enough to merely indoctrinate at a young age. They keep up the narrative with a constant barrage of religious programming. PBS uses tax dollars to fund a constant stream of indoctrination to prop up the beliefs inculcated since childhood. The entertainment industry produces movie after movie, tv show after tv show, dedicated to the naturalistic narrative. The heroes & protagonists in movies are almost always portrayed as naturalist/atheists, while the antagonists are usually portrayed as evil, bigoted, theists. This is all part of the unified indoctrination process for promoting the naturalistic world view, & the results are proof of the effectiveness of indoctrination. Many, if not all of the atheists i know spend a great amount of their free time watching PBS nature shows, where the reinforcement of their earlier indoctrination can continue. They do not seek alternate views, or question the science presented, but eagerly devour what can only be called propaganda from politically driven ideologues with a political agenda

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Death of Atheism

..but i thought that atheism was the fastest growing worldview?  Almost every nation indoctrinates atheistic naturalism as our origins, censors and bullies creationists, and spews out a constant propaganda stream in every State Run institution, and almost every institution of man.

Yet here i am, predicting the death of atheism? 

Yes. I'll provide an historical timeline.

Pre-enlightenment. Before 1700s-

Many religious beliefs dominated the human worldview, but atheism was seldom mentioned, and was considered an outlier belief. Many cultures even forbade atheism, as a legitimate philosophical belief. All of the major philosophers, wise men, gurus, and thinkers in each generation affirmed not only a God or gods, but attributed our origins to supernatural intervention, not atheistic naturalism. 

Enlightenment/Reformation era, 1700s to 1900s.

 Natural Law, inherent rights, and even human governance was seen as something granted by a Deity. Human equality, resistance to despots, and the American Experiment sprang from the Enlightenment values of Natural Law, human equality, and inherent, God given rights. Atheism was seldom mentioned,  by any of that era's philosophers, until the mid 1800s.

The Birth of modern Atheism. Mid 1800s to now.

Marx and Darwin. Marx was a militant atheist who hated Christianity, mostly, but also any religious belief that was not atheistic. He set the stage for religious intolerance by smearing religious belief as 'the opiate of the masses'. But the forced atheism of marxist countries did not usher in an era of peace, prosperity, equality and fraternity,  as they promised, but only despotic rule, and misery for all who were not empowered by the ruling elite. 

Darwin provided a plausible pseudoscience basis for an atheistic worldview, but the advances in scientific discovery have debunked every claim of common ancestry.

The Trinity of atheistic naturalism is the combination of naturalistic origins of the universe, life, and species.  They are summarized thusly:

The Big Bang


Common Ancestry 

These form the basis for atheistic naturalism,  but none of them have any basis in observable science. They are religio/philosophical opinions, not observable scientific methodology. Only by constant propaganda by agenda driven institutions and the State, invested in atheistic naturalism,  AND bullying and censorship from these same institutions, has atheistic naturalism grown to where it is today..  still a minority opinion, but a very vocal and militant one.

Even in America,  where religious freedom is given lip service to, the militant atheists have hijacked almost every institution,  and mandated the indoctrination of atheistic naturalism as 'settled science!' The courts have banned any mention of the Creator,  and any suggestion that scientific data supports a creation model is smeared and banned as 'religious!' Entertainment,  the media, public radio/tv, national parks, academia, govt bureaucracy,  and EVERY institution of man has been hijacked by atheistic naturalism..  even religious denominations and institutions. 

So how does this juggernaut of atheistic ideology diminish?  What will happen to convince people that there is, indeed, a supernatural dimension? 

A False Messiah

..accompanied by signs and wonders.  I cannot predict the timeline for the revealing of this entity, only that it will happen. The decline of America and the growth of the State juggernaut of Indoctrination seems to indicate an unfolding of this era, where a powerful leader, claiming divine ability, and possessing persuasive and deceptive powers, will dominate the world stage, and put to rest any doubt for the supernatural. Atheism will die, as the belief and adoration for this leader brings giddy excitement and devotion for the appearance of spiritual reality that the new messiah brings.

Christianity will diminish greatly, as the Great Apostasy runs rampant among religious institutions. But atheism will die, as the newfound god of this world reveals himself to a world that has rejected it's Creator. 

It could be years.. decades.. centuries. But the man of lawlessness will be revealed, and cast his spell on a foolish people who refuse to acknowledge their Creator. 

The Source of this prediction can be found in the Bible, a collection of canonized books within Christianity. I can reference the passages that point to this, if there is interest.