Hysterical Hostility
This is a continuation of a series, analyzing evidence: physical, personal, empirical, psychological, or anything that can be seen as evidence for The Creator.
"Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God." ~Heywood Broun
If this was a godless universe, human fantasies would be individual imaginations, and easily dismissed. Everyone would have an opinion, shaped by the various influences in their life, and the hard reality of a godless universe would produce sober resignation for the great majority, with only a few deluded by superstitious fantasies.
But if there IS a Creator/God, it could follow that some, living in denial of this reality, would lash out in hysterical, irrational, hostility. Agenda driven ideologues from a competing worldview would expend every effort to destroy the competition.
I observe an outrage.. an irrational hysteria against The Creator, ESPECIALLY, the God of the bible, among militant atheists. Every forum with a religio/philosophical topic is a magnet for these militant, hostile atheists, who seem to be on a crusade, or personal vendetta against God. They mock, ridicule, and bully those who express any kind of faith in God, which is nothing but religious bigotry. This forum is a glaring example of this phenomenon. Some 'religious' forums have more vocal atheists, constantly expressing their disapproval, disagreement, and hostility toward anything 'God', than they do believers.
"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not." ~Eric Hoffer
The very presence of this irrational, highly emotional bias against God is evidence of some deep seated issues with the Creator. It is a 'daddy issues!', psychological phenomenon, where unjustified, intense hostility is directed at a Figure who is not the cause of the irrational obsession, merely the target.
It can be expressed by the pop meme,
'There is no God!! ..and I hate Him!!'
This lashing out toward God, AND anyone who dares defend Him, is not a rational, logical expression. The people who do this reveal, in themselves, fear, anger, hatred, and a jihadist crusade mentality, as they attack, mock, censor, and berate any symbol of their obsession.
Why? Why are some people so hostile toward a religious belief?
Most state institutions are complicit in establishing the religion of atheistic naturalism. Christianity (mostly) is demonized as the Great Evil!, in the world, and fear mongering to hold the indoctrinees in a hysterical, fearful state is effective. Anything a Christian says is automatically, 'A lie!', or 'superstition!', or any number of canned responses to avoid the painful process of rational thought.
Dogpiles of hysterical indoctrinees into atheism are very common. Wave after wave of increasingly hostile posters, goaded on by mob mentality, ramping up accusations, ridicule, and dismissal until a rational discussion or debate becomes impossible.
Outsiders who see this irrational hysteria either are drawn into the mob mentality, or they are repelled by the intensity of hatred on display. It is part of the state propaganda agenda, to destroy individual, rational thought, for state indoctrination.
It is a tragedy of loss. Thought, reason, and civility are sacrificed on the altar of prejudicial hatred, spurred on by revisionism, smears, and false caricatures to dehumanize the 'evil theists!' who dare to believe differently from the state decrees.
Don't be deceived by state manipulators. They only wish to divide you from your Maker. Use your mind. Think in a quiet, calm setting, away from the emotion generators that close your mind, and stir up hatred. Your Creator IS. You will only find peace and Truth through Him.