Most Christians i have known are dumb. I mean, 'Box of Rocks!' dumb. The preacher role seems to be a magnet for anti-intellectuals. Scientific knowledge is sniffed at as 'worldly!', or something 'unspiritual!' So Christians listen every week as sermons malign empirical knowledge and celebrate the Virtue of Ignorance.
"To know the mighty works of God, to comprehend His wisdom and majesty and power; to appreciate, in degree, the wonderful workings of His laws, surely all this must be a pleasing and acceptable mode of worship to the Most High, to whom ignorance cannot be more grateful than knowledge." ~Nicolaus Copernicus
I get it. Christians are intimidated by an illusion of knowledge that atheists, and their godless conclusions about the nature of the universe, project. So, in their zeal to be 'spiritual', they throw out the baby with the bathwater, abandon science, reason, and pretend 'Faith!', is some mystical practice that overrides the reality of the material world. 'Science bad! Only faith good!' And the atheists are only too happy to promote this narrative, and portray Christians as 'Science deniers!, 'Haters!', or some other scientific term of endearment. Faith and science are portrayed as competitors.
But this is not the Reality of our Creator. He who made the mind, does He not reason? 'Come now, let us reason together', our Maker calls.
Is God displeased with us discovering the wonders of His creation? No! Never! Our Creator has placed within us a 'holy curiosity', to understand and appreciate this world we live in. We are filled with awe and wonder, as we begin to grasp the intricate nuances of this world. The vast spaces. The microscopic detail. The incredible interrelationships of everything as this world spins through infinite space. The majesty of nature. The mystery of life. The beauty and profound intricacies of the creation fill everyone, even hardened materialists, with a sense of wonder for the universe we live in.
“The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God.” ~Louis Pasteur
Christians may be dumb as a box of rocks, but there is something dumber. Atheists take pseudo knowledge, declare it, 'Truth!', and worship at the altar of lies. They distort the truth of creation into a lie of godlessness, and promote their fantasy with jihadist zeal. They subtract from the sum total of human knowledge with imaginary fantasies.. a tribal origins myth that makes all others seem reasonable.
"The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who in their grudge against traditional religion as the `opium of the masses`, cannot hear the music of the spheres." ~Albert Einstein
Parents are pleased and proud when their children take an interest in discovering their world. They share the awe and wonder at their first glimpse of the ocean, interactions with nature, and the intriguing wonder of animals. A baby giggling at a kitten is a delight to the proud parents. How much more is our Creator pleased when we seek knowledge of His creation?
Seeking understanding of the mysteries of creation is an act of worship. It is not a 'worldly!' activity, but one of reverence and wonder, as we seek a glimpse of, '..what God hath wrought.' An unfolding truth is like finding a rare gem, or a gold nugget.. even better, because it opens our heart and mind to the majesty and beauty of our Maker.
Rom 11:33 "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!"
Get past the rocks. Leave them in mindless ignorance, and let the knowledge of your Creator fill you with awe.
Hos4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.."
True knowledge is essential to knowing God. False knowledge is a deception, to divide us from our Maker. In Opposite World, lies are called truth. Truth, lies. Evil is good. Good, evil. Everything in this world is designed to distract and divide us from our Maker.
The creation does not do that. It draws us near to the Almighty. It declares the glory of God, and shouts of His majesty on every hilltop. The very stones cry out, 'Hosanna! Hosanna to the King!' We just have to open our ears and eyes to hear and see His marvels.
Don't be fooled by the lies of this world. Don't be intimidated by false 'knowledge', that divides you from your Maker. The truth leads us to God. It is inspiring, faith building, and edifying. The Heavens declare the glory of God. Listen in awe as it opens to us the knowledge of our Creator.