Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Symptoms of Progressive Indoctrination


Progressivism is not new. It is an ages old ideology, repackaged, named euphemistically, and driven into the citizenry through State sponsored propaganda.

Here are a few of the symptoms of progressive Indoctrination. It has not only infected academia, and other left wing ideologues, but is rampant in conservative circles, Republicans, and church people.

Declared Truth. Scientific methodology, due process, Reason, and any systematic examination of facts is rejected in favor of declared, or mandated Truth. It is not truth, of course, but carefully spun lies, driven into the gullible masses by dedicated ideologues and a constant, unwavering propaganda stream.

Censorship. Reasoned discourse, debate, and open examination is forbidden, among progressive indoctrinees, in favor of memorized dogma. Any.. ANY.. who depart the Approved Tenets of belief are bullied, censored, attacked viciously, and castigated with smears, like 'Hater!' 'Denier!', etc. Censorship is widely used to protect the Official Belief System, and prevent doubt among the faithful.

Hatred. Any outliers from the progressive status quo are viciously attcked, and caricaturized as irrational, unscientific fools. It is used to intimidate the faithful, as a warning: Do not leave the Fold. To be part of The Group, loyalty is required. Any questioning of the belief or mandates from the hidden, mysterious progressive elite, is considered Treason, and any outliers are vilified as enemies.


The 2020 election. Progressive indoctrinees do not want to examine evidence, and are forbidden to do so. They can only repeat their mantras: "This was the safest, most secure election ever!" Piles of evidence.. testimonies, videos, statistics, and blatant, obvious corruption within some districts is ignored.. dismissed with a hand wave.. and the mantra repeated, so the indoctrinees do not lose faith.

Global Warming! Data is contrived, imagined, and 'Experts!' are presented with.. NOT Science or Reason.. but declared belief, obscured with the appropriate tecno babble, to deceive the gullible. Any in the scientific community who depart the global warming reservation are hunted down and ruined.

Choose your Identity!  Biological facts.. Chromosome combinations, and common sense, are dismissed for the belief that you can choose your gender, race, and even species. Men masquerade as women.. girls.. to beat the fairer sex in physical competition. White people pretend to be black, for a perceived advantage. Accepting, and living within the limitations you were born with is ridiculed.

Hunter Biden's Laptop. This was known about by the justive department, but covered up to defeat Trump and deceive the American people. The NY post printed an exposè, which the complicit media, Democrats, and other co-conspirators against America.. bought and paid for by billionaire tech moguls.. censored, ignored, or falsely accused as 'Russian Disinformation!'

Common Ancestry. This one goes very deep, as the propaganda for it has been blaring for decades.. nearly a century. It is the belief.. mandated by all progressive institutions, that all life forms 'evolved' from a single celled amoeba, and usually includes atheistic abiogenesis, that life began spontaneously, through natural processes, not from a Creator. It is the ideological basis for Progressivism, and is foundational to all other beliefs. It implies amorality, situation ethics, 'the ends justify the means', and is the cover needed to justify lies, violence, bullying, and censorship, from progressive ideologues.

There is much more. But the symptoms of progressive Indoctrination are clearly evident. Mandated belief.. assertions rather than reason.. censorship, and seething hostility are the first, and obvious, symptoms of progressive Indoctrination. If you are 'triggered', into these reactions, in a pavlovian response, beware! The Indoctrination goes deeper than you know. No one in this modern era has completely escaped it.

Progressivism is a return to the Dark Ages.. an abandonment of Reason, due process, and scientific methodology. It is an ideology of despotism, and has all the similarities of tyranny in the past. It is anti-freedom, anti-American, anti-christian, and anti-human. It will only lead to death, slavery, and oppression.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: Life


Evidence for The Creator: Life

Life is the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. We cannot define it, really. We don't know what it is. We cannot replicate it, yet it is all around us.

For millennia, man has tried to unwrap the mystery of life, speculate about its origins, and parse it into manageable bits. Spontaneous Generation was the naturalistic explanation for life for a couple of thousand years, among the scientific establishment. It was thought that life could just spring from non-life, if the required elements were present. Recipes were even produced, for particular life forms.. rags, meat, grain, and other such items could be placed in a desolate place in the woods, and mice would spontaneously appear! It was Pasteur's experiments with isolation & bacteria that debunked the theory of spontaneous generation, and revealed the Great Mystery of Life.

Attempts to animate life have continued into the industrial age, through the age of technology, and up to our current modern scientific state. Still, ALL attempts to 'create' life, in the most optimal laboratory conditions have failed. Man has not been able to synthesize life, even with our ability to break things down at the atomic level.

If life were a simple scientific phenomenon, we could use scientific methodology to break it down, repeat the factors necessary to create it, and unravel the mystery of life. But alas! Life is not explainable by science. It is here. It teems on the earth, but nowhere else, to our knowledge. We think it a common, ordinary thing, and it is, but its origins are unfathomable to the rational mind.

If life could easily be created, by natural processes, one could believe in atheistic naturalism as the engine of our origins. But life CANNOT be explained by atheistic naturalism. Only an Intelligent Power, able to create life, matter, space, and the entire universe, could have Authored Life. It is impossible for life to appear in a godless universe. There is no mechanism or scientific principle to generate it. Without the Creator, life is impossible.

Yet atheistic abiogenesis is taught.. no, INDOCTRINATED, into gullible youth from infancy. It is DECLARED, with no evidence at all, that life began spontaneously, in some distant primordial ooze, and we 'evolved!' to what we are today. This fantastic religious belief has no basis in fact or scientific methodology, yet it is mandated as a belief. It is the Official State Religion.

But it is a satanic lie. It is a deception, to divide man from his Creator, and distract him from his accountability. There is no evidence that abiogenesis is possible, and thousands of experiments that say it isn't.

The lies from progressive ideology are legion, and are tightly woven in the fabric of the human worldview. Do not be deceived by the titillating spinnings of these deceivers, but wake up to Reality! Your Creator beckons. He calls to you to return to Him, and discover the Meaning for your existence. You are not a cosmic accident, in a purposeless universe, spinning out of control, but are a Child of the Almighty, destined for Great Things.

This is a world of madness and folly. We seem to be going to Hell in a handbasket. Don't be a dupe to deception, from enemies of your soul, but discover why you are here. Deep in the recesses of your mind and heart, the flickering candle of a Soul longs to burn hot and bright, reconciled to its Creator. Don't extinguish the spark of life with lies and distractions, but fan it into flames, and enter into the standing with your Creator you were destined for.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: The Music of the Spheres

‘There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.’  – Pythagoras (569–490 BCE)

The universe is a significant factor, that just about everyone considers at some point in their life. The majesty, awesomeness, terror, and vastness of the universe fills us, with a sense of worshipful wonder. Naturalistic explanations and beliefs are too far fetched. Reflecting on the abstracts of infinity, eternity, life, and the whole of Creation, brings to us a sense of holy awe, for all that 'God hath wrought..'

Ps19:1 ..The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

Poets, gurus, philosophers and wise men from every corner of the human experience have looked in AWE, at the wonder of The Creation.  The order, harmony.. the interaction of celestial bodies..  fill the seeker of knowledge with amazement and awe, at the complexity and order, revealed in the Creation.  The universe infers an Intelligent Creator. Random chance and chaos cannot have interwoven the universe with such delicate and elegant complexity. 

But years of Indoctrination,  and/or complete immersion in man-made trivialities can numb the senses, and scar the Soul of man, so he cannot hear the music of the spheres.

“The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who—in their grudge against traditional religion as the "opium of the masses"—cannot hear the music of the spheres.” ~Albert Einstein 

Hardened materialists seem to lose the worshipful wonder of the Creation..  oh they still marvel and have reverence for the natural world,  but they have lost the Source, and see only the created.  They exchange the Truth of The Creator for a lie, and their souls are deadened to the Wonder of the Creator seen though the creation. 

Romans1:18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator."

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Progressive Pseudoscience Pretension

Progressive indoctrinees are steeped in anti-science, pseudoscience pretension.   Facts, scientific methodology,  observable reality..  all the things heralded by True Science are ignored in favor of mandated belief, propaganda,  censorship, and homogeneity of opinion.

Progressivism is an enemy of knowledge, scientific discovery, and open inquiry.  Instead, they promote mandated belief, memorized dogma, censorship, and a Bully Pulpit of atheistic naturalism.

The mantra of pseudoscience is chanted constantly, while the drums of propaganda pound the unrelenting belief in atheistic naturalism into the bobbleheaded indoctrinees,  until they suspend all reason, and fall into the State Mandated ideological line.

This forum provides a bully pulpit, to pound the propaganda drum of progressive Indoctrination. Any.. ANY.. who show dissent are attacked relentlessly, viciously, and hatefully, by these same ideologues.  And if they cannot be intimidated, they are censored by ideological moderators, using their mod power to promote their Indoctrination as 'settled science!'

'Science!', is impossible to debate anymore, with the bully pulpiteers screaming their propaganda points constantly..

'Atheism is science! Creationism is religion!'

That mantra is chanted constantly and in 4 part harmony, by the progressive indoctrinees, who all nod in dutiful unison to the State Mandated Belief.

Usually only a few hecklers are needed, to disrupt a civil discussion or debate. But here the vast majority of atheistic naturalists jump into the fray, and want to get their shots in toward the 'Ignorant Blasphemers!', who dare to challenge their sacred beliefs.

This is not science. It is not reason. It is bullying and intimidation, to keep any competing opinion from open examination.

It is religious bigotry, at its core. And they use the bully pulpit to censor any competing ideology, while (falsely) presenting their own religious opinions as 'settled science!'

Progressive indoctrinees nod like bobbleheads, unwilling to use their minds, skepticism, or common sense to see through this massive deception.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The American Experiment & the Enemy Within

The Experiment in Self Rule.

The American experiment was & is one of the most unique & world changing events in the history of mankind. It introduced a concept that had never been tried before: Self Rule. The mission statement of the Declaration of Independence laid the foundation:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The key points in this foundation:
1. The Equality of Man.
2. Govt as servant, to secure the rights of the people.
3. Natural Law as the basis for the organization of the collective.
a. Right to Life.
b. Right of Liberty.
c. Right to choose your direction in life.

So the founders crafted an experiment in self rule, based on specific tenets, & with a view to the ultimate goal: Self Rule
This goal was spelled out in the crafting of the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The goal was not a democracy, but a constitutional Republic, with fixed Law, based on immutable Natural Law, not subject to the whims of a majority. JUSTICE and LIBERTY were the primary goals of this experiment. Amendments were provided in the Constitution to clarify the specifics. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, right to due process, arms, & specific duties of this new govt were spelled out with the hopes of sustaining the new experiment. There was even an amendment specifically forbidding the new govt from going beyond its assigned duties.

The idea of a representative govt, with regular citizens being the representatives became the cornerstone. There was not to be a ruling elite, or a noble class, but equal citizens.. farmers & shopkeepers, as the administrators of this collective organization. This election of 'citizen representatives' was a democratic process in the new republic. But it was not a pure democracy. There was not to be a professional ruling class.

“We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy… It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

"A government by representatives elected by the people at short periods was our object, and our maxim... was, 'where annual election ends, tyranny begins;' nor have our departures from it been sanctioned by the happiness of their effects." ~Thomas Jefferson

"All [reforms] can be... [achieved] peaceably by the people confining their choice of Representatives and Senators to persons attached to republican government and the principles of 1776; not office-hunters, but farmers whose interests are entirely agricultural. Such men are the true representatives of the great American interest and are alone to be relied on for expressing the proper American sentiments." ~Thomas Jefferson

This is a summary of the American Experiment. For most of our history, it was required for young students & new immigrants to study these foundational concepts in a civics class, to learn about our system of self rule. For self rule to work, you need an informed electorate, with knowledge of the issues, & a firm grasp of the goals. The structure of the constitution provided a framework of governance, with the ability to change with the times. It provided a balance of powers, with various duties of governance split between separate & equal branches of govt.

In a nutshell, here are the basic tenets of the American Experiment:
1. Citizen Representatives (with subsistence & drudgery as compensation).
2. Separation & balance of powers.
3. Limited, subservient duties of govt.
4. Emphasis on Liberty for the People.
5. Constitutional Republic.

Preserving the Experiment: The Oath

To keep the experiment in self rule alive, it would be necessary to protect it from enemies. Power corrupts, & the founders recognized that there would be aggressive, aspiring scoundrels, seeking to secure power & position for themselves.

When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms. ~Thomas Paine

"Our public economy is such as to offer drudgery and subsistence only to those entrusted with its administration--a wise and necessary precaution against the degeneracy of the public servants." ~Thomas Jefferson

To keep this foremost in mind, & to emphasize it for the citizens & the representatives, an oath was required for public service. All branches of govt were required to swear allegiance to the constitution, to preserve & protect it.

The constitution requires the president to take this oath:
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.~ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 8

Congressmen & justices take this oath:
I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. [So help me God.]

Those in the military take this one:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Their oath was not to King, or Party, or region, but to an Ideal.. a principle of governance.. a document that outlines a system of self rule. The oath is very similar in all the different branches of govt. The common thread is to defend & protect the constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic. THAT is their primary job. ..not pleasing people. ..not returning favors to donors. ..not pandering to special interests.

The Enemy Within

I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ~James Madison

The most deadly enemy to any institution is not the overt enemy, but the false friend. Subversion is a deadly poison that corrupts the ideals & slowly erodes the power & efficacy of the original. We have been in a time of corruption & subversion for many decades, in America. The constitution has been under assault, not from foreign aggressors, but by domestic enemies...False countrymen, intent on destroying the experiment in self rule. The executive branch has repeatedly ignored laws it is charged to enforce, & declared law outside of its duties. The judicial branch has overtly ignored Law, & legislated from the bench with mental distortions & rhetorical gymnastics. The congress has emasculated itself, & become a playground for elites.. a revolving door for riches for those seeking wealth & power, pandering to special interests, ignoring & trampling the very constitution they have sworn to defend.

During times of war, the citizens of a nation are very alert to subversives, even to the point of paranoia, imprisoning Japanese Americans in WW2 & looking for communist sympathizers during the cold war. But it showed the root desire of national preservation from enemies. Communism was a real threat, & was spreading across the globe. Now, the progressive left ridicules this action in times of crisis, condemning the internment camps & the commy witch hunts. But they merely redefine the issue into some kind of bigotry, when the real motive was self preservation from an enemy. But this 'redefining' is part of the progressive lefts attack on American self rule. They themselves are enemies of American Freedom, & work tirelessly to undermine, ridicule, & trample the constitution. And their propaganda voices are complicit with their treachery. The media, entertainment, academia, & just about all American institutions have been hijacked by the progressive left, & are steeped in anti American, anti human ideology. Then they worm their way into govt agencies, & usurp the intent of the office of public servant into a ruling lord. They produce nothing themselves, but take from the working man, & use his resources against him, to undermine & vilify the constitution. They are crashing our own production planes into the towers built to protect & defend the constitution, & have perverted them into weapons against us, burning from within until they collapse the structure to rubble. They destroy the currency with manipulation & dilution of QEs, overload the safety nets with hordes of dependents, invalidate any meaning of citizenship with illegal, unconstitutional immigration, & corrupt the social consciousness with moral relativity & injustice. The progressive left is an enemy of American self rule.

The Solution

1. Recognize the enemy. Rekindle the goal of self rule, & remove the conspirators against it. WAKE UP!! Your enemies have overrun you.. rise & fight!
2. Fulfill your oath. You that have sworn to defend & protect the constitution from ALL ENEMIES, do it!  What are you waiting for? If you do not, you are liars & enemies of American Freedom.
3. Educate for freedom, & stop the leftist indoctrination for socialism. The propagandists are undermining the concept of self rule, & building fit tools for subservience. Promote the ideals of America, & do not allow them to be trivialized & demeaned for some statist plot.
4. Stop the corruption & plundering of the treasury. Balance the budget, secure the currency.
5. Return to the principles of citizen representation. End the professional ruling class, & the moneyed elite. Promote term limits & austerity for public service.

It has taken decades for the slow corruption of the American ideals to take hold, & it will likely take drastic action to reverse it. This is not a time for timidity or compromise. Our liberty is at stake. The Constitution is under assault. It is time for patriotic Americans to rise up & defend our way of life, our system of government, & our basic freedoms. We owe it to our forefathers, our posterity, & ourselves. We owe it to humanity as the only successful experiment in self rule, to show it as a valid way of life. We owe it to God, who has given us this precious gift of freedom.

This is not a matter of different opinions or flavors of American Liberty, but is Liberty vs Bondage. It is America vs treachery. These are ENEMIES of America..  they are not benign. They do not express mere opinions, but treason, as they attack the very foundation of the constitution. The future of America as an experiment in self rule is at stake. You can choose to be a citizen in a nation of self rule, or a subject in a nanny state regime. Passivity is choosing the latter. Make your choice wisely. The future depends upon you.
"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." ~Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: Universal Morality, part 1

This is the second in my series of evidence FOR the Creator. Morality is a deep, very involved topic including many related concepts. I will attempt to define the terms, analyze the source, and offer conclusions. Conscience, instinct, Law, sociopathy, and anthropomorphic projection all enter in to this basic Question:
Is morality a Real Thing, or is it a human construct?
..and, it's corollary,
Is universal, objective morality evidence for The Creator?
IF.. there is a Creator, one might expect a Standard.. an innate moral sense.. that transcends time, race, religious beliefs, culture, and region. At least 'Goddidit!', is a plausible explanation for the morality we observe in the human animal.
IF.. there is no God, and morality is only a human construct, we would not expect to see a common thread of absolute morality in the human experience. Morality would be arbitrary and local, mandated by the powerful, with only whimsy or expediency to drive them.
Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. ~Frederic Bastiat
The 'need', for human Law is a reflection, imo, of the REALITY of a universal moral code. We recognize, collectively, a moral consciousness, define it as 'conscience', and label those who violate it as criminals or sociopaths.
Morality is an embedded sense, classically considered to be 'endowed' by a Creator, as in the American declaration of independence,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
Merriam's: ..conformity to ideals of right human conduct
Morality is a 'self evident' standard that humans in every region, time, and culture have appealed to. It is equivalent to 'natural law', from reformation and Enlightenment philosophers. It is something internal, embedded, and universal in humanity.
I will use the dichotomy for origins that tickles many of the members of this forum:
Goddidit, or Nuthindidit!'
..because the ONLY source for morality to be a Real Thing, and not a contrived human construct for manipulation, is if it were embedded by the Creator, or some Agent with the Ability to put this sense in man.
In a godless universe, no morality like this is possible. It is a delusion or manipulation, to control people. There is only animal instinct, or declared Law, in a godless universe, with no absolutes to appeal to.
IF... there is a Creator/moral Embedder.. AND IF... this Creator/moral embedder embedded moral standards in humans.. THEN... that is the source of embedded moral standards.. a 'sense' of universal, absolute morality.
IF.. there is no Creator/moral Embedder.. THEN... morality is a human construct. ..this 'sense' of universal, absolute morality is a delusion or manipulation of man.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Conflicts in Common Ancestry: Transitional Forms

If common ancestry were true, we would expect many transitional forms, as one species transitions to another.  Vestigial organs should be numerous and easily identified.  shared organs would be common. The transitional forms would  be able to reproduce with some of the alleged transitions,  else how could they propagate?

Instead, we only observe species isolation WITHIN a phylogenetic clade..  e.g., zebra, asinus, caballus, and isolation between large cats.  But NONE of these can qualify as 'transitional species!', allegedly becoming some new phylogenetic structure.

They are examples of lowered diversity, within the family tree, not added traits, becoming a 'new!' species.  They are examples of DEVOLUTION, and genetic entropy, not macro evolution.

So, why are there no truly vestigial organs,  but every organ in every organism has a function?  Why are there not hundreds or thousands of transitions between distict phylogenetic structures, with clear descent between them, traceable and obvious?  Why are there no, part human, part chimp transitions, that can reproduce with either species, to show the lineage?

Why are all the organs unique and non transferable..  the blood completely different, and no transitional forms between them?

Why are unique, complex, and distinct organisms, observed, with no evidence of coming from another phylogenetic structure,  or going to one?

I'll tell you why.   Common ancestry is a hoax.  It is flawed science, and worse philosophy.  It is a religious  belief,  masquerading as science. All the physical evidence screams, 'Creator!', and the BELIEF in common ancestry is just indoctrinated by State mandated propaganda.   Open inquiry is quashed.  Critical  thinking and skepticism is replaced with conformity and censorship.  Science and Reason is despised, and replaced  with mandated belief.

Deception is rampant in this world. Common Ancestry is one such deception.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Creationism and Forums

Some thoughts/points on creationism and the 'debate' on internet forums..

1. 'Creationism' is a broad subject, and has been the default belief for millennia..  probably still is, in spite of the concerted propaganda campaign by progressive institutions.
2. Nobody 'owns' creationism.  It is not a personal ministry, or a vehicle for significance.  It is a Possibility,  in a world of confusion,  death, and deception.
3. This subreddit has had to limit participation,  or hordes of hecklers would disrupt it and render it useless, as a vehicle for communication.
4. Personal beliefs, blended with science, are impossible to separate.  But corrections based on beliefs  are just different perspectives.
5. If a mod (or anyone) feels compelled to correct someone for a perceived flaw in science or reason, the 'debate' prohibition has been breached, and the issue is (or should be) open for evaluation.
6. Posting declarations of opinion, with no supporting evidence, is a subjective opinion,  not a rebuttal.
7. 'Apologetics', is not really part of creationism..  perhaps in the more specific, 'Biblical creationism', it is.
8. Fear of anti-Creator heckers and ideologues, or trying to please or placate them, is futile.  Truth and science SHOULD be the goal, not appeasement.
9. Creationists do not have to agree on every point of belief.  The scientific evidence for creation should be the focus, not religious implications or extrapolations.
10. There is nothing to apologize for, in the creation 'debate'.  It has been the default belief for thousands of years,  and still has the vast majority.  The few atheistic naturalism Believers, though vocal and militant,  are a minority.
11. /r/creation is beyond anyone's single interpretation, or agenda.  Mods are/should be, caretakers, to preserve the integrity of the forum, protecting it from ideologues of any flavor, and from hecklers bent on destruction.
12. Personality, or style points, are irrelevant in such a forum, predicated on the defense of creationism.  Facts, Reason, and Science should be preeminent.
13. Hecklers from competing subreddits,  trying to discredit or mock creationism,  should be ignored.  This is for op eds, and information pieces, not debate premises.  Allowing to be baited into 'debating' the op ed is contrary to the mission statement of the forum.
14. Debate forums, even if they are thinly veiled attack subs, are the venue for disputes, not this forum, which is (presumably) a vehicle to present creationist arguments without the distraction of naysaying hecklers.

..just a f

Monday, February 3, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: Entropy

It is the most basic, obvious, and indisputable principle in the universe:


From Britannica:
Entropy, the measure of a system’s thermal energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work. Because work is obtained from ordered molecular motion, the amount of entropy is also a measure of the molecular disorder, or randomness, of a system. The concept of entropy provides deep insight into the direction of spontaneous change for many everyday phenomena. Its introduction by the German physicist Rudolf Clausius in 1850 is a highlight of 19th-century physics.

Closely related to entropy, especially in the origins debate,  is the laws of thermodynamics.

The laws of thermodynamics describe the relationships between thermal energy, or heat, and other forms of energy, and how energy affects matter. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; the total quantity of energy in the universe stays the same. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is about the quality of energy. It states that as energy is transferred or transformed, more and more of it is wasted. The Second Law also states that there is a natural tendency of any isolated system to degenerate into a more disordered state.

Entropy is simply the observable reality that all things tend towards randomness, unless acted upon by an intelligent,  ordered force.  Even things put into ordered complexity will decay into random disorder, if not maintained by an orderly force.

The sandcastle illustration is commonly used for entropy.  If you build a sandcastle on the beach, then go away, it will dissolve into random clumps of sand.  ALL the forces of nature attack everything,  reducing them to simpler, random forms.  NOTHING increases in complexity by natural forces in the universe.

The origin of the universe had to have an ordered, intelligent force to begin.  In a godless universe,  all matter, order, and complexity we see now would have dissipated into random equilibrium..  cold, dead,  lifeless matter, expanding eternally through infinite space and darkness.   All stars would have burnt out eons ago, and planets,  systems,  and galaxies would be drifting endlessly..  no order..  no life.. only random chaos dissipating any semblance of order.  There is NOTHING to 'arrange' the universe into galactic order, in a godless universe.

Life would be impossible,  in a godless universe of eternal entropy.  The complexity of living things, the blueprint of their design, and the visible order of the universe providing an island of ecosystem, in a harsh, lifeless universe, flies in the face of every natural law, which would have left everything cold, dark, and dissipated.  The stars, orbits, galaxies, and EVERYTHING  orderly in the universe cannot be explained by natural processes.  What, (or more precisely, Who), overcame thr universal dissipating force of entropy, and ordered this universe into a small dot of livable possibility?   The amazing complexity of life becomes absudly impossible,  without an Intelligent Designer to order these things.

Yet in spite of the overwhelming, OBVIOUS impossibility of godless naturalism,  it is taught..  INDOCTRINATED as a religious belief, into everyone in this generation. The propaganda drums pound incessantly,  until the brain dead indoctrinees fall helplessly in line, surrendering their reason..  abandoning science, skepticism, and common sense, until the absurd suggestion of atheistic naturalism seems plausible.   Not content with believing this anti-science absurdity, they have the gall to ridicule and mock those who believe in the obvious:  The Creator.

It is a lame, feeble, and transparent attempt to avoid accountability to their Creator.  Pretending to be wise, they become fools, and worship the creation,  rather than the Creator.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: Reproductive Isolation

Reproductive isolation is where a population becomes isolated and narrows it's diversity to a homogeneous morphology.  It loses the ability to reproduce with other 'cousin' populations,  even when they are clearly descended from the same ancestral clade.

It is generally trumpeted as 'Proof of Evolution!', and declared a 'speciation event!'.  But if we examine what is really taking place,  it conflicts with the common ancestry model,  and fits better in the creation model.

Let's look at equus, as an example.   Caballus and Asinus are the horse and donkey, respectively.  They share a mitochondrial Most Recent Common Ancestor  (mt-MRCA).  This is hard evidence of ancestry, not just assumption and speculation. 

Sometime in the past, as the ancestral equid began to display it's INHERENT  diversity, the traits in the horse AND the donkey split off, and became isolated from each other, due to environmental pressures.

There is also a phenomenon in the animal kingdom of creatures choosing a mate based on morphological similarity.  They tend to gravitate to animals that look like themselves.  Bigotry is a natural phenomenon in the animal world.

Here is a good explanation of the differences and reasons that some of the equus descendants became isolated:

*The hybrids are viable because their genes--housed on chromosomes that appear to have undergone major physical rearrangement (evident in the synteny of their chromosomes) during the adaptive radiation of Equus species--are largely homologous. They have all the necessary genetic information encoding normal devlopment and body function. This can be shown via chromosomal hybridization in which chromosomes from different species are allowed to pair as if during metaphase.

However, because the chromosomes have changed so much during Equus evolution, the chromosomes cannot pair properly during meiosis to allow crossing over and successful segretation of homologs into new daughter cells. Hence, the hybrids are almost always sterile, as they cannot produce viable gametes.*

The chromosomes can split (or join) at the telomere level, and sometimes the resultant populations become reproductively isolated from cousin populations from the same ancestors. 

It is ASSUMED, by believers in common ancestry,  that this is a macro evolution event, and a 'new!' Species has just formed.  Here are the flaws in that assumption:

1. The variability in the parent stock has REDUCED, as the strains settle into homogeneous morphology.  They have DEVOLVED, and have lost diversity.  Many isolated populations have gone extinct,  as they were unable to adapt to environmental conditions with their limited gene pool to draw from.
2. Not all animal groups/clades/families/kinds exhibit the phenomenon of reproductive isolation.   Felids do, but canidae and homo sapiens do not.  Lions and tigers isolated, but wolves, dogs, and coyotes have not.  Humans of all races, across the globe,  can still reproduce.   Even those with diverse morphology,  like African pygmies and tall white Russians, have not isolated reproductively. 
3. Some caballus haplogroups can still interbreed, even though their chromosome count has changed, and their morphology has narrowed.   Here is a good example of that:

*The chromosome number of the domestic horse is 2n = 64; different races have the same complement. The chromosomes of two Przewalski's horses (at Catskill Game Farm, New York), presumably ancestral wild horses from Mongolia, are identical: 2n = 66, with more acrocentric and fewer metacentric elements than the chromosomes of the domestic horse. This apparent difference in karyotype may help resolve the questions of "purity" in the relatively few remaining Przewalski's horses. Moreover, these findings are of interest in relation to the apparent fertility of hybrids between these species.*

Even though they can reproduce, they are classified as 'different species!'  But it is only cosmetic differences,  and arbitrary definitions, that differentiate them.

So, how does reproductive isolation provide evidence for creation?

1. The ancestral  groups/clades/families/kinds, had the diversity needed to produce each morphological clade, in each group's  phylogenetic tree.  
2. As the 'tree' branched out, *some* haplogroups became isolated,  and lost the ability to interbreed with its cousin clades.
3. Some diversity was lost, as traits in the ORIGINAL  group/clade/family/kind are/were (apparently) lost to extinction. Sabre toothed cats and wooly mammoths are examples of that. 
4. Reproductive isolation is a DEVOLVING process, where less diversity is observed, not increasing complexity or more diversification. 
5. The tips of the phylogenetic tree, in each  group/clade/family/kind, are dead ends, not beginnings of a 'New!' phenotype.
6. Genomic  entropy, not increasing complexity,  is the observed condition and result of reproductive isolation.  Organisms DEVOLVE, when isolated, to a homogeneous morphology., unless diversity from cousin clades can reinvigorate the depleted gene pool.

7. The gene pool at the tips is shallow and stagnant. It stinks of death and extinction, not vibrant diversity. 

This is EXACTLY  what we would expect, in the creation model,  where the parent organism started at 'full', in their gene pool, and depleted  as it branched out.  It is NOT a 'speciation!' event, but a path to extinction,  as the diversity levels lower.  They cannot be infused with 'fresh genes', from cousin clades, but are stuck in morphological monotony,  unable to produce anything but dead ends.

Reproductive Isolation is evidence of The Creator,  not godless naturalism. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Conflicts with the Belief in Common Ancestry: Mutation

Is mutation the mechanism for gene creation, speciation, and common ancestry?

Mutation.  This is the Great White Hope, that the belief in common ancestry rides on.

The belief:
Random mutations have produced all the variety and complexity we see today, beginning with a single cell.

This phenomenon has never been observed, cannot be repeated in rigorous laboratory conditions, flies in the face of observable science, yet is pitched as 'settled science!'

Does mutation 'create' genes?

No. It alters them, some neutral, and others deleteriously.   But there is no way a mutated gene can be called a 'New!' gene.  This is like wrecking your car, and calling it a 'New Car!'

E Coli

I reviewed the groundbreaking study that allegedly 'proves!' common ancestry here:

The ability to digest citrates, and mutate, does NOT indicate speciation, nor macro evolution.  It is an adaptation that ecoli was able to do, from inherent genetic abilities.  There is no indication of 'new genes!', or structural changes in the genome.   Ecoli remained ecoli, after over 66,000 generations, only adapting to micro climate conditions.   It is not proof, or evidence of, common ancestry.

Mutation is not the engine of gene creation like so many believe.  It is a deleterious process, that creates nothing.  The complex  features in living things cannot be explained by mutation..  the leap from a single celled amoeba to even a bacteria is untraceable and unexplainable by mutation.  The eye, flight, warm blood..  and countless variety in living organisms have no indication or evidence of being *caused* by mutation. There is nothing observable or repeatable, to compel a conclusion of mutation as an engine of increasing complexity.   It is a belief, with no empirical evidence.

The unbased belief in 'Mutation!' could not be the engine for common ancestry. There is no evidence that mutation caused legs, eyes, hearing, wings, warm bloodedness, or any trait or feature in living things. That is believed, only. Observation tells us that mutations are neutral, at best, or deleterious to the organism. It is not a creative power for complexity.

The sci fi imaginations of x-men, or other mutation based themes, project the possibility of this as an explanation for complexity, but there is no evidence that it can, much less did, happen.

An adaptation, or variety, is something that is ALREADY THERE, in the parent stock, and is 'selected', by human or natural means, to survive.

A mutation only alters an existing trait, (or gene, exactly). It is not a selective process, but a deleterious one, that degrades the organism in almost every case.

Ecoli, adapting to digest citrates, is not evidence for common ancestry. It only shows the adaptability of this unique organism. It is not becoming anything else, or changing its genomic architecture.  It is still ecoli.

The belief in common ancestry completely relies on the wishful thinking of mutation,  as the engine for complexity and variability.  There is  no credible evidence of 'gene creation!' in any study to date. Mutations are not, 'new genes!' Selection, acting on existing variability, does not indicate new genes. Traits, variability, fantastically complex features.. hearing, seeing, flight, intelligence.. almost every trait known in the animal and plant kingdom have no empirical source. The belief in mutation, as a mechanism of increasing complexity has no scientific basis.   It is a religious belief, only.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fallacies in the Origins Debate: Gish Gallop

This is a peculiar kind of fallacy,  combining poison the well, ad hominem, and red herring all together in a cutesy deflection.

It is specifically used in origins debate, to dismiss points made by crestionists. Some origins subreddits even use the term in their rules.

What is it?  It was coined by Eugenie Scott, a common ancestry defender, atheist, and vocal opponent of creationism.

From her article in the the faq, on How to debate a creationist.

"I think they recognize that they have a lot to lose in any other than the "Gish Gallop" format. Tough luck. I can't see any reason why evolutionists should make it easier for them to rally their troops.

If after all of this, you still think you want to debate a creationist, then let me give you some suggestions. First, don't bother defending evolution. Evolution is state of the art science, taught at every decent college and university in this country, including Brigham Young, Notre Dame, and Baylor. So why should you defend it? Tell your audience that there is plenty of information on evolution in the library, in university courses, and in scores of science journals. Creation "science" is the new kid on the block. Let's see if it fits the criteria of science, and secondly, if its claims and predictions stand up to scrutiny.

And then show the audience how creation science is a bust. Don't bother trying to explain something as complicated as evolution, although during your rebuttal you can straighten the audience out on the creationist's stupider claims."

She coined the phrase to dismiss the presentations  of  Duane Gish, an early promoter of creationism from the last century.  He would list multiple points in a debate format, and the complaint is that the evolutionist was overwhelmed with points, unable to give a cogent response to any.

From wiki:

The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott and named after the creationist Duane Gish

I personally met Duane Gish, and attended several debates, when academia still allowed that sort of thing (they use censorship,  now..).  He did have a wealth of scientific material and knowledge,  and conveyed it with sound logic.  I see the 'Gish Gallop!' accusation as an unfair and demeaning deflection, with no rational basis.  Here is why:

1. The debate formats are the real complaint.  Duane Gish would present as much facts and arguments as possible, in the allotted time.  The evolutionist debater would (allegedly) feel unable to rebut so many points in the shorter rebuttal time allotment.
2. Rather than deal with the ARGUMENTS and FACTS, the evolutionist debater found it much easier to dismiss it all, as a 'Gish Gallop!'
3. The irony i see is in the hypocrisy among 'Gish Gallop!' accusers, who often employ a similar tactic of flooding a 'debate' with irrelevant cut and pastes & off topic deflections.
4. Not every point can be made in a bumper  sticker soundbite. To dismiss everything, and complain of being overwhelmed by arguments,  is an admission that the rebuttal is impotent in it's response.

Duane Gish died in 2013, at 92 years of age.  The deflective smear that bears his name is a testament to his convincing, rational, and scientific arguments,  that elicited terror and dismissal from his opponents.

A personal note:
I became a creationist after attending debates with Duane Gish and Henry Morris,  in 1974.  Coming from a diverse scientific background in physics,  chemistry, and mathematics,  i was impressed with the facts and arguments that these debaters displayed.  I continued in origins, even joining the 'debate' on in the 90s.  When i am accused of 'Gish Gallop!' (and anyone who engages in this debate will be) , i am reminded  of the warmth, wit, humor, and crushing rationality of this great father of modern scientific creationism.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Theistic Evolution: Science or Heresy?

It is my observation that theistic evolution is the most common belief in America,  and i suspect, most of western civilization. It is an attempt to blend, or hybridize the pop belief of common ancestry,  with the inner felt sense of a universe with a Higher Power.

But it only mixes bad science with bad theology, to arrive at a flawed view of reality.

There are many things you can conclude, if you assume God used abiogenesis and common ancestry to bring man into being:

1. Man was not created as a complete being, with a soul.
2. Death and suffering were the means God used, to 'create' man.
3. Mankind is not equal, as there would be different levels of advancement among the evolving human tribes.
4. The biblical account of man's creation and subsequent fall, bringing death into the world, is false.
5. Morality is relative.. as man evolved, so did his instincts about morals. Early man could have brutal animal instincts, but they might change.
6. God is fickle and changing.. there are no absolutes.

1. The more highly evolved, among the human collective, should manage and control the lower forms.
2. Aspiring to evolve the Perfect Man is a logical step, in the evolution of man.
3. Eliminating inferior stock is a necessary step, in any selective breeding process.

Scriptural conflicts with theistic evolution: 

Acts17:24“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’

John1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [a]comprehend it.

Genesis1:1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Acts4:18So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. 19But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. 20For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” 21So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way of punishing them, because of the people, since they all glorified God for what had been done. 22For the man was over forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed. 23And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 24So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them

Deut32:6Is this the way you repay the Lord,
you foolish and unwise people?
Is he not your Father, your Creator,

who made you and formed you?

Rom1:25They exchanged God’s truth for a lie and worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator

Other logical problems with theistic evolution: 

1. If you premise an All Powerful Being, able to create a universe from nothing, why limit Him to naturalistic processes, that cannot even be established as valid scientific mechanisms?   Neither abiogenesis nor common descent has any scientific evidence.  They are conflicting RELIGIOUS beliefs, that have their root in atheistic naturalism. 
2. Attempting to 'spiritualize' the biblical creation account just emasculates it, as a historical event.   Dream and allegory render any biblical or historical event as meaningless and illusory. 
3. The prophets and biblical writers bore false witness, and were liars, relaying events that did not happen. 

Theistic evolution is a lame, irrational attempt to blend State sponsored Indoctrination of atheistic naturalism,  to the inner sense of God.  It tries to hybridize bad science with bad theology, and arrives at a useless, corrupt view of both.  It denies the Ability of God, and ignores the deception and duplicity of man.  It is a deadly poison, that leads people away from their Creator,  to a man made delusion.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


I've touched on the subject of angst in other articles,  but i thought perhaps this concept deserves a more thorough examination.  Angst is the common, universal, & very uniquely human condition of panic, fear, or dread about the abstract ideas of eternity, infinity, & existence. Human beings for all of history have exhibited it, explained it, rationalized it, & fled from it. It is the realization of our mortality.. coming to grips with the fact of our existence, impending death, solitude, or anything else we might imagine. We realize we are on a path that we did not make, & there is nothing we can do about it.

This might be a good place to make fun of ourselves, & angst filled, existential gloom. Existentialist philosophers have grappled a lot with angst, but it is a common concept, going back as far as we have records of man's thoughts. It is a very serious subject, but is faced better with a little self deprecating humor..

Here are some possibilities, regarding the afterlife:

  1. Death is the end. No soul. No purpose other than immediate existence. A naturalistic view of the universe.
  2. There is a unique soul, and eternal consequences for its words & actions. Individual accountability.
  3. There is a unique soul, but no consequences for words or actions. Amoral relativity.
  4. There is a life force, but no individuality. Your 'spark' returns to the pool & your individuality is gone.

I can't really think of any other possibilities, from a philosophical POV. If there is not an individual soul.. a unique spark of life that continues in some kind of afterlife, then the result of either #1 or #4 is the same. Your essence, whatever it is, will be lost, & your uniqueness will dissipate into the nether regions of eternity.

But, if there is an eternal soul, that will continue on in another dimension, then the choices we make in this life take on eternal significance.

If we got to choose the above 'reality', i'm not sure any of the choices are very comforting. I've always like Clarke's quote about the supernatural:

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ~Arthur C. Clarke
Some people believe in the naturalistic/atheistic worldview. Others believe in a supernatural/theistic ideology. Many others admit to not knowing. I can't really see that any of the common beliefs has much comfort to the angst filled person, wondering what the meaning of his life is. On the one hand, there is eternal nothingness.. end of story. Life is over, & there is no memory, no future, no purpose or significance to our lives, at all. We are a cosmic accident, with no explanation, no hope, no meaning. Not much comfort there, but at least the pain only lasts a short time, while we are alive.

On the other hand, there is eternal existence. A Supernatural Being (or Beings) hold us accountable for our brief lives in this existence, & we will face consequences for our thoughts, words, & actions. There is a possibility that this Supreme Being is very strict &/or ruthless in His standards, & that the 'sins' that we might consider to be small potatoes, relative to other people, are major issues in the Presence of a Holy God. Not much comfort there, either, if there is a possibility of eternal torment, or continued pain from the actions in this life.

And then of course, there is not knowing. That is hardly comforting, either.

And the other unfortunate thing about Reality, is that we don't really get to choose it, regardless of the fantasy illusions of the left, & their identity politics, where you can choose your gender, race, self image, & eternal destiny. Actual reality is not so accommodating. It IS, & we have to live with it. So hoping that our BELIEFS about the afterlife or the soul is the one that Really Is, might lead to a rude shock.

Humans for millennia have searched for Truth. Angst is a very real thing, in the human experience, & IMO, it is the ONE clear evidence that we are here for Something More. Angst has no naturalistic explanation. But, it has been recognized by wise men & seekers of Truth throughout history.

“What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself.” - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

And the famous quote by Augustine (354-430)
“I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100.” ~Woody Allen

So what is the conclusion? Pick the one you like best? Pretend you are at a philosophical buffet, pick & choose the things you like? That does not seem very wise, since there MIGHT be so much at stake. I submit that the words of Jesus & Jeremiah are good advice, for the human seeking clarity of Reality.

Jeremiah 29:12. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
John 8:31. “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
If there is something i note from these quotes, it is the necessity of sincerity & honesty, which stands to reason. If there is an afterlife, & eternal consequences for our words, thoughts, & actions here on earth, then a genuine search would let go of any bias or preconceived notions about God or the afterlife, and sincerely seek Reality. Truth is the goal, not validation, or comfort, or justification. The seeker of Truth must be willing to set aside all of their beliefs, opinions, notions, and indoctrinations, if they are truly seeking Truth. If there is a God, He is no fool, & will not be deceived by games or manipulations.

“To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.” 
~John Locke

And of course, you can just ignore it all & hope for the best. But, if there is an afterlife, and an eternal soul, & a Supreme Being, to whom we must answer for our lives, it seems to me at some point we should make a concerted effort to discover the true nature of Reality, rather than piddle our lives away with temporal distractions. What could be more important than discovering the nature of our soul & eternal welfare?