Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Conflicts in Common Ancestry: Transitional Forms

If common ancestry were true, we would expect many transitional forms, as one species transitions to another.  Vestigial organs should be numerous and easily identified.  shared organs would be common. The transitional forms would  be able to reproduce with some of the alleged transitions,  else how could they propagate?

Instead, we only observe species isolation WITHIN a phylogenetic clade..  e.g., zebra, asinus, caballus, and isolation between large cats.  But NONE of these can qualify as 'transitional species!', allegedly becoming some new phylogenetic structure.

They are examples of lowered diversity, within the family tree, not added traits, becoming a 'new!' species.  They are examples of DEVOLUTION, and genetic entropy, not macro evolution.

So, why are there no truly vestigial organs,  but every organ in every organism has a function?  Why are there not hundreds or thousands of transitions between distict phylogenetic structures, with clear descent between them, traceable and obvious?  Why are there no, part human, part chimp transitions, that can reproduce with either species, to show the lineage?

Why are all the organs unique and non transferable..  the blood completely different, and no transitional forms between them?

Why are unique, complex, and distinct organisms, observed, with no evidence of coming from another phylogenetic structure,  or going to one?

I'll tell you why.   Common ancestry is a hoax.  It is flawed science, and worse philosophy.  It is a religious  belief,  masquerading as science. All the physical evidence screams, 'Creator!', and the BELIEF in common ancestry is just indoctrinated by State mandated propaganda.   Open inquiry is quashed.  Critical  thinking and skepticism is replaced with conformity and censorship.  Science and Reason is despised, and replaced  with mandated belief.

Deception is rampant in this world. Common Ancestry is one such deception.

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