Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

"Naturalism is Science! The Creator is Religion!"

"Naturalism is Science! The Creator is Religion!"

This is the assumption behind all the laws banning creationism in public schools, and the state establishment of Naturalism as The Official Religious Belief. Since the 1960s, courts have become increasingly hostile toward religious liberty and freedom of conscience,  and have mandated Naturalism as the ONLY POSSIBILITY, for origins.

There are two, and ONLY TWO possibilities for origins:

1. Naturalism 

2. Intelligent Design 

Every possibility for origins is covered by this dichotomy. I have summarized them with a pop jeer commonly used by naturalists:

1. Goddidit!

2. Nuthindidit!

Science is a method of discovery, but it makes no conclusions or extrapolations about the data it presents. Humans do that; ..biased, agenda driven, proselytizing humans, eager to control and manipulate others, or profit in some way by religious chicanery. 

Using pseudoscience, techno babble, and bluff, these religious zealots have used human institutions to promote THEIR religious beliefs about the nature of the universe, AND used the power of the state to bully, censor, and ban the only competing ideology to Naturalism:


They promote the belief, often and loudly, like typical propagandists:

"Naturalism is Science! The Creator is Religion!"

This phrase has become The Mantra, chanted by indoctrinees of state propaganda. But it is bad science, bad logic, and bad theology, all blended together to promote the greatest deception of the modern age:


There are three pillars of naturalistic origins: 

1. The Big Bang: Origin of the cosmos

2. Abiogenesis: Origin of life

3. Common Ancestry: Origin of species 

All three of these form the Trinity of Naturalism, the 3 tenets of faith that True Believers must accept, to avoid the wrath of the High Priests, and other Enforcers of the Sacred Tenets of Faith.

But all 3 of these beliefs have NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, that they can occur, or did occur. They are speculations.. tribal origins myths, with no empirical basis. 

Most people are shocked..  SHOCKED, i say, when the religious belief of naturalism is exposed.  It is because the Mantra is ringing in their memory, and the triggers installed by state ideologues immediately begin the chant:

"Naturalism is Science! A Creator is Religion!"

..until the doubts settle, and the comforting assurance of submission to the High Priests of naturalism returns them to the fold.

Naturalism is NOT SCIENCE. It is a belief..  a religious belief about the nature of the universe. It is only by redefinition, not logic or actual science,  that these absurd conjectures are labeled, 'Science!'  

Positing a Creator.. Intelligent Design,  is no more 'religious!', than positing naturalism. The actual facts support the model of Creationism much better than the model of naturalism. You heard that right. The opposite is 'taught' by state indoctrination centers, but it is a lie, to divide you from your money, your freedom, and your Maker. 

Don't take my word for it.  Research the facts..  not in naturalism echo chambers or propaganda reinforcement venues..  you will only get repetition of the Mantra, there.

Venues like this still allow alternate ideas..  open inquiry.. into alternate beliefs censored by state bureaucrats. 

Why be a dupe to state sponsored propaganda? Why risk your eternal soul for a lie? Open your mind. Seek Truth, not confirmation. Recognize the triggers of anger, hatred, and outrage, used to frighten you back to the intellectual wasteland of naturalism. 

The Creator IS. There is not a more obvious Truth in this universe.  All the facts.. ALL the data..  ALL the SCIENCE, screams, 'CREATOR!!'

Don't be a fool. Brain dead lemmings follow lies over a logical cliff. Use your mind for something other than storing state propaganda.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Symptoms of Indoctrination: Engineered Stupidity

 Engineered Stupidity 

Indoctrination is when ideologues ingrain lies, half truths, spin, and conjecture into people. The propagandists prefer young people, as they are easier to mold and shape into the lumps they desire. Propaganda is repeated loudly and often, forming irrational concepts with ear tickling possibility, dazzling techno babble, and mystical claims of 'deep insight!'

Historically and currently, indoctrination is used by power hungry controllers. They need the loyalty, fealty, devotion, and self sacrifice of people, to kill and die for the manipulator's beliefs. Jihadists are promised guaranteed paradise, if they die in a holy war against infidels. Kamikaze pilots also believed that they would receive great honor in the afterlife, aligning themselves with the 'Divine Wind' of self sacrifice. 

State devotion and Nationalism is more than loyalty to a geographic location. An ideology.. a religion.. is also used to pump up the faithful to kill and die for the 'Cause'.

The prevailing religious belief that is indoctrinated now, in the post Christian West, is Naturalism. A combination of Marxism and Darwinism form the basis of this belief, which is indoctrinated by agenda driven ideologues. Almost every state institution is controlled by these ideologues, who pound the drum of naturalism, censoring and banning any mention of the diametrically opposed ideology:

The Creator 

Marxism advanced throughout the 20th century, indoctrinating the belief that self sacrifice for the collective was the Highest Virtue. A 'New Man!' was the goal, that Party leaders could help evolve, by rewarding loyalty to the Party, and ..eliminating.. inferior throwbacks of bourgeois capitalism. A purely materialistic worldview formed the basis for this ideology. No God. No afterlife. No purpose other that self sacrifice for the collective. The 'Divine Wind' that True Believers can kill and die for is Naturalism. The jihad is for a collective utopia, that Naturalism will produce, if the remnants of superstition and the 'opiate of the masses!' can be eliminated. 

Millions of people were ..purged.. by marxist ideologues.. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Guevara, and many more tried with deadly seriousness to evolve this 'new man!'

This same marxist ideology, combined with the naturalistic beliefs in Darwinism, form the basis for state indoctrination,  now. Loyalty to the state is the primary goal, not acknowledging the Creator.. not Natural Law.. not the American Ideal born in the Enlightenment. 

Young and old are indoctrinated by a constant propaganda stream from state controlled institutions. They are ingrained with triggered hatred for anything relating to the Creator, and especially Christianity, which is their mortal enemy. 

Violent acts are increasing, as the hatred for traditional Christian values, devotion to God, and a Spiritual worldview are demonized and blamed for the evils caused by naturalism. 

I have called this naturalistic worldview 'Atheistic Naturalism', but it is redundant.  Godlessness is assumed, under the banner of naturalism. Oh, you can believe in a god, if you want, but it is a toothless god, not the Almighty Creator of the universe. The gods of naturalism are impotent, sadistic, powerless, and mostly just pace about in some cosmic dimension, wringing their hands, wishing people would believe in them, and be nice.  That is all the gods of Naturalism expect, if you need a god to believe in.

State indoctrination has been part of the human experience for millennia. Every generation; Every State; Every power hungry manipulator makes nationalistic, ideological, and religious appeals, to build a loyal base of followers who will kill and die for the Cause.

Atheistic Naturalism is the majority worldview, that state controllers indoctrinate, now. Almost every country, now, has naturalism as the mandated belief, established by law, and pounded into young people from infancy. 

Western civilization,  especially,  has abandoned its Judeo/Christian roots, born of the reformation, igniting the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution, and forming the basis of the American Experiment. 

Loyalty to the State is the Highest Virtue, in the naturalistic worldview. Submission and obedience are demanded, not Reason; not critical thinking; not scientific methodology; not skepticism.

Could you be a victim, or product of State indoctrination? 

How could you NOT be?

Do you think that the propaganda from state ideologues may be lies? Perhaps it is designed to divide you from your Maker,  not build a utopia on earth?  Perhaps it is a continuation of defiance toward the Creator, with man as his own god?

Don't be a dupe to State indoctrination. Don't be fooled by the propaganda and lies, streaming constantly from these manipulators. Your Creator IS. Break free from the fog of state manipulation, anti-Creator propaganda, and seek reconciliation with your Maker. Wake up! Your soul is in mortal danger! Why should you die in ignorance and engineered stupidity? Seek your Creator. Get to know Him, through the Mediator He has provided.  There is nothing more important.

Symptoms of Indoctrination: Censorship


One of the great principles that was championed during the Reformation was freedom of conscience.  Human beings should be free, the reformer's argued, to follow their consciences. The Enlightenment philosophers carried that principle through until it was codified into the American Experiment. 

Freedom.. ..of thought, expression, belief.  The American state was NOT tasked with promoting, defending or establishing ANY particular worldview, but was tasked with PROTECTING the freedoms of the citizens to believe and express themselves without fear of retribution.

That is no longer in effect. The state,  in most of western civilization, now establishes the religious belief of atheistic naturalism, and censors any public suggestion of Christianity and the Creator. Bullying, banning, and retribution is what any who dare challenge this evil of humanity face.

There is a war against Christianity raging in the world's systems. The state is all in to bully the citizens to divert any acknowledgment of God to them. THEY are the source of freedom, morality, and justice, not God.  Worship the State, not some ancient superstition.

Indoctrinees of the State are programmed to attack any people or worldview that threatens their monopoly. 

"Christians should be seen, not heard!"

"Christians who speak their beliefs are proselytizing,  and should be silenced!"

"Christians should let their actions speak, not their voices.  Be nice, and shut up!"

"You can believe whatever you want..  but you can only express it if it aligns with the Approved State Belief.. you know, science!"

These are current memes burning through the current public discourse, but they are only expressions of bullying and censorship.

The indoctrination of the state mandated belief in atheistic naturalism is THE most deadly lie in human history. It divides people from their money, their countrymen, and their Maker. It is a deadly poison to your soul.

Agenda driven ideologues wormed their way into positions of power, and used that power to promote this anti-human worldview, and CENSOR any expression of acknowledging the Creator. 

Don't be a dupe to this deception!  Use you mind, and ask the Creator to free you from the snares of this world's deceptions.  This is not some mental exercise of amusement, or benign choice of harmless opinions, but is The Most Important decision you could ever make.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Birth

 "We are born wet, naked, and hungry. Then things get worse." ~unknown 

Few people can remember the trauma of birth.  There you were:  Warm. Comfortable. Safe. The rhythmic beating of your mother's heart keeping you protected and secure. You were fed well, and there was nothing to do but grow.

Then, for no reason, your own mother, who had cared for you selflessly to that point, starts pushing you out.. rejected for no reason, pushed, pulled, things attached to your head, and strange voices disturbing the calm security that had been home these many months. There were cold hands groping you, pulling your limbs, dashing the environment you thought was safe.

Its no wonder we block that out! Traumatized at such a tender age, unable to reason or process this new information, we are gripped with terror and anguish, at this unsettling turn of events. 

Why is this happening? What is going on?  Strange sensations overwhelm us. Air fills our lungs, and we cry out, involuntarily, at this rude disturbance of our peaceful existence.

For most of us, there was the comfortable reassurance of that heart.. beating rhythmically. Familiar. Soothing. Something good was put near our lips, and an instinctive action, that no one taught us, brought something else good, to our ever hungry stomachs.

This was our origin..  our beginning.. our first encounter with the material universe. It was confusing, traumatic, terrifying. It takes most of us years..  decades..  to recover from this trauma, and some never do.

Why did this happen? Where were we? How did we suddenly come to be, unaware of ourselves from eternity past?

Years go by. Our questions get glib, unsatisfactory answers. Some people claim to know, with dogmatic certainty, how and why we are. Some of us are grilled and browbeaten with fantastic stories, called 'science!', or 'religion!', or 'philosophy!' We learn to not ask questions, as a barrage of questionable information spews forth.  Shrieking witch doctors,  waving their arms, and chanting gibberish, frightened and bully us to believe the origins myth that belongs to our tribe.

But there is something in our roots.. something or Someone, that calls to us, in the quiet of reflection.  We can't quite remember.. we can't quite perceive it, or reason it out, but an ..inkling.. a primal awareness haunts us.. calling.. drawing.. beckoning us, to return to our Source.

We long to reunite with eternity, and a hole in our souls belies the bravado and smug confidence we project to others.. (mostly so we don't have to listen to their boring diatribes!)

But there is an ache.. an enduring emptiness, that no thing can fill. Oh, we try.. toys, sensory pleasures, mind altering substances.. mind bending ideas.   ANYTHING, to tittlate the senses, and distract us from the unknown, but they don't reacquaint us with our Source. A gnawing hunger stays with us, in spite of our self assurance or the wishful thinking of familiar propaganda. 

For a few.. a very few, it seems, there is Contact. The Source is revealed. The darkness of confusion and uncertainty explodes with blinding Light. Our Maker appears to us, and the spiritual dimension we had an inkling of suddenly unfolds before us.  Our souls are reborn, and our minds are blown by this dramatic encounter with the Almighty Creator of the universe. 

We were born to live in harmony with our Maker. He is our Source, and the reason for existence. In this world, there is constant Noise.. conflicting ideas, lies, propaganda, agenda driven ideologues pushing a narrative.. but in the quiet of eternity.. in the still, small voice we almost remember from birth, a Remembrance occurs. The inkling is affirmed. The Creator reveals Himself. 

Don't let the noise of this world distract you from your eternal soul. Draw near to your Creator, and seek Him in quietness and sober reflection. He has provided a Way.. a pathway to return to Him, your Maker. The Savior, the God/man Jesus, has atoned for your sins, and opened the doorway to reconciliation. 

Don't take my word for it. Don't believe anything second or third hand. You must engage your Maker yourself.. you cannot ride the coattails of another.  But don't be deceived by the lies and spin in this world. They are designed to deceive and separate you from your Creator. 

The Creator IS. Seek Him while you can.

Fallacies of Naturalism: Shrieking Witch Doctors

There is a phenomenon in the human experience,  where a class of people set themselves apart from others due to 'Heightened Awareness!', 'Divine Appointment!', or 'Elevated Knowledge and Intelligence!'  Every human group has these people, who claim exclusive insight into the mysteries of the universe.  The rest of society is supposed to fear and revere these spokespersons of Metaphysical Mystery.

They may have bones through their noses, wear lab coats, or have other specific identifiers, that distinguish them as part of this elite class.  Gifts and support are expected, for these guardians of universal mystery. 

Every tribe. Every people group. Every ethnicity has these Shamen, Gurus, Witch Doctors, Priests, Medicine men, Professors, Scientists, and Holy men. They live apart from the unwashed masses, in ivory towers, or someplace conducive to the air of mystery and privilege they present. They are entitled, and expect to be lavished with luxury.

They prefer flowing robes, to identify them as the elite, and to emphasize the distinction between them and the common man. They pursue advancement through whatever system is in effect, whether governmental, academic, or religious.

The current Witch Doctors,  that demand our reverence and support, are entrenched in academia, or taxpayer funded research. They still wave their arms, shriek out impending doom, and intimidate the citizens through Dreads and Ominous warnings. They present confident omniscience, and pretend Special Insight, masking it in techno babble gibberish. 

They co-opt the language of 'science!', but they do not follow scientific methodology. They rule by decree, and claim Authority, not Reason.

Do not be fooled by shrieking witch doctors, and their quivering enablers. They want your worship, your devotion, and your money. They will only divide you from your Maker.  They are agenda driven ideologues, and enemies of your soul. Don't be deceived by their mystical and ominous presence.

“Little science takes you away from God but more of it takes you to Him.” ~Louis Pasteur

“I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism.”

“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.” —Lord William Kelvin

Evidence for the Creator: Gullible Fools

The existence of gullible fools is evidence of the Creator, and a spiritual realm.

This world is full of con men, scammers, charlatans,  and fakes, eager to fool people for some agenda or advantage. Some live in ivory towers and wear flowing robes, others wear funny hats, frightening masks, or have bones through their noses. Throughout history,  they have made up wild stories, to explain our origins, with highly imaginative, but plausible scenarios that follow, logically, if you accept their assumptions. 

The current tribal origins myth, promoted by modern day witch doctors, is no exception. They spin fantastic tales, with made up terminology that dazzles the hearers with tittlating possibility.


'Primordial ooze!'

'Allele Frequency!'

'Spontaneous Order!'

'Cosmic Microwave Background!'

'Millions and billions of years!'

..and many other techno babble terms are tossed about, undefined and unevidenced, yet asserted with Absolute Certainty, to grip the hearer with awe and reverence at the amazing Knowledge and insight these Shamen possess. 

Gullible fools, eager to evade their Creator,  eat it like candy. Nodding like bobbleheads, they buy everything these shrieking witch doctors sell, abandoning Reason, Science,  and common sense. 

'A massive cosmic explosion made the stars, orbits, and precision that you can set your watch by!'

'Life spontaneously began when rocks got bombarded by spectral waves!'

'Living things evolve in increasing complexity! An amoeba became a man, spontaneously!'

The absurdity of atheistic naturalism exposes the mass deception that has defined this age.  Gullible fools, descend to madness and folly, their minds twisted until the most absurd assertions are embraced without question.

Skepticism dies.

Reason is lost.

Science is abandoned for superstition. 

They accuse the very thing that hold them in it's grip: Delusion

This is the unfortunate consequence of rejecting the Creator. 'Professing to be wise, they become fools.'  Sanity and critical thinking begins to fade, when you try to evade your Maker.

Reason  turns to Madness. Lies becomes facts.

Don't be a dupe to the lies and deceptions that fill this world. Listen. Hear the still, small voice of your Creator, beconing you back to Him. Wake up!  The lies of this world have gripped you in a delusion, and you need Divine Assistance to escape!  Call on your Maker. Plead for deliverance. Don't follow these charlatans and quacks down the highway to hell,  but turn away, repent, and find Peace in your Creator. 

There is NOTHING  more important. Your eternal soul needs your mind to think.. to choose life. Do it. NOW.

Evidence for the Creator: Morality, Equivocated

 Those who believe in Naturalism, and a godless First Cause must engage in equivocation and moving goal posts when discussing the topic of morality.  Fuzzy definitions, double meanings, and redefined terms are used when the subject of morality comes up.

*Relative vs Absolute*

Naturalists claim that morality 'evolved!', and as man became more intelligent, he felt empathy, and 'naturally' decided to be nice to other people. Rather than stealing their stuff, bullying and killing anyone weaker, and taking someone's mate if you could, a prehistotic man decided that 'morals!' should be a guide for behavior. Each tribe of people made lists, some codified into law, as to how our interpersonal dealings were to be regulated.  Stealing was now bad. Killing. Violence. Physical intimidation. Infidelity with one's mate.  EVERY  human society decided these things were 'bad!'  Some cultures invented angry gods, to scare people into following these new standards of behavior. Normal animal behavior was now 'bad!'  Humans now, should be 'good!'

But this is not 'morality!'  These are man made platitudes to control people.. manipulations from agenda driven ideologues. There is no Embedder, in a godless universe,  to instill these things into a conscience, (another man made platitude for manipulation.)

But this creates a dilemma for the naturalists. They have to admit that morality is only a human construct, and there is no natural compulsion to observe these manipulations. They must make irrational pleas, to indoctrinees of naturalism, when they cast off the constraints of conscience and morality. 

'Why can't we all get along!!?'

'Be nice!'

..are the baseless cries to a generation steeped in amorality, or more precisely, immorality. The more they plead with gang bangers to 'be nice!', the more they shoot and kill each other.  

Jungle Law is the only logical conclusion,  in a godless universe. The stronger survive. Might makes Right. Strength is the only law, in a godless universe. 

The natural tendency of man toward 'evil!', and violations of the conscience, is compelling evidence that these standards are real, embedded by the Creator. 

If this was a godless universe,  we would expect strength, not mealy mouthed platitudes, to be esteemed. Bigger, stronger, more ruthless people would 'naturally' ascend in the social standing, and their genes would be prominent. 

But this is not what we observe.  We observe a UNIVERSAL standard of 'morality' in the human animal. Theft, murder, fraud, extortion, rape, adultery, and a few other things are universal in human societies, as 'self evident' moral standards. The conscience is appealed to, and is expected to be followed. Sociopaths are vilified as 'evil!', and removed from society. 

Additions and arbitrary cultural standards do not negate the observation of universal standards in every human society. 

Naturalists would have to cheer and celebrate sociopathy, to follow the logic of their philosophy. But they don't.  They equivocate. They pretend 'morality!' is a Real Thing, while insisting it is a man made construct. But since 'Evolution!' did it, they must bow at the alter of Naturalism, and observe these made up platitudes for manipulation. 

It is irrational.  It is distorted, convoluted reasoning. It is madness.

**Observable Reality**

1. There is an INHERENT moral compass, in every human being, guided by the conscience. 

2. Humans do not always follow this compass, but EVERYONE condemns it as 'wrong!', when they don't.  

3. Naturalists, especially, erupt in moral outrage if their safe space is violated.  They belie with their actions and attitudes, the beliefs they assert.

4. There is only Real morality. 'Absolute vs relative' is a false dichotomy..  an equivocation to distort, deflect, and deceive.

5. Morality is Real, and can ONLY be the result of the Creator 'embedding' the Standards He expects, into His creation.

6. There is NO NATURALISTIC EXPLANATION for morality. Equivocations, dodges, and redefinitions are the only 'arguments' given.

7. The Creator IS. 

Morality is a Real Thing. Your Creator has embedded His Standards in you, to guide your choices. You have not always followed that guide ..none of us have. Yet the sting of conscience remains, if we have not scarred it to numbness by repeated, willful violations. 

Don't be deceived by the spinnings of agenda driven ideologues, who want to divide you from your Maker.  Look deep inside. Remove the noise and lies that this world uses, to distract you from what is important. Your soul longs to be Reconciled.. cleansed and renewed.. at peace with God.

That 'still small voice' of conscience, is your Creator, calling you to Him. Don't ignore that call.. there are eternal consequences at stake. Seek your Maker.  There is nothing more important. 

Christians: Hold fast to the Savior. Don't be deceived by the pseudoscience lies from the enemy of your soul. Don't compromise the Standards you know are true and real. Sin is to be repented of, and abhorred as the deadly poison it is. Don't let the deceitfulness of sin lead you astray.

"R 2 Moral!"

One of the 'arguments given by naturalists is that they are moral, because of their strong sense of right and wrong, which does not require a Creator (they assert). 

This is flawed on many levels.

1. Morality is a scam.. a human construct for manipulation, in a godless universe. The universe does not care if you lie, steal, kill, or rape. Fitness and survival are the only virtues in a godless universe. Might makes right.

2. People who observe these human constructs are dupes of manipulation,  from agenda driven ideologues. A godless universe has no Standards to uphold. Morality is a human scam, in a godless universe. 

3. Morality..  the ACTUAL, REAL 'sense', that is embedded in human beings, can only be from the Creator,  who instilled Standards of behavior, as a compass to guide our choices.

4. Failure to keep these Standards does not negate the reality of their existence, and the reality of the inner conscience. We sense the 'rightness' of moral standards even when we violate them.

5. The observable fact, that even atheists observe and acknowledge 'morality', is evidence for the Creator. Their Creator has embedded this morality in them, which they instinctively acknowledge,  even while denying the very One who put it there.

6. Morality in humans is universal.. theft, fraud, rape, extortion, murder, and many other things are universally 'wrong!' in every human society. Most are codified into social law. Arbitrary  cultural additions are not universal, and ARE 'man made constructs'. But this does not imply that ALL moral standards are.  That is a fallacy..  a hasty generalization. 'Some, therefore all!'

Only by equivocation.. redefining the concept of morality.. can the principle of an instinctive awareness of 'right' Standards of behavior, be muddied.

Morality is a Real Thing.. even atheists feel it. It is evidence of the Creator.  It has no other possible source, other than a deception to control people by human manipulators. 

You know the moral standards you feel are real. You have felt the sting of conscience when you violate them.  This is your Creator, giving you guidance.

You also know you have not kept this Standard. Your sins have driven a wedge between you and your Maker. You need Someone to reconcile you to your Creator. You need a Savior.  You cannot save yourself. 

Don't be fooled by the deceivers of this age, who want to normalize sin, and pretend separation from the Creator is 'good!'  It is not. It is very bad.  Your very own conscience bears witness:

The Creator IS. 

Seek Him now, while you can. Listen to the still, small voice of Reason and Sanity, drawing you out of this world of madness and confusion. 

Don't be a fool. Don't be deceived by the lies of this world.

Evidence for the Creator: Worship

"Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship." ~DAVID FOSTER WALLACE

There is a need, in the psyche of man, to esteem, and yes, worship, something or someone he admires, respects, and/or fears.

This worship can be directed towards an actual individual, a fantasy, a projection, an idea, or even himself.

"Man ceases to be a worshipper of God only because he has become a worshipper of himself. Estranged from God he finds no nobler object of worship than the strongest man."  ~WILLIAM GOODELL

This 'need' is evidence that the Creator instilled it in us, to be rightfully directed toward the only worthy object of worship:

'The Creator, Himself'

All other objects are counterfeits.. usurpers to the Creator, who is the only One deserving of that position.

Yet the history of humanity is a tragic story of human beings trying to evade their Creator, and give their worship to ANYTHING, or anyone, rather than the Almighty Creator of the universe. 

"Those who set up a fictitious worship, merely worship and adore their own delirious fancies; indeed, they would never dare so to trifle with God, had they not previously fashioned him after their own childish conceits."  ~JOHN CALVIN

The pinnacle of human folly is when a mortal man takes for himself, that which was made for his Maker. He becomes a fool, worshipping his own delusion.. his own imagination. He ignores his own weakness and mortality, and pretends he is God, and that he made himself.

"To love his maker, for he was SELF-MADE!

Self-made, self-trained, self-willed, self-satisfied,

He was himself, his daily boast and pride." ~William Allen Butler, 1858

Don't be a deluded fool who worships himself. That instinctive need is properly given to One, only. The Creator alone is worthy of our complete love, devotion, fear, and worship.

It is a Great Tragedy, when a mortal man, created in the image of God, turns his back on his Maker, and worships the weak and absurd. He worships the created, not the Creator. 

"With their backs to the sunrise they worship the night."  ~ROBERT G. INGERSOLL

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.."

"Professing to be wise, they became fools."  ~ Paul

Lies and Phony Caricatures of Christianity and Creationism

1. Christianity is responsible for all of the atrocities of humanity!  False. Human greed, the lust for power, and man made institutions are at the root of man's inhumanity to man, not Christian ideology, which teaches the exact opposite. 

2. The bible is full of errors!  False. No historical accounts recorded in the biblical manuscripts have been disproved or refuted. 

3. The bible has changed many times!  False. The early church fathers quoted every passage in the new testament, and plenty from the old. There is no substantive disagreement with our current translations.  All the historical manuscripts have lots of corroboration from other documents. The biblical manuscripts have a long history of scholarship and textual criticism by a continuous line of biblical scholars, translators, and historians. 

4. Hitler was a Christian! False. Hitler despised Christianity, and esteemed Islam. He was a chameleon, manipulating people for his agenda. He did not follow or esteem the teachings of Jesus. He did the opposite. 

5. Christianity is an opiate for humanity, squashing free expression!  False. Christianity provided the basis for enlightenment thought, freedom of conscience, human equality, and the natural rights of Man.  The Reformation led to the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution. 

6. The bible can be translated in many ways, and can mean whatever anyone wants it to mean! False. There is a scholarly, exegetical intent of the words used in the biblical manuscripts. Scholars may differ in some of the nuances in translation, but the source is clear and historically accurate. Individuals might apply personal meanings from a passage, but that does not override the original intent of the author. 

7. Christianity demands a political theocracy, mandating Christian values as law!  False. That is the agenda of Marxism and Islam. Historical Christianity is not involved with the secular state, and has always been contrary to the mandates from despots. Since the reformation, separation of church and state has been a constant theme.  

8. Christianity is an ideology of oppression, mandating conformity and submission to elites!  False. Christianity has never been a good fit with man's institutions. It has constantly rebelled against the status quo, and openly defied human authority and power. Elitism is the basis of Darwinism and Marxism. 

9. Christianity is anti science. False. Many early scientists were Christians, looking to see 'what God hath wrought'. There is no conflict with Christianity and scientific methodology.

10.  Christianity is anti education! False. Almost all older universities have Christian principles in their mission statement.  'Education!' has roots in Christianity, not atheistic naturalism. 

11.  Christianity is bigoted and racist. False. Christians led the abolition movements. Human equality is a basic principle of Christianity. It is anti elitist, unlike the institutions of the world.

 12. 'Atheism is science!  Creationism is religion!'  False.  The facts support the model of Creationism,  NOT the model of naturalism.  It is circular reasoning and prejudice to declare naturalism,  'science!', and exclude the possibility of the Creator. 

13. Creationists have faith! They deny facts!  False. Critical thinking and skepticism are essential tools for any scientific examination. Creationists who  use scientific methodology must use these tools. Naturalists have blind faith in EVERY tenet of atheistic naturalism.  The Big Bang, Abiogenesis, and Common Ancestry have NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE,  yet are taught and believed with jihadist zeal. 

Anti-Creator and anti-christian ideologues have seized control of almost ALL the propaganda megaphones, and broadcast a constant barrage of anti-christian, anti-Creator lies to deceive the gullible.

They censor and ban ANY mention of the Creator (except mocking),  and only allow naturalistic propaganda in every human institution.  Naturalism is the Official State Religion, and is taught..  MANDATED..  exclusively.

Triggers are indoctrinated into the gullible believers in naturalism, causing them to react with hostile indignation toward any questioning of the tenets of naturalistic belief.

The FACTS of science overwhelmingly suggest a creation event,  NOT atheistic naturalism. But the constant propaganda from state indoctrination centers has managed to fool a great number of people into believing these lies.

Don't be a dupe to the lies from agenda driven ideologues,  trying to divide you from your Maker.  The Creator IS.  Study the science.  Truth and Reason will lead you back to your Maker.

Evidence for the Creator: Homo Sapiens

That would be you, dear Reader.  You, yourself are evidence for the Creator.

1. All human beings are genetically the same.  We are equal and have the same capacities in intelligence, physical strength, and agility. We were created equal. The differences between us are minor.

2. There is no evidence that we 'evolved!' from some lower hominid. Humans have scattered across the globe, and settled in ecological niches. Some have become homogeneous in their morphology (look the same!), but the genetic architecture that makes us human is identical.

3. If we 'evolved!' over hundreds of thousands of years, as is asserted by the State propagandists, there would be different levels of advancement, as environmental pressures,  mutation,  and chance shaped the various people groups. This was once taught in Darwinist institutions. It is sheepishly ignored, now, because of the obvious racist implications. 

4. The mtDNA can be traced, from daughters to mothers, and it shows descendancy for ALL HUMANS.  We did not evolve separately in different ecological niches, but have all descended from the same SINGULAR, human parent: Mitochondrial 'Eve', as she is affectionately called.  ..The Mother of all humanity. 

5. The mtDNA also has a 'clock', by which we can extrapolate how far back our mitochondrial mother lived. It has been calculated to be under 10k years, not 'hundreds of thousands!'

If naturalism were true:

1. People groups would have evolved differently, with different environmental pressures, different mutations, and different random traits evolving.

2. the mitochondrial clock would be much longer, to allow the vast time frames the propagandists assert.

3. Intelligence,  physical traits, and internal organs would have evolved seperately, over hundreds of thousands of years, and reproductive isolation would have seperated us into separate 'species!'

4. Racism and elitism would be plainly evident, openly accepted, and scientifically justified, not condemned as 'bigotry!'

5. Genocide would be an accepted, scientifically valid practice, to rid humanity of flaws.

6. Eugenics and racial supremacy would have scientific justification, not just be a tactic of despots and tyrants, to divide us and whip people into a groupthink loyalty based on appearances. 

7. 'Missing links!', or transitional forms, would be plainly evident, not fraudulently contrived by charlatans.  They should be everywhere,  and some still in existence,  to show the continuity in human evolution. 

The religious ideologues who promote atheistic naturalism (and censor any mention of the Creator), indoctrinate a racist, elitist, and godless belief in origins.  They are not open minded 'scientists!', but agenda driven ideologues, who wish to divide you from your money, your countrymen, and your Maker. 

Don't be deceived! Wake up!  Use your God given mind to see through this deadly poison that only brings division, war, and death.  The Creator IS.  Don't be a dupe to state indoctrination.

Flaws in Naturalism: Earth's Magnetic Half-life

One of the central, necessary tenets for the belief in Naturalism is vast time frames. 'Millions and billions of years!', are asserted and used to obscure the lack of actual scientific evidence for the theories.

Magnetic fields have a measurable half-life. The earth's is ~ 1400 years.

"A comprehensive ESSA Technical Report gives the values of the earth's magnetic dipole moment (the vector which gives the strength and direction of the magnet) ever since Karl Gauss made the first evaluation in 1835. The evaluations have been made about every 10 or 15 years since then. Each evaluation required accurate worldwide readings over an epoch (a year or so) and special mathematical reduction to "wash" out the "noise." These reliable data clearly show this relatively rapid decay. The report stated that on a straight line basis the earth's magnetic field would be gone in the year 3991 A.D. But decay is exponential and in this case has a half-life of 1400 years."

This article by Barnes (1981) is The. Definitive. Argument. against ancient dating, by the simple,  scientific measurement of the Half-life of the earth's magnetic field.

"Working backwards in time many thousands of years, this equation yields an implausibly large value of the magnetic field and of the electrically generated heat stored in the earth's core. A reasonable postulate was shown therein to yield an upper age limit of 10,000 years."

What is the answer to this problem, from long chronology believers?

"Flippin' magnetic poles!"

Magma (and lava) show a 'compass' when it hardens, indicating (it is asserted), the direction of the magnetic field when it hardened. Studies of the magnetic fields in tectonic plates have produced the ..theory.. that perhaps the magnetic field of the earth just 'flipped!' occasionally, so the Half-life measurement is meaningless in estimating the age of the earth.

Have you ever seen lava flow? It swirls constantly, floating hardened lava on top of moving lava. The data of different poles in hardened magma is more easily explained by the volatility and movement of hardening magma, instead of a wild theory of flipping polarity.

HOW does this polarity flipping happen? What causes it? Why? No explanations are given, just the 'settled science!' decree of flipping magnetic poles, asserted glibly, with no explanation of mechanism, why, or how.

The magnetic field of the earth is ESSENTIAL for life. If it were to suddenly end, life would end. Yet the field slowed to a stop, then reversed, multiple times, to prop up the beliefs in ancient chronologies?

"Unlike Mercury, Venus, and Mars, Earth is surrounded by an immense magnetic field called the magnetosphere. Generated by powerful, dynamic forces at the center of our world, our magnetosphere shields us from erosion of our atmosphere by the solar wind (charged particles our Sun continually spews at us), erosion and particle radiation from coronal mass ejections (massive clouds of energetic and magnetized solar plasma and radiation), and cosmic rays from deep space. Our magnetosphere plays the role of gatekeeper, repelling this unwanted energy that’s harmful to life on Earth, trapping most of it a safe distance from Earth’s surface in twin doughnut-shaped zones called the Van Allen Belts."

So how did any life survive all these 'flips!' of the magnetic fields? Can you not see the pseudoscience desperation of these 'theories', that are not thought through, unsupported by data, and highly speculative? Does not Occam's Razor compel a simpler, less convoluted conclusion?

Wild, imaginary scenarios are proposed, to explain (with obvious desperation), and prop up the fantastic, imaginary belief in 'millions and billions of years!'

'Flippin' Poles!' is a pseudoscience argument of desperation, with NO EVIDENCE, no compelling data, and no logic. It is a lame, transparent attempt to dismiss actual science and measured data with contrived imaginings and confirmation bias, to prop up a religious belief.

The earth is not 'millions and billions of years!' old. The data from multiple sources with any credibility all suggest less than 10k years. Fossilization, oil, mitochondrial DNA, radiometric decay, and genetic evidence do not support ancient chronology, but much shorter time frames.

It is religious dogma, from the High Priests of Atheistic Naturalism, that assert, mandate, and indoctrinate, the BELIEF in ancient chronology, to try to evade accountability to the Creator. But it is a pseudoscience lie.. deadly propaganda from sources that want to divide you from your Maker. Don't be deceived. Seek your Creator while He may be found.

Evidence for the Creator

For decades, i have heard the argument: 

"There is no evidence for a Creator! You cannot prove there is a God!"

This has been repeated ad nauseum..  chanted, like a mantra.. until we turn off our minds, nod like bobbleheads, and embrace the engineered stupidity of State Indoctrination. 

It is not true. It is a lie.  The Evidence for the Creator is overwhelming. The evidence for our origins are logical, scientific, empirical, philosophical, abstract, experiential, implied, inferred, and explicit. This massive amount of evidence surrounds us, and suggests a creation event, not natural processes over billions of years.

Over the last 10 years or so, i have compiled a list of articles that address each of the evidences for the Creator. I offer here a shorter summary, of a few of the more compelling evidences for the Creator. 


"We come into the world laden with the weight of an infinite necessity."

– Albert Camus

There is no naturalistic explanation for this. It does not aid in our survival, or improve the species in any way. It is common throughout the human experience, traversing time, race, religion, and culture. It is a gnawing 'something' in man that hints and implies a spiritual connection.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator." ~Blaise Pascal c. 1670 

If Angst, as experienced and defined by philosophers and most humans over the millennia, is REAL, then it has to have a source. Either it was placed there by a Power with ability to do so, or it happened naturally.

How or why would 'evolution!', embed something like angst into the human psyche?  It is irrational. Angst has no naturalistic source. It can only be an embedded trait, from the Creator,  to remind us of our Source.

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Augustine 

What possible source is there, for this aching, nagging, emptiness?  It is evidence, that the Creator IS, and has put this 'need' in our innermost being, so we might seek Him, and find peace and meaning in our Creator.


"Entropy is just a fancy way of saying: things fall apart." ~Dan Brown

Entropy is the observable reality that all things tend towards randomness, unless acted upon by an intelligent,  ordered force.  Even things put into ordered complexity will decay into random disorder, if not maintained by an orderly force.

"Entropy broadly means tending towards chaos constantly." ~Sid Sriram

Everyone, in every time, every location, and every culture has observed entropy. It makes the BELIEF in atheistic naturalism impossible. If there was no other evidence for the Creator, entropy, by itself, is sufficient to completely falsify the belief in Naturalism. 


The existence of morality and the conscience in the human animal is The Most Compelling argument for the Creator. Our Maker has embedded Moral standards ..absolutes.. into our psyche as a guide for behavior, that we might reflect His image. 

Those who deny the Creator must engage in mental distortions.. irrational non sequiturs, to try to reconcile the obvious disconnect between what they feel, innately, and what they believe about the nature of the universe. 

In a godless universe, morality can ONLY  be a human construct. Moral platitudes are made up by man, to manipulate others. A godless universe DOES NOT CARE, if you are 'good!', or 'bad!' Those are meaningless platitudes. Theft, rape, murder, and many other 'bad!' things are common in the animal world, and there is no sting of conscience. Expediency and survival are the only virtues, in a godless universe. 


For millennia,  man has tried to unwrap the mystery of life, speculate about its origins, and parse it into manageable bits. Spontaneous Generation was the naturalistic explanation for life for a couple of thousand years, among the scientific establishment. It was thought that life could just spring from non-life, if the required elements were present.  Recipes were even produced, for particular life forms..  rags, meat, grain, and other such items could be placed in a desolate place in the woods, and mice would spontaneously appear!  It was Pasteur's experiments with isolation & bacteria that debunked the theory of spontaneous generation, and revealed the Great Mystery of Life.

Attempts to animate life have continued into the industrial age, through the age of technology, and up to our current modern scientific state.  Still, ALL attempts to 'create' life, in the most optimal laboratory conditions have failed.  Man has not been able to synthesize life, even with our ability to break things down at the atomic level. 

If life were a simple phenomenon, we could use scientific methodology to break it down, repeat the factors necessary to create it, and unravel the mystery of life.  But alas!  Life is not explainable by science.  It is here.  It teems on the earth, but nowhere else, to our knowledge. We think it a common, ordinary thing, and it is, but its origins are unfathomable to the rational mind.

If life could easily be created, by natural processes, one could believe in atheistic naturalism as the engine of our origins. But life CANNOT be explained by atheistic naturalism. Only an Intelligent Power, able to create life, matter, space, and the entire universe, could have Authored Life. It is impossible for life to appear in a godless universe. There is no mechanism or scientific principle to generate it.  Without the Creator, life is impossible. 

Divine Revelation

One of the most powerful evidences for the Creator is highly personal and subjective. If and when the Almighty Creator of the universe reveals Himself to the fallen creature, there is no doubt, then, of the existence of the Creator,  only remnants of confusion,  delusion, and disjointed facts that must be processed to arrive at a rational faith.

Few people, it seems, have experienced this Divine Call.  Fewer still respond with heartfelt devotion to the Creator. Many are called. Few are chosen. I cannot explain why this is.

But for those who have experienced the Divine Majesty, no muddled words.. no scoffing or skepticism.. no pseudoscience techno babble.. can erase the life changing experiential reality: the Creator IS. 

Browbeating, bullying, banning, torture, persecution.. NOTHING can erase the personal encounter with the Living God.. He is our Maker and Redeemer.  No propaganda, expert decrees, pseudoscience constructs, pressures from peers, family, rulers..  NOTHING can shake the inner conviction of a personal touch from Almighty God. 

This experience infuriates skeptics. They lash out with irrational hatred toward anyone who claims such an Encounter.

The world and it's systems are at enmity with the Creator,  His purposes, and His chosen ones.  This is compelling evidence that the Creator IS.

There is more. Much More.  The evidence for the Creator is overwhelming. It screams, "Creator!!"

Yet state sponsored propaganda and Indoctrination in state institutions has deceived a great many people into believing a lie..  THE Greatest lie of this age:

Atheistic Naturalism 

They censor and ban any mention of the Creator, mock and ridicule those who believe in the Creator, and attack with jihadist zeal any who dare cross the Official State Religion of Naturalism. 

Don't be a fool and deny the most obvious Truth in the universe: 

The Creator IS.

Seek your Maker, now, while He may be found. This world is descending into madness and folly. Use your mind. Think. Remember your Creator. There is nothing more important.