Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Monday, August 29, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Hysterical Hostility

 Hysterical Hostility

This is a continuation of a series, analyzing evidence: physical, personal, empirical, psychological, or anything that can be seen as evidence for The Creator.

"Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God." ~Heywood Broun

If this was a godless universe, human fantasies would be individual imaginations, and easily dismissed.  Everyone would have an opinion, shaped by the various influences in their life, and the hard reality of a godless universe would  produce sober resignation for the great majority, with only a few deluded by superstitious fantasies. 

But if there IS a Creator/God, it could follow that some, living in denial of this reality, would lash out in hysterical, irrational, hostility.  Agenda driven ideologues from a competing worldview would expend every effort to destroy the competition. 

I observe an outrage.. an irrational hysteria against The Creator, ESPECIALLY, the God of the bible, among militant atheists.  Every forum with a religio/philosophical topic is a magnet for these militant, hostile atheists, who seem to be on a crusade, or personal vendetta against God. They mock, ridicule, and bully those who express any kind of faith in God, which is nothing but religious bigotry.  This forum is a glaring example of this phenomenon. Some 'religious' forums have more vocal atheists, constantly expressing their disapproval, disagreement, and hostility toward anything 'God', than they do believers.

"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not." ~Eric Hoffer

The very presence of this irrational, highly emotional bias against God is evidence of some deep seated issues with the Creator. It is a 'daddy issues!', psychological phenomenon, where unjustified, intense hostility is directed at a Figure who is not the cause of the irrational obsession, merely the target.

It can be expressed by the pop meme,

'There is no God!! ..and I hate Him!!'

This lashing out toward God, AND anyone who dares defend Him, is not a rational, logical expression. The people who do this reveal, in themselves, fear, anger, hatred, and a jihadist crusade mentality, as they attack, mock, censor, and berate any symbol of their obsession.

Why?  Why are some people so hostile toward a religious belief? 



Most state institutions are complicit in establishing the religion of atheistic naturalism. Christianity (mostly) is demonized as the Great Evil!, in the world, and fear mongering to hold the indoctrinees in a hysterical, fearful state is effective. Anything a Christian says is automatically, 'A lie!', or 'superstition!', or any number of canned responses to avoid the painful process of rational thought. 

Dogpiles of hysterical indoctrinees into atheism are very common.  Wave after wave of increasingly hostile posters, goaded on by mob mentality, ramping up accusations, ridicule, and dismissal until a rational discussion or debate becomes impossible. 

Outsiders who see this irrational hysteria either are drawn into the mob mentality, or they are repelled by the intensity of hatred on display.  It is part of the state propaganda agenda, to destroy individual, rational thought, for state indoctrination. 

It is a tragedy of loss. Thought, reason, and civility are sacrificed on the altar of prejudicial hatred, spurred on by revisionism, smears, and false caricatures to dehumanize the 'evil theists!' who dare to believe differently from the state decrees.

Don't be deceived by state manipulators. They only wish to divide you from your Maker. Use your mind. Think in a quiet, calm setting, away from the emotion generators that close your mind, and stir up hatred.  Your Creator IS. You will only find peace and Truth through Him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: The Earth

Or more exactly, tilling the earth..

Gen3:23 "therefore the LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken."

We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden.” ~anon

There is something ..primal.. about working the earth.. planting and growing.  It is therapeutic. It is calming. It centers us in ways few exercises can.

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

"How deeply seated in the human heart is the liking for gardens and gardening." ~Alexander Smith

The most creative, powerful, wise, and learned people often look to dirt, as an escape and a return to their roots.

It is almost a spiritual activity.. an ethereal experience, that transports the gardener from the mundane to the sublime.

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” ~ Alfred Austin

“The kiss of the sun for pardon,

The song of the birds for mirth

One is nearer God’s Heart in a garden

Than anywhere else on Earth.”

~ Dorothy Frances Gurney

The Creator placed us here to 'till the earth.' He put within us a primal connection to the dirt. We feel it in our hands. It runs through our fingers like a pirate's treasure. It stirs us to the depths of our soul.

“All through the winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar.” ~ Helen Hayes

Even the richest, most powerful people retire to their garden for solace and quiet reflection. It is an equalizer, leveling the field, touching the spirit of the proud and humble, rich and poor, regaled and despised. It is a refuge for all. We all feel a kinship with the soil.

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

“Something happens to me when I garden. I am fully, reliably, blissfully present to who I am and where I am in that moment.” ~ Janisse Ray

Other animals do not have this mystical connection to the earth. They may dig it, walk on it, relieve themselves on it, but no other animal 'tills the earth', like man. No other engages it like a monastic calling. 

“The garden is a love song, a duet between a human being and Mother Nature.” ~ Jeff Cox

For some, it becomes a religion.. an all consuming obsession with herbs and flowers. Some forget the Author of creation, so fixed are they on the results.  But the earth always delivers, regardless whether the Creator is acknowledged or not.

"We are extremely uncomfortable with the spiritual aspects of gardening, and yet most people feel it in some form or other, even if it's a sense of connection to the greater world on a beautiful day." ~Monty Don

The feelings generated when gardening, or even thinking about it, are evidence of a primal embedding from the Creator. The admiration for the beauty and wonder of the creation transports us to another dimension, away from the noise and commotion of this world.

This is not some materialistic, utilitarian pursuit of food, but an almost worshipful event, in the cathedral of creation.

“Going out to the garden is to go on a holiday; when you travel amongst the flowers, your body touches heaven and your mind tastes the secrets of ataraxia!” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan

“I think this is what hooks one to gardening: it is the closes one can come to being present at creation.” ~Phyllis Theroux

So next time you plant a flower.. or a seed.. or weed.. or putter in the yard.. or look with satisfaction at your flower bed or vegetable patch ..remember..  reflect.. go back in the deep recesses of your soul, and relive the Touch of Life.  The Cause. A holy calling from your Maker. Let this experience draw you near to Him, who created all things, and you, to work the dirt, and feel peace in that calling.

"Gardening is not trivial. If you believe that it is, closely examine why you feel that way. You may discover that this attitude has been forced upon you by mass media and the crass culture it creates and maintains. The fact is, gardening is just the opposite - it is, or should be, a central, basic expression of human life." ~Andrew Weil

“Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Evidence for the Creator: Conscience

Let us examine 3 things, regarding the phenomenon of conscience. 

1. Is it a Real Thing, or a made up human construct?

2. What is its source? How did conscience originate?

3. What are the results of conscience? Does it have any consequence to the individual or society?

Most naturalists skip over the first 2 questions, and go right to the results.  

'Conscience and morality are good for society! Evolution picked the traits that made a society more successful!'


I submit that the conscience is a Real Thing, not a man made construct for manipulation. It is too universal in the human experience, and too consistent across region, era, and ethnicity. 

Theft, lying, murder, adultery, fraud, and violence are frowned upon in every human society. Some cultures may have a few peripheral add-ons, and Indoctrination can be used to tweak the perceptions of conscience, but the core issues that seem to be in everyone's conscience are the same.

Conscience does not occur in the rest of the animal world. It is often 'believed!', that animals have consciences, but that is anthropomorphic projection. There was a study on a society of chimps (i can't remember the details). One of the females had no offspring, but she would kill the baby chimps of the other mothers. They had to watch out for her, and keep their babies away from her.  Male lions, also, will kill their own cubs. The mothers must hide them and protect them from the males prowling about.

All other animals operate only by jungle law.  Might makes right. The bigger, stronger males usually dictate who can stay, and who must go (or die). Theft is a virtue. If you steal food from someone, all the better for you.  Their loss, your gain. There is no moral outrage, or cries for justice, in the animal world. That happens only among humans. Right, not Might, is appealed to, and Might is expected to uphold Right.

The universal, observable, expected and assumed condition of conscience makes it a Real Thing, embedded, somehow, in the human psyche.


What, then, is the source of this moral compass?  There are 2 possibilities: 

1. An intelligent being embedded the conscience in man, as a guide for behavior. 

2. Conscience happened naturally, as a naturally selected trait.

It is completely plausible,  IF.. there is a Creator,  that He may have embedded the conscience into human beings. They are different from other animals, not just in intelligence, use of tools, and problem solving, but in abstract reasoning, defining Virtue, esteeming altruism, admiration of beauty, art, and other undefinable, often metaphysical concepts.

A godless universe, however, has no source for conscience.  It can only be a human construct to manipulate other people. Some ancient hominid got tired of others stealing from him, and invented angry gods, who hated theft.  It worked, so other 'morals!', were added. This society was more successful (allegedly), and was 'selected' by evolution as more 'fit'.

But the source is still human manipulation.  A godless universe does not care if you lie, kill, or steal. Survival and procreation are the only virtues, in atheistic naturalism. And only the fittest get to pass on their genes to future iterations of humanity. 

The observable fact that atheists, who claim to be above superstition, hold to, and even boast of their moral superiority, is evidence that it is not a human construct,  but was embedded by the Creator,  even when He is not acknowledged. 

The only logical possibility for conscience,  is that the Creator embedded it in us, to guide our choices.


it is argued that 'good people, that get along with others, are better for society, and these 'better societies', (wherever they are), were selected by evolution to survive and prosper.

We observe that Laws are made, that mostly affirm the consciences of humans. Murder, stealing, fraud, and other points of conscience are upheld by the State, as proper for a successful society. Now the leaders of these states can kill, lie, steal, and defraud each other, and have for millennia (forcing the citizens to kill and die for their agendas), but the rest of us are required, by law, to observe the dictates of conscience, along with any other decrees the rulers tack on.

We mostly observe that successful, long-term societies held to a clear and virtuous moral code. When corruption and depravity increase, the societies decline.

Naturalists and creationists mostly agree, that there are positive results for a law abiding, moral people, who follow their conscience.

It is more plausible, from the evidence, that conscience is a Real Thing, embedded by the Creator. There is no naturalistic source for conscience or morality, which can only be human constructs for manipulation. 

The evidence of conscience,  therefore, compels a conclusion of the Creator.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Spiritual War

There is an unseen battle for the souls of men, raging all around us.

The world and its systems array themselves against the Creator, and His followers. 

This cosmic struggle is evidence for the Creator. 

Now, you may say,

'What cosmic battle?  All i see is man's manipulations for control.'

Let's examine the evidence to see what it suggests. Is it,

1. Random, disconnected events.

2. A pattern of directed, coordinated enmity against the Creator. 

If this were a godless universe, we would expect no patterns, and see no evidence of an anti-Creator agenda. Beliefs and superstitions about origins would be amusing to those who are enlightened to the truth of atheistic naturalism. There would be no need to censor, ban, or persecute those who believed in some tribal origins myth. They would not single out Christianity, while showing tolerance for all other origins beliefs. Live and let live.

But if this was a CREATED universe, with our Maker guiding us with conscience and morality, there might be ..enemies.. of this Truth.. those who want to cripple or injure the Creator and His purposes for creation. There could be unseen spiritual adversaries, who plot deceptions and lies, to drive a wedge between humans and their Maker. 

These adversaries would use political power..  the WORLD, and its systems, to thwart the Creator's purposes. They would spin fantastic imaginations, calling it 'Science!', to delude the simple minded. They would indoctrinate these lies as 'settled science!', then censor, ban, and ridicule any who dared oppose the Official State Religion. They would attack, with hysterical hostility, the Creator's Message, and His followers. 

The followers of the Creator experience this hostility, and it confirms to them that there is, indeed, a global spiritual war. Each generation of Messengers becomes keenly aware of the battle for men's souls. 

Human history is the story of this battle. The adversaries of the Creator destroy and kill, while the Creator offers Life. There were many times in history when the Plan of the Creator seemed doomed to failure. Deceivers censored or trivialized the Message of Redemption, until it seemed all was lost. But there was always a spark.. an Awakening.. to revive the Message and send it burning through humanity like wildfire.

And here we are: Surrounded by unmistakable evidence that this world is at enmity with, and defiance toward the Creator.  This can only suggest that the spiritual war is real.  It is compelling evidence for the Creator. 

YOU are the target, dear reader. I am the bearer of the Message, that the Creator sent to all of humanity.. the good news of Redemption from our Maker. The baton was passed to me, decades ago, and i will pass it on when i die. We are an unbroken Line, of Message Bearers, and we are in direct opposition to this world. 

The unseen battle that rages would snatch this kernel of truth, and lull you into the delusion of godlessness. 'Hath God said?', is the enemy's siren deflection against the good news of Redemption. 

Can't you see? The spiritual war for YOUR SOUL is unmistakable. Wake up to this Reality. There is nothing more important in your life.  Seek you Maker while you can.

Evidence for the Creator: Atheists

You read it right. Atheists, themselves are evidence for the Creator. 

Believers in atheistic naturalism can only see morality as man made constructs.. arbitrary platitudes to manipulate people.  There can be no moral absolutes in a godless universe. They are just human inventions to control people.  Those who submit to moralizing platitudes are dupes to manipulative schemers.

That is why atheists themselves, are evidence for the Creator. They (like everyone else) instinctively hold to a set of moral absolutes, even while denying their possibility. 

If this was a godless universe, atheists would be Enlightened.. they would cast off the restrictions of human manipulation and live freely, doing whatever they want and can to advance their own genes, since that is the only purpose for their existence, and the ONLY motivation for their actions. They would care nothing for abstracts like Beauty, Art, Poetry, Love, and Altruism. Lies would be natural, used for expediency. Theft would be easy, for any opportunity.  Rape and violence would be useful tools for the goal of advancing their genetic pool. Morality is a deception, to manipulate stupid, superstitious people who shouldn't even be allowed to breed.  The fittest survive. Might makes right. That is the only absolute in a godless universe. 

There would not be any 'moral struggles', or wrestling with conscience,  as the survival and reproductive instinct would drive them to do whatever is necessary to promote THEIR OWN genetic progeny. 

Are Atheists like this?  Some, maybe, who actually follow the implications of their beliefs, but we call them sociopaths, and lock them up.  Most self proclaimed Atheists boast of their moral superiority: 

"I don't need some magic sky fairy to tell me how to live! I have a highly evolved sense of morality, and hold to it better that theists!"

They admit to a moral compass that can only have been embedded by the Creator. The godless universe they profess to believe in has no morals, and no conscience. 

Think about it. Why would you follow your conscience,  if it is just man made platitudes to control you? Why would you hold to morals, if they are human constructs? 

You wouldn't, if you followed the logical conclusions of your beliefs. But since you do feel and observe (imperfectly!) moral absolutes, the conclusion is obvious: 

The Creator has embedded His Standards in you.

That sting of conscience is not man made. It is a guide.. a compass to help you follow the moral standards the Creator has established.

Listen to your own inner evidence. The Creator IS. He has made you, and has embedded within you a conscience. Don't be a dupe to the REAL manipulation. Atheistic Naturalism is a lie.. a delusion to divide you from your Maker. 

Follow the evidence. Listen to science and reason. Throw off the delusion of atheistic naturalism that has been indoctrinated into you from infancy. Seek your Maker. You can know the Truth, and it will set you free.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Naturalism is Impossible!

Naturalism asserts that everything has its origin in natural processes. No Creator necessary. 

- The cosmos? A Big Bang!

- Life? Abiogenesis in a primordial ooze!

- Diversity? Common Ancestry! 

But all three of these beliefs are Impossible,  scientifically.  The engine for naturalistic origins hinges COMPLETELY upon one unscientific, impossible phenomenon: 

Spontaneous Order 

"Scientists have long been baffled by the existence of spontaneous order in the universe. The laws of thermodynamics seem to dictate the opposite, that nature should inexorably degenerate toward a state of greater disorder, greater entropy." — Steven Strogatz

It is the most basic, obvious, and indisputable principle in the universe:


The simplest definition of this most obvious Truth is: 

"The tendency of all things toward randomness."

Everything we observe and experience has this unrelenting truth in the forefront, and NOTHING  escapes the dissipating effects of entropy.

The sun. Water. Wind. Spectral waves. Every force in the universe is constantly pummeling all matter into simpler randomness. Nothing gets 'more complex!'  NOTHING.

Orbits decay. The magnetic core of the earth diminishes. Stars burn out. Diversity in living things diminishes. Compounds break down. Randomness and chaos is all this universe offers.

Are there any examples of spontaneous order in this universe, that lend any credence to this absurd belief in atheistic naturalism? Why, yes, the True Believers assert:


This is a desperate attempt to believe in spontaneous order, using the crystallization of water, as it changes state, under very strict conditions.

 Snowflakes? Really?  Can you not see the absurdity in believing that this is an example of spontaneous order? 

1. The composition of water is not changed, as it crystallizes from water vapor.

2. A very complex environment must be present, for water to vaporize, then crystallize into snowflakes. Water does not spontaneously crystallize. Other factors control the process.

3. Lava hardens, as it changes state from liquid to solid. But few claim this is 'proof of spontaneous order!' A change of state is not evidence of spontaneous order. 

4. 'They look purty!' is the underlying belief that there must be spontaneous order in their formation. 

5. 'Pretty!', is an abstract perception, not scientifically valid evidence. 

6. Fractals, crystallization, erosion, fire, and every entropic force may 'look pretty!', but NONE are examples of spontaneous order. ALL are forces of entropy. 

The evidence for the Creator is overwhelming. The belief in Naturalism is a desperate attempt to evade the Creator. Naturalism is impossible.  NOTHING has its origin in atheistic naturalism. 

Then why..  WHY?? atheistic naturalism taught..  MANDATED.. as 'settled science!' in every human institution? Why do a vast majority turn off their minds and nod like bobbleheads at the suggestion of 'Naturalism!'?


Constant propaganda, pounded into us from infancy has successfully deluded us into believing this hare brained fantasy. Any tribal origins myth has more logic and credibility than this absurd leap into irrationality. The pseudoscience techno babble, the ominous assertions of robed priests, the hand waving deflections from shrieking witch doctors all combine to distract us from the most obvious Truth in the universe: 

The Creator IS. 

This world is STEEPED in lies and delusion. Don't be a fool.  Don't let the world make a fool of you. Everything in your life points to your Maker. The absurd delusion of atheistic naturalism is a cheap ploy, to divide you from your Creator. 

Spontaneous Order is impossible.  Atheistic Naturalism is impossible. They are nothing but deceptions, from a world bent on your destruction. Don't be deceived, but seek your Maker.  Why die in a lie? Seek Truth and live.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Death

 "How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset." George MacDonald

The fear of death is a most human thing.  Other animals avoid death, if they can, but they do not obsess over it, or fear it in angst filled, existential loathing.  

It is evidence that we are not just temporal beings, but reflect eternity in our souls.  We have a glimpse of eternity, and it scares us.

"For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity."  ~William Penn

But why?  Death is inevitable. Death is our constant companion, ready to whisk us away, at any time, from this life.  Why should we fear death?

1. The unknown. Man has concocted many hypotheses to explain his death.  Some include an afterlife.. a spiritual dimension where our existence continues in some form. Others posit annihilation.. simple non existence. Both beliefs are unknown, and neither are very comforting.

2. Pain. Many times, death is accompanied by pain. That prospect is disconcerting, to say the least, though temporary.

3. Loss. Everything you have, everyone you know, all that you are, ends at death.  You cease in this life, and all the things that concerned you here become meaningless.

Fear of Death: Slavery

The fear of death can paralyze us for life.  Gripped with dread and angst, we can forget about this life, and obsess over our own death.  Sometimes, this is an occassional fear, other times it looms before us like an evil apparition. But it is this fear that enslaves us.  If this fear of death can be removed, a great burden is lifted, and life can be enjoyed and faced with freedom and abandon.

"..through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, ...and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives." Heb2:14

I have been a gloomy existentialist all of my life.  Death has obsessed me, intrigued me, and at times consumed me. In a bizarre transition, as i have aged, my natural fear of death has morphed into expectant anticipation.. almost excitement over this new 'phase' i will soon go to.  I am looking forward to it, instead of dreading it. It is hard to explain, and harder to imagine. 

"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die." ~Leonardo da Vinci

Christianity offers mixed foresights into the mystery of death.  There is hope for the believer, but also an uneasy dread of Judgement.  One cannot trifle with an Almighty, Omnipotent God, or hope to bluff our way through our innermost insecurities. Eternity is a long time, by any calculation, and the destiny of an eternal soul takes on heightened importance, overriding the cares of this life.  Christians tend to focus on the positives, but deep inside, there is still an uneasy dread about standing before the Great White Throne, giving an account of every thought, word, and deed.

 “Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?” 1Co15:55

We can ignore death, pretend it isn't there, make fun of it, laugh at it, embrace it, or cower in terror.  I don't know if there is a 'right' way to view death.  It is the River we must all cross, and how we do it might not matter.  The life we live is more consequential than the way we pass.

Death is as mysterious to us as life. We don't know how or why we were created, and we don't know how or why our souls move on after death. It is evidence for the Creator. He has put this angst ..fear.. of death in us, so we might grope for Him, and be reconciled to our Maker. 

"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?"  ~Edgar Allan Poe

Monday, August 8, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: The Bible

Think about it. The very EXISTENCE of the Bible is compelling evidence for the Creator, Who has provided it as a guide.

Those who have drunk deeply from its pages acknowledge  Divine inspiration. Even skeptics cannot dismiss the significance and influence of the Holy Scriptures in the human experience. 

"For more than a thousand years the BIBLE, collectively taken, has gone hand in hand with civilization, science, law  --in short, with the moral and intellectual cultivation of the species, always supporting and often leading the way. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

66 books, written by disparate authors spanning millennia. The writers worked independently, obviously inspired by God, and assembled the greatest book in the history of humanity. 

"The BIBLE has been the Magna Charta of the poor and oppressed.  The human race is not in position to dispense with it" ~Thomas Huxley

It is not a science textbook, yet everything described in its pages are accurate, scientifically. It records, honestly and accurately, the history of the Jewish people, among others, that archeological discoveries have confirmed.

"The existence of the BIBLE, as a book for the people, is the greatest benefit which the human race has ever experienced. Every attempt to belittle it is a crime against humanity" ~Immanuel Kant

No other book has had a more profound impact on humanity. It is loved, and hated. Few are neutral. Some read it daily, while others attack it viciously. It has been the worldwide best seller, of any book, since printing began. It has been translated in more languages than any other book.

"The BIBLE is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men -- It has God for its Author,  Salvation for its end, and Truth without any mixture for its matter.  --  It is all pure, all sincere; nothing too much;  nothing wanting" ~John Locke

The supernatural aura that surrounds the bible is unmistakable to a great many people, who have reaped untold benefit from its pages.  

And, the hostility, distortions, and lies hurled at the bible are testimony of its enduring Truth.

"Centuries of experience have tested the BIBLE.  It has passed through critical fires no other volume has suffered, and its spiritual truth has endured the flames and come out without so much as the smell of burning" ~W.E. Sangster

"The BIBLE is not merely a book;  it is a Living Being, with an action, a power, which invades everything that opposes its extension, behold!  It is upon this table:  This Book, surpassing all others; I never omit to read it, and every day with some pleasure" ~Napoleon

Learned, wise, and powerful characters in history give acclaim to this book, because it is no ordinary book. It is THE Book, and it will elevate anyone's knowledge to read it, and become conversant with its message. 

"A thorough understanding of the BIBLE is better than a college education" ~Theodore Roosevelt

"The BIBLE goes equally to the cottage of the peasant, and the palace of the king.  -- It is woven into literature, and colors the talk of the street.  The bark of the merchant cannot sail without it;  and no ship of war goes to the conflict but it is there.  It enters men's closets; directs their conduct, and mingles in all the grief and cheerfulness of life" ~Theodore Parker

For a simple object.. words on pages.. the significance of the Bible is compelling evidence that our Creator provided it for our learning and spiritual development. 

You can disbelieve it. You can mock it, or parrot lies about it. But the enemies of the bible die and are forgotten, while the Bible continues its life changing mission.

"The influence of the Bible is worldwide. Its mighty power has affected every department of human activity. The contents of the Scriptures have supplied themes for the greatest poets, artists and musicians which the world has yet produced, and have been the mightiest factor of all in shaping the moral progress of the race." ~Arthur Pink

I stand on the shoulders of giants. They say it better and more eloquently than i ever could. An objective, impartial examination of this Book leaves no doubt:

 The Bible is a Message from our Maker

"You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilisation to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature." ~Mahatma Gandhi

"I will confess that the majesty of the Scriptures strikes me with admiration, as the purity of the gospel has its influence on my heart. Peruse the works of our philosophers, with all their pomp of diction: how contemptible are they, compared with the Scriptures! Is it possible that a book at once so simple and so sublime should be merely the work of man? Is it possible that the sacred personage whose name it records should be himself a mere man? What sweetness, what purity, in his manner! What sublimity in his maxims! What profound wisdom in his discourses! Where is the man, where the philosopher, who could so live and so die without weakness and without ostentation? If the life and death of Socrates were those of a sage, the life and death of Jesus were those of a God." ~Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Speaking the Truth in Love

A criticism i have heard for decades, is,

"You catch more flies with honey than vinegar!"

This implies that uncomfortable truths should be soft pedaled, to make them more appealing.

But this argument is flawed on many levels.

1. Truth can be told, with love, but mealy mouthed arguments that do not convey the actual truth, but a lie, are at their root, lies.

2. Lies cannot be told in love. Half truths and false impressions that mask the truth are driven by hatred and disdain, even from a smiling face.

3. Truth is often hard. It shocks our comfort zones, and corrects delusions.

4. If you try to be a friend to the world, by promoting its lies, you make yourself an enemy of Truth, and God, Himself. 

5. Always..  ALWAYS.. fix on the Truth.  Let others speculate about your love or motives, but the TRUTH must be first and foremost.

6. 'Nice!' is not the goal of the messenger,  but clearly conveying the Message. Giving a false impression while being 'nice!' is a most hateful thing.

Followers of the Creator have been tasked with conveying a Message from the Creator. Clarity, earnestness, logic, and science are tools in our responsibility to offer the Message of Redemption to a lost and dying world.

Don't be deceived by the spin and lies from this world and its systems. The Creator IS. He offers Redemption to those who will repent and receive it. All the evidence.. scientific, empirical,  anthropological, philosophical, historical, inferred and implied, point clearly and unequivocally to the Creator. 

Maybe you don't understand the science, but why would you doubt the CREATOR'S Word, in favor of lies from agenda driven ideologues in the world?

The truth is there, for those who seek it. This Truth is hard. It requires you to surrender all. It requires repentance and forsaking sin. It does not bring warm fuzzies, but tears.  Love drives the Message of Truth. Hate drives lies, spin, and wrong impressions. You cannot have love without Truth.

"He that would seriously set upon the search of truth, ought in the first place to prepare his mind with a love of it. For he that loves it not, will not take much pains to get it; nor be much concerned when he misses it. There is nobody in the commonwealth of learning who does not profess himself a lover of truth: and there is not a rational creature that would not take it amiss to be thought otherwise of. And yet, for all this, one may truly say, that there are very few lovers of truth, for truth's sake, even amongst those who persuade themselves that they are so. How a man may know whether he be so in earnest, is worth inquiry: and I think there is one unerring mark of it, viz. The not entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the proofs it is built upon will warrant. Whoever goes beyond this measure of assent, it is plain receives not the truth in the love of it; loves not truth for truth's sake, but for some other bye-end." ~John Locke

Friday, August 5, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Instinct

Morality, human laws, and instinct intertwine as mitigating factors for our choices in life.

Some things we observe (or not!) from fear of punishment from governmental authority. We don't speed, because we don't want a ticket. 

Some things are conscience, or Morality driven. We don't steal, just because we could, because an inner moral code says not to. We try (sometimes!) to avoid the sting of conscience, when making a moral choice.

Closely related to morality, and nearly identical in humans, is instinct.  It is an automatic response to a stimulus that is not thought out, like a moral choice.

We may grapple with moral choices, or even observing human laws, but instinct is automatic. We just do it.

1. Instinct can be overcome, in both humans and animals,  by conditioning. Men can be trained to set aside a flight instinct in war. Dogs can be trained to follow other conditioning that preempts their natural instincts.

2. Instinct in humans is often in conflict with Morality and law. A hungry man may be tempted to steal, but both his conscience AND fear of punishment restrain him.  ..sometimes..

3. Violations of any of these factors does not negate their influence. Violations of conscience are common to man, and illustrate the reality of the conscience.  Knowing that we violate it is evidence of its reality. 

What is the source of instinct? It is not a conditioned reflex, but a Fixed Action Pattern (FAP).

Naturalists assert instinct 'just happened!', by natural selection. An animal is born with this innate sense (no explanation how), and it is 'selected' for survival.

Turtles hatching all went randomly, at first, but the ones that made a bee line to the ocean survived better. Geese just flew around randomly until one was born that 'knew!' it should fly south for the winter.  All other geese froze or died of starvation until then.

But HOW did random natural processes 'ingrain' this sense in these organisms. HOW do you get an instinct in any living organism?  Natural selection cannot instill anything. It only selects based on environmental pressures. 

Instinct is a very deep, and controversial subject, even among naturalists. They cannot explain its origins.

Intelligent Design, however explains it perfectly. The CREATOR embedded these instincts in each animal kind/family/baramin. No laboratory can instill instincts. No natural process can 'create!' the FAP of instinct. 

There is much more that can be said about instinct, and the evidence it suggests for The Creator. Perhaps future articles will explore it more.  But the OBSERVABLE, REPEATABLE reality of instinct, in both animals and humans,  is compelling evidence for the Creator. 

You are not a random accident of chance in a godless universe, regardless of the propaganda and Indoctrination from agenda driven ideologues. You were born with senses, that include conscience, morality, and instinct. These senses include an awareness that your life is more than your physical body. You are a soul, and sense the spiritual dimension that becons you from time to time. Don't harden your heart, and numb your soul with lies and deceptions. Your Creator IS. Seek Him and find your purpose. Peace comes with this discovery. You cannot find this peace anywhere else.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Predators: Evidence of Morality

In the animal world, predation is a normal, useful, necessary function, to keep a balance in nature.

When a lion takes down a gazelle, she is doing what her nature instinctively calls her to do. She is not evil. She is not bad.

When a shark eats a victim, it is just acting on natural instincts, to live.

Even a domestic cat, fully fed, will catch, torment, and kill a mouse.

Male lions will kill cubs.. even their own, if the female does not protect them. 

The top predators are killing machines, and excel at what they do, with no sting of conscience. 

Human beings are the most feared and vicious predators in the natural world. Hunters in every society are honored for their skill in providing sustenance for their families, or taking out a predator that eats us.

We even kill each other..  not for food, but for turf, tribal loyalty, dominance, or philosophical reasons. Humans are the most vicious, cunning, and efficient killing machines out there, even harnessing tools and technology to aid us in our goal of killing others.

But for some reason, we have a moral sense.. a conscience that restrains us from whimsically killing just anyone. Other natural predators do not seem to have this phenomenon of conscience. Just us.

If this were a godless universe of jungle law, where 'might makes right!', and the fittest survive, Humans would not only approve of predation for advancement, but it would be the Highest Virtue. The more ruthless and cunning would be elevated as Human role models, advancing the human race to survive and prosper above all other animals. We'd take out any competition, man or beast, in our natural quest to be the best. There would be no sting of conscience.  Conscience would be a human construct, to weaken and manipulate others. A godless universe has no will or moral standards to embed in us, if it could.

But the Creator could, and evidently, did, infuse within us a conscience.. a moral compass to guide our choices.  We can violate it (and do!), but it is still there,  reminding us, with some discomfort, that we fall short of those inner moral standards we feel instinctively. 

Even in a justifiable situation of killing: war, criminal deterrence, justice.. we take no pleasure in it. Soldiers do their duty, but many are scarred by the process.

Even killing other animals for no reason is considered 'bad!', and some societies have laws to prevent the wanton killing of animals. 

Human beings are not just animal predators. There is something else in them, suggesting a Higher Call.. a Higher Purpose. There is a Soul, linked to the conscience, that reminds us we are not just beasts, to kill and be killed, but we reflect the Divine. We were created for a Higher Purpose. 

The evidence of a moral compass and the conscience are compelling facts that can only suggest the Creator. These (and hundreds of other such facts) overwhelmingly suggest a creation event, not atheistic naturalism,  as our origins.

Only by constant propaganda and state indoctrination has the obvious reality of the Creator been doubted. Deceivers and agenda driven ideologues pound the drum of atheistic naturalism,  until the hapless dupes of indoctrination close their minds, nod like bobbleheads, and gullibly believe the lie, that divides us from our Maker. 

Don't be a fool. Don't be deceived by the lies from this world. Your Creator IS. Seek Him and be reconciled, while you can.