Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Pillars of Atheistic Naturalism: Abiogenesis

 Abiogenesis is another of the trifecta.. the Trinity of beliefs that provide the basis for atheistic naturalism.

In a previous article, i examined the 'Big Bang', as the First Cause of the origins of the universe. This article is about the First Cause of life. ..the origin of life.

Abiogenesis is the belief that life can spontaneously form, under the right conditions. A primordial soup of ingredients, mixed together in just the right way, then nudged by some spectral wave, heat, light, or other catalyst will, the belief says, result in primal life.

Unfortunately, man has not been able to animate life, in myriads of experiments over thousands of years, even with our ability to split the atom, and splice genes in the laboratory, the origins of life remain a cosmic mystery. NOTHING resembling 'life', has ever been 'created' by man. We have produced a few proteins, under rigorous laboratory conditions, but not even a one celled organism.. nothing like self replicating life.

If life were a simple scientific phenomenon, we could use scientific methodology to break it down, repeat the factors necessary to create it, and unravel the mystery of life. But alas! Life is not explainable by science. It is here. It teems on the earth, but nowhere else, to our knowledge. We think it a common, ordinary thing, and it is, but its origins are unfathomable to the rational mind.

If life could easily be created, by natural processes, one could believe in atheistic naturalism as a possibility for our origins. But life CANNOT be explained by atheistic naturalism. Only an Intelligent Power, able to create life, matter, space, and the entire universe, could have Authored Life. It is impossible for life to appear in a godless universe. There is no mechanism or scientific principle to generate it. Without the Creator, life is impossible.

Abiogenesis is an unscientific belief. It has no evidence of possibility, and EVERY experiment attempted by man has failed to produce life.

Yet atheistic abiogenesis is taught.. no, INDOCTRINATED, into gullible youth from infancy. It is DECLARED, with no evidence at all, that life began spontaneously, in some distant primordial ooze, and we 'evolved!' to what we are today. This fantastic religious belief has no basis in fact or scientific methodology, yet it is mandated as a belief. It is the Official State Religion.

This pillar of atheistic naturalism, that provides the ideological basis for Marxism, communism, and Progressivism, is contrary to the American principles of a Creator, endowing man with unalienable rights, and equality. It is at the root of the destruction of America. It is not a benign religious opinion.

The existence of life is compelling evidence FOR the Creator. It cannot be explained by atheistic naturalism.

The Big Bang


Common Ancestry

..these are the 3 pillars of atheistic naturalism. But they are unscientific hoaxes, to divide people from their Maker. Don't be a dupe to progressive propaganda. Science and Reason are useful tools of discovery. Use them.

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