Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Big Bang Belief

Most people believe the present theory of a 'big bang', for the origins of the universe. Here are some points to ponder, about this theory:

1. Who or What initiated this big bang, compressing the universe into a small size, then exploding it into the universe?
2. What is the difference between a 'big bang', and a Creation event from a Creator?
3. How does light appear to us, which would take 'millions of years!' to get to us from the far reaches of the universe?

I have been referred to this link, as the most recent authoritative data behind the theory of big bang:

WMAP's "baby picture of the universe" maps the afterglow of the hot, young universe at a time when it was only 375,000 years old, when it was a tiny fraction of its current age of 13.77 billion years. The patterns in this baby picture were used to limit what could have possibly happened earlier, and what happened in the billions of year since that early time. The (mis-named) "big bang" framework of cosmology, which posits that the young universe was hot and dense, and has been expanding and cooling ever since, is now solidly supported, according to WMAP.

WMAP observations also support an add-on to the big bang framework to account for the earliest moments of the universe. Called "inflation," the theory says that the universe underwent a dramatic early period of expansion, growing by more than a trillion trillion-fold in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. Tiny fluctuations were generated during this expansion that eventually grew to form galaxies.

Now, if a godless universe could set aside all laws of physics, and expand 'by more than a trillion trillion-fold in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second', then how is that any different than positing a Creator, who did the same thing?

Why the belief in '13.7 billion years!', as the age of the universe, if this phenomenal expansion could do it in 'less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second'?

What natural processes could have compressed the universe into a size of a pea, then explode it to the expanses of the universe in 'less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second'?

It seems to me, that the faith needed to believe this happened spontaneously, through physical law defying processes, is just as great, if not greater, than believing in a Creator.

There is either an unknown, physical law defying natural process that could do this thing, or an unknown, physical law defying Creator Who did it.

Which belief is more reasonable? Why would believing in atheistic naturalism be 'Science!', but believing in a Creator is 'Religion!'? Both are leaps of faith, requiring an assumption of some physical law defying Cause.


WMAP observations also support an add-on to the big bang framework to account for the earliest moments of the universe. Called "inflation," the theory says that the universe underwent a dramatic early period of expansion, growing by more than a trillion trillion-fold in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. Tiny fluctuations were generated during this expansion that eventually grew to form galaxies.

So, a period of 'inflation', where the laws of physics were set aside for 'less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second', occured, it is suggested. The entire universed exploded in an instant, filling millions of light years of space, allowing light and other waves continuity, so they can be seen, now, without having to wait billions of years for them to get here.

But by what standard do you arbitrarily assign '13.77 billion years!', as the age of the universe, if you posit an inflation of 'less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second', to expand it to its current condition? It could have been just millions, or even thousands.. why arbitrarily choose '13.77 billions!', when there is NO WAY of knowing how far back this 'inflation' took place?

'Tiny fluctuations grew to form galaxies!' Really? Can you not see the fantastic speculation going on here, dogmatically declared as 'science!'?

And just HOW did this inflation allegedly happen, suspending all known natural laws? Trillions fold expansion in trillionths of a second? The acceleration to do this would vaporize any matter. This phenomenon cannot be observed, repeated, or any mechanism explained. It is a physical impossibility, yet is glibly declared as 'settled science!', and eager bobbleheads eat it up like candy.

Is there no skepticism? Are we really that gullible, to accept the techno babble filled spinnings of agenda driven ideologues?

..this is the Hope: 'Someone!' out there is Really Smart, and knows how this all fits together. Us mere mortals cannot possibly understand the complexities, and should just Trust the mysterious experts, who can't be bothered with actually explaining or demonstrating with sound scientific methodology, what their theories entail.

We can't explain it, understand it, or observe it, but the Really Smart People told us it was 'settled science!', so it must be true!

Progressive Indoctrination relies on trust and gullibility. Skepticism, critical thinking, and sound scientific methodology, are its worse enemies.

So, what is the difference between positing a mysterious, unknown, untestable Creator, over mysterious, unknown, untestable godless processes, that allegedly did the same thing? Why is speculating atheistic naturalism, 'science!', but a Creator, 'religion?' It is religious bigotry, pretending one religio/philosophical belief is 'settled science!', while a competing one is 'religious!', and using the power of the State to mandate the belief.

What natural processes can Create the universe ex nihilo? This is just a religious belief, masquerading as 'Science!'

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