Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Monday, December 9, 2019

Evidence of a Creator: Angst

This is the first in a series of articles that examine the evidence *for* a Creator.  This is not a religious analysis, appealing to texts or religious beliefs or dogma.   This is an examination of reason and scientific evidence of the facts, that imply or suggest a model of creation.

If there is not a Creator, then ALL believers in that are deluded. They are either blind fools, who deny and ignore Reality, or they are willful deceivers, knowingly promoting a lie for some agenda.

But... if the Objective Reality is that there IS a Creator/God, then it is the unbelievers in this reality who are either deluded fools, or deliberate deceivers.

There IS.. an Objective Reality, about the nature of the universe. It is either designed and Created by an Intelligent Designer, or it is a random accident of godless chance.

Believing in one or the other has no bearing on the ultimate reality. If one believes there is a Creator/God, and there isn't, they are a deluded fool. If one believes there is NOT a Creator/God, and there is, then he is the deluded fool. There is only ONE, Ultimate, Objective Reality. Discovering this Truth has been the goal of many humans for thousands of years.

IF.. knowledge is knowable,
THEN.. some might know this truth, while others are ignorant or deceived.
That condition can only be determined if the Ultimate Truth is revealed. Until then, we give opinions and arguments for those opinions. But neither the arguments nor the opinions have any influence on Objective Reality.

Truth is true, whether we know it, believe it, or not.

Neither believing in something nor denying it has any effect on Objective, Absolute Truth.

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

Human angst
There is no naturalistic explanation for this. It does not aid in our survival, or improve the species in any way. It is common throughout the human experience, traversing time, race, religion, and culture. It is a gnawing 'something' in man that hints and implies a spiritual connection.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator." ~Blaise Pascal c. 1670

There are 2 possibilities, concerning angst, as there are with everything in this world:

1. Goddidit
2. Nuthindidit

Is it a Real Thing, embedded by God, or it is a human delusion?  A construct for manipulation?

If Angst, as experienced and defined by philosophers and most humans over the millennia, is REAL, then it has to have a source. Either it was placed there by a Power with ability to do so, or it happened naturally.

I see this angst as the motivation for the pursuit of 'more'. There is a dissatisfaction with life.. our existence.. that we mask with 'more'.
1. Stuff
2. Sex
3. Recognition
4. Validation
5. Money
6. Power
7. Influence
8. Significance

The recurring theme among human gurus, psychologists, shamen, priests, self help conferences, and religious theories is 'enjoy life & have fun!', and we have to constantly remind ourselves to do that, and not be nagged by the inner desire for more. Yet no matter how we try.. or how we reassure our psyches of the wise and balanced path we have chosen, an undercurrent of desire.. a hole in our souls.. belies our bluff of contentment.

We are not satisfied with meeting our basic needs, but want more.

We come into the world laden with the weight of an infinite necessity.
– Albert Camus

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