Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Evidence for The Creator: Extinction

Extinction is evidence of The Creator.

The wide diversity within each family/type/clade/kind reflects the parent stock being full, and then slowly losing diversity, via genomic entropy.

Felidae, for example, HAD much more diversity in the past, and the big cats are dwindling and going extinct, not increasing in diversity and traits, like common ancestry predicts.

One of the biggest concerns conservationists have these days is the ever-decreasing population of big cats across the planet. Their concerns are certainly warranted as a large number of big cats have gone extinct since the animals first began appearing some two million years ago. While most people are familiar with the likes of the famed sabre-toothed cats, there are recent examples of tigers, the Barbary lion, and other familiar animals that have disappeared in the 20th century.
Starting with the most recently extinct animals, this list of extinct big cats includes many that went extinct thousands of years ago, but there are a few examples of animals that disappeared in the 1900s. Protecting the remaining lions, tigers, panthers, jaguars, and others is imperative if we want to keep lists like this one of extinct cats as short as possible.

The variability within the felidae family has decreased, and there are fewer traits in that family than in times past. Many cat varieties have gone extinct, in the last 200 years, and more before that.

Prediction of Models:
The ancestral felid contained all the variability, from current and extinct cats. Over time, traits can be lost, as isolation and adaptation 'selects' the winners and losers.

Common Ancestry:
The ancestral felid would be simpler, with fewer traits, and would have increased in complexity and variability over time.

The prediction of increasing complexity, added traits, and wider diversity is not observed. There is no mechanism to do this and it has never been observed. It is a belief that scientific observation does not support.

There was MORE diversity in times past, than now. Felidae is DEVOLVING, not adding traits and increasing in complexity. We observe genetic entropy and extinction, for organisms that do not have the traits to adapt to environmental conditions.

The observable reality of MORE diversity in the various families, devolving over time.. at times to extinction.. is evidence of a creation event, and conflicts with the belief in common ancestry.

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