Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Saturday, January 4, 2020

State Establishment of Religion

A fascinating historical study is the progressive hijacking of the judicial and legislative branches to mandate their agenda, and to censor any opposition.

The teaching of evolution is one such example.

At the turn of the 19th century, progressivism was taking off, as an ideological worldview. The theory of universal common descent was an integral part of this worldview, and provided the naturalistic basis needed.

Dewey, Wilson, Sanger, Roosevelt, and many other progressives sought to bring the superstitious, backward nation into the 20th century, where their goal of a collectivist utopia could be realized. Marxism and Darwinism were constantly referenced, by the early progressives.

But the Christian convictions were strong, in middle America, and they could not get their agenda of exclusive control of religious/philosophical concepts in those areas. The cities and coasts were easy, and progressive ideology became the standard in academia.

Most laws, regarding topics of educational instruction, were minimal.. It was left to locales to set curriculum, and religious instruction was common. Prayers were often offered to God, and biblical themes were commonly taught.

Note this judicial timeline.  It clearly shows the slow transition from a God centered, American values ideology, into a naturalistic one, where any alternate expressions of philosophical belief are banned. ..under the guise of 'science!'

1925- the state of Tennessee passes a law banning the teaching of evolution in public school. It went to court, in what has been called the 'Scopes monkey trial'. Many other states followed suit, banning the teaching of evolution. The tennessee law was upheld initially.

1967 – Tennessee repeals the Butler Act, the law that banned the teaching of evolution in public schools.

1968 – In Epperson v. Arkansas, the Supreme Court strikes down an Arkansas law banning the teaching of evolution.

1973 – Tennessee passes a law requiring that public schools give equal emphasis to "the Genesis account in the Bible" along with other theories about the origins of man.

1975 – Tennessee's "equal time" law is declared unconstitutional by a federal appeals court.

1982 — In McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, a U.S. district judge strikes down an Arkansas law that required public schools to give "balanced treatment" to evolution and creationism whenever either was taught.

1987 – In Edwards v. Aguillard, the Supreme Court rules that a Louisiana law requiring public schools to give "balanced treatment" to creationism and evolution is unconstitutional.

1990 - In Webster v. New Lenox School District, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals found that a school district may prohibit a teacher from teaching creation science.

1994, in Peloza v. Capistrano School District, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court finding that a teacher's First Amendment right to free exercise of religion is not violated by a school district's requirement that evolution be taught in biology classes.

2005 - in Selman et al. v. Cobb County School District et al., U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper ruled that a evolution warning label required in Cobb County textbooks violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The disclaimer stickers stated, "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered."

Notice the dates. In 1925, the pinnacle of the progressive movement, they used the courts to demand an equal voice for teaching origins, & a naturalistic view of the universe. Then, there is a long period of silence from the courts, as the world war raged, & God was appealed to & acknowledged in every aspect of US culture.  Prayers were publicly offered 'for the boys', and the nation had an appearance of deep spirituality and piety.  Less than a decade after WW2,  they put 'under God' in the pledge of allegiance. 'In God we trust' was the official motto, put on money, & adopted in 1956, the waning years of this short interruption in progressive domination.

Remember the commie witch hunts? It was a feeble attempt to rid American culture of anti American, destructive influences, & is now hailed by progressives everywhere (who are more sympathetic to the communists, the target of the hunts) as a 'hate crime', & bigotry.

But by the 70's, darwinian theory had become dominant, & it now was not content to be given equal footing with a supernatural view of origins & the universe, but demanded a monopoly.. they were to become the ONLY view allowed by the courts, in the state run indoctrination centers, aka public schools.

..and here we are..  unwitting dupes to State Mandated Religious Indoctrination..

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