Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Phony Science

Here are a few of the Fake Science Beliefs of the day: 
1. **Global Warming**. This is actually the poster child for Fake Science. It meets all the criteria: agenda driven, ridicule for any critics, ad hominem, contrived data, mandated belief, & relentless indoctrination. 
2. **A woman can do what she pleases with her body**. This ignores the scientific evidence of a unique, individual human being growing inside the woman, which is the mammalian way of reproduction. The new person is no longer 'a part of the woman's body', but a new life, growing inside her. It is fake science to claim it is a 'blob of tissue', or other euphemisms. 
3. **Common Ancestry is settled science, & is proven to be the origin of man!** This is flawed in every way, & is also Fake Science. There is NO evidence that this is even possible, much less that it DID happen. It is merely an indoctrinated belief. 
4. **Guns kill people**! Statistics are given, from juggled data sets, & deceptive studies, to try to demonize the firearm, which is also a great deterrent for evildoers. But only the negatives are presented, to try to promote a false perception, & to promote a phony narrative. 
5. **White people are evil**! The race obsessed, divisive left is constantly revising history, promoting false narratives of 'white privilege,' 'black lives matter', & other hysteria based racist memes. It is not supported by facts or reality, but is a phony narrative, used to instigate violence, sedition, & division in society. 
6. **A nation should have open borders**. This is historically & logistically false & impossible. A nation that has any attraction to immigration must have some kind of orderly system for immigrants. Open borders only create chaos, crime, & overload the system. The reasoning & arguments for it are completely irrational, fallacious, & based on deceptive data. 
7. **Need money?  Print some!** This is the absurd belief that monetary policy should be based on decree, rather than production. But all fiat money does is devalue, as inflation eats up the wealth of the working man, & transfers it to the ruling elite. 
8. **Govt can enable everyone to live off of everybody else**! This is the 'Great Fiction' that Bastiat wrote of, & ignores the more basic problems of production of food & other necessities, which 'govt' cannot produce. Only working people create the necessities of life. 
9. **America is evil**!  :O .. America is the only successful experiment in self rule, in the history of man. Those who hate it as a system usually suggest some kind of marxist, collectivist solution, which has a terrible record for the common man, of rights, opportunity, prosperity, or anything else. 
10. **Choose your Identity!**  This ignores scientific reality. It pretends that biological reality is somehow a choice, or an option you can make at any time in your life. But it ignores the genetic & biological reality of gender, species, age, or traits. 
11. **Love Trumps Hate**. This is a favorite slogan of the progressive left, which they demonstrate by rioting, burning cars, & committing acts of violence on those who disagree with them. It is merely Orwellian 'New speak', which redefines reality with opposite terms. 
12. **Islam is the religion of peace**. This is also demonstrated, almost daily, with suicide bombers, attacks on civilians, & terrorist attacks, with the left constantly defending them while attacking other beliefs as 'bigoted'. 

It is a juggernaut of cultural change, brought on by the progressive religion, with their roots in Marxist and Darwinist principles, and promoted exclusively by the left wing propaganda machine. It is accelerating, and I do not believe that a dwindling, dying breed of traditional Americans, can stop it.

In my lifetime i have witnessed this cultural transformation in many areas:

1. Drugs are cool. Tune in, turn on, and drop out. 
2. Free love. AKA, sexual immorality. Inconsequential sex, for fun, with no repercussions. To enable that, we need: 
3. Abortion on demand. Kill the baby, so you can live the dream of inconsequential sex. 
4. Normalize homosexuality. Like many other values in America, this went from being despised, aberrant behavior to hip and trendy. 
5. Militant greenies. 'Save Mother Earth from the evil capitalists!' ..and to do that: 
6. Socialism is cool! A Marxist, collectivist utopia would solve everything! 

Before I was born, the anti Creator movement was already underway. I was indoctrinated into atheistic naturalism, which is at the core of progressivism. *It was the amoral basis of atheistic naturalism that opened the pandora's box for all the other 'transformation!' changes*.

The timeline is easy to follow. One by one, traditional American values topple, like confederate statues, before the transforming juggernaut of progressive ideology.

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