Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Conscience

Let us examine 3 things, regarding the phenomenon of conscience. 

1. Is it a Real Thing, or a made up human construct?

2. What is its source? How did conscience originate?

3. What are the results of conscience? Does it have any consequence to the individual or society?

Most naturalists skip over the first 2 questions, and go right to the results.  

'Conscience and morality are good for society! Evolution picked the traits that made a society more successful!'


I submit that the conscience is a Real Thing, not a man made construct for manipulation. It is too universal in the human experience, and too consistent across region, era, and ethnicity. 

Theft, lying, murder, adultery, fraud, and violence are frowned upon in every human society. Some cultures may have a few peripheral add-ons, and Indoctrination can be used to tweak the perceptions of conscience, but the core issues that seem to be in everyone's conscience are the same.

Conscience does not occur in the rest of the animal world. It is often 'believed!', that animals have consciences, but that is anthropomorphic projection. There was a study on a society of chimps (i can't remember the details). One of the females had no offspring, but she would kill the baby chimps of the other mothers. They had to watch out for her, and keep their babies away from her.  Male lions, also, will kill their own cubs. The mothers must hide them and protect them from the males prowling about.

All other animals operate only by jungle law.  Might makes right. The bigger, stronger males usually dictate who can stay, and who must go (or die). Theft is a virtue. If you steal food from someone, all the better for you.  Their loss, your gain. There is no moral outrage, or cries for justice, in the animal world. That happens only among humans. Right, not Might, is appealed to, and Might is expected to uphold Right.

The universal, observable, expected and assumed condition of conscience makes it a Real Thing, embedded, somehow, in the human psyche.


What, then, is the source of this moral compass?  There are 2 possibilities: 

1. An intelligent being embedded the conscience in man, as a guide for behavior. 

2. Conscience happened naturally, as a naturally selected trait.

It is completely plausible,  IF.. there is a Creator,  that He may have embedded the conscience into human beings. They are different from other animals, not just in intelligence, use of tools, and problem solving, but in abstract reasoning, defining Virtue, esteeming altruism, admiration of beauty, art, and other undefinable, often metaphysical concepts.

A godless universe, however, has no source for conscience.  It can only be a human construct to manipulate other people. Some ancient hominid got tired of others stealing from him, and invented angry gods, who hated theft.  It worked, so other 'morals!', were added. This society was more successful (allegedly), and was 'selected' by evolution as more 'fit'.

But the source is still human manipulation.  A godless universe does not care if you lie, kill, or steal. Survival and procreation are the only virtues, in atheistic naturalism. And only the fittest get to pass on their genes to future iterations of humanity. 

The observable fact that atheists, who claim to be above superstition, hold to, and even boast of their moral superiority, is evidence that it is not a human construct,  but was embedded by the Creator,  even when He is not acknowledged. 

The only logical possibility for conscience,  is that the Creator embedded it in us, to guide our choices.


it is argued that 'good people, that get along with others, are better for society, and these 'better societies', (wherever they are), were selected by evolution to survive and prosper.

We observe that Laws are made, that mostly affirm the consciences of humans. Murder, stealing, fraud, and other points of conscience are upheld by the State, as proper for a successful society. Now the leaders of these states can kill, lie, steal, and defraud each other, and have for millennia (forcing the citizens to kill and die for their agendas), but the rest of us are required, by law, to observe the dictates of conscience, along with any other decrees the rulers tack on.

We mostly observe that successful, long-term societies held to a clear and virtuous moral code. When corruption and depravity increase, the societies decline.

Naturalists and creationists mostly agree, that there are positive results for a law abiding, moral people, who follow their conscience.

It is more plausible, from the evidence, that conscience is a Real Thing, embedded by the Creator. There is no naturalistic source for conscience or morality, which can only be human constructs for manipulation. 

The evidence of conscience,  therefore, compels a conclusion of the Creator.

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