Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Predators: Evidence of Morality

In the animal world, predation is a normal, useful, necessary function, to keep a balance in nature.

When a lion takes down a gazelle, she is doing what her nature instinctively calls her to do. She is not evil. She is not bad.

When a shark eats a victim, it is just acting on natural instincts, to live.

Even a domestic cat, fully fed, will catch, torment, and kill a mouse.

Male lions will kill cubs.. even their own, if the female does not protect them. 

The top predators are killing machines, and excel at what they do, with no sting of conscience. 

Human beings are the most feared and vicious predators in the natural world. Hunters in every society are honored for their skill in providing sustenance for their families, or taking out a predator that eats us.

We even kill each other..  not for food, but for turf, tribal loyalty, dominance, or philosophical reasons. Humans are the most vicious, cunning, and efficient killing machines out there, even harnessing tools and technology to aid us in our goal of killing others.

But for some reason, we have a moral sense.. a conscience that restrains us from whimsically killing just anyone. Other natural predators do not seem to have this phenomenon of conscience. Just us.

If this were a godless universe of jungle law, where 'might makes right!', and the fittest survive, Humans would not only approve of predation for advancement, but it would be the Highest Virtue. The more ruthless and cunning would be elevated as Human role models, advancing the human race to survive and prosper above all other animals. We'd take out any competition, man or beast, in our natural quest to be the best. There would be no sting of conscience.  Conscience would be a human construct, to weaken and manipulate others. A godless universe has no will or moral standards to embed in us, if it could.

But the Creator could, and evidently, did, infuse within us a conscience.. a moral compass to guide our choices.  We can violate it (and do!), but it is still there,  reminding us, with some discomfort, that we fall short of those inner moral standards we feel instinctively. 

Even in a justifiable situation of killing: war, criminal deterrence, justice.. we take no pleasure in it. Soldiers do their duty, but many are scarred by the process.

Even killing other animals for no reason is considered 'bad!', and some societies have laws to prevent the wanton killing of animals. 

Human beings are not just animal predators. There is something else in them, suggesting a Higher Call.. a Higher Purpose. There is a Soul, linked to the conscience, that reminds us we are not just beasts, to kill and be killed, but we reflect the Divine. We were created for a Higher Purpose. 

The evidence of a moral compass and the conscience are compelling facts that can only suggest the Creator. These (and hundreds of other such facts) overwhelmingly suggest a creation event, not atheistic naturalism,  as our origins.

Only by constant propaganda and state indoctrination has the obvious reality of the Creator been doubted. Deceivers and agenda driven ideologues pound the drum of atheistic naturalism,  until the hapless dupes of indoctrination close their minds, nod like bobbleheads, and gullibly believe the lie, that divides us from our Maker. 

Don't be a fool. Don't be deceived by the lies from this world. Your Creator IS. Seek Him and be reconciled, while you can.

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