Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Friday, August 5, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Instinct

Morality, human laws, and instinct intertwine as mitigating factors for our choices in life.

Some things we observe (or not!) from fear of punishment from governmental authority. We don't speed, because we don't want a ticket. 

Some things are conscience, or Morality driven. We don't steal, just because we could, because an inner moral code says not to. We try (sometimes!) to avoid the sting of conscience, when making a moral choice.

Closely related to morality, and nearly identical in humans, is instinct.  It is an automatic response to a stimulus that is not thought out, like a moral choice.

We may grapple with moral choices, or even observing human laws, but instinct is automatic. We just do it.

1. Instinct can be overcome, in both humans and animals,  by conditioning. Men can be trained to set aside a flight instinct in war. Dogs can be trained to follow other conditioning that preempts their natural instincts.

2. Instinct in humans is often in conflict with Morality and law. A hungry man may be tempted to steal, but both his conscience AND fear of punishment restrain him.  ..sometimes..

3. Violations of any of these factors does not negate their influence. Violations of conscience are common to man, and illustrate the reality of the conscience.  Knowing that we violate it is evidence of its reality. 

What is the source of instinct? It is not a conditioned reflex, but a Fixed Action Pattern (FAP).

Naturalists assert instinct 'just happened!', by natural selection. An animal is born with this innate sense (no explanation how), and it is 'selected' for survival.

Turtles hatching all went randomly, at first, but the ones that made a bee line to the ocean survived better. Geese just flew around randomly until one was born that 'knew!' it should fly south for the winter.  All other geese froze or died of starvation until then.

But HOW did random natural processes 'ingrain' this sense in these organisms. HOW do you get an instinct in any living organism?  Natural selection cannot instill anything. It only selects based on environmental pressures. 

Instinct is a very deep, and controversial subject, even among naturalists. They cannot explain its origins.

Intelligent Design, however explains it perfectly. The CREATOR embedded these instincts in each animal kind/family/baramin. No laboratory can instill instincts. No natural process can 'create!' the FAP of instinct. 

There is much more that can be said about instinct, and the evidence it suggests for The Creator. Perhaps future articles will explore it more.  But the OBSERVABLE, REPEATABLE reality of instinct, in both animals and humans,  is compelling evidence for the Creator. 

You are not a random accident of chance in a godless universe, regardless of the propaganda and Indoctrination from agenda driven ideologues. You were born with senses, that include conscience, morality, and instinct. These senses include an awareness that your life is more than your physical body. You are a soul, and sense the spiritual dimension that becons you from time to time. Don't harden your heart, and numb your soul with lies and deceptions. Your Creator IS. Seek Him and find your purpose. Peace comes with this discovery. You cannot find this peace anywhere else.

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