Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Atheists

You read it right. Atheists, themselves are evidence for the Creator. 

Believers in atheistic naturalism can only see morality as man made constructs.. arbitrary platitudes to manipulate people.  There can be no moral absolutes in a godless universe. They are just human inventions to control people.  Those who submit to moralizing platitudes are dupes to manipulative schemers.

That is why atheists themselves, are evidence for the Creator. They (like everyone else) instinctively hold to a set of moral absolutes, even while denying their possibility. 

If this was a godless universe, atheists would be Enlightened.. they would cast off the restrictions of human manipulation and live freely, doing whatever they want and can to advance their own genes, since that is the only purpose for their existence, and the ONLY motivation for their actions. They would care nothing for abstracts like Beauty, Art, Poetry, Love, and Altruism. Lies would be natural, used for expediency. Theft would be easy, for any opportunity.  Rape and violence would be useful tools for the goal of advancing their genetic pool. Morality is a deception, to manipulate stupid, superstitious people who shouldn't even be allowed to breed.  The fittest survive. Might makes right. That is the only absolute in a godless universe. 

There would not be any 'moral struggles', or wrestling with conscience,  as the survival and reproductive instinct would drive them to do whatever is necessary to promote THEIR OWN genetic progeny. 

Are Atheists like this?  Some, maybe, who actually follow the implications of their beliefs, but we call them sociopaths, and lock them up.  Most self proclaimed Atheists boast of their moral superiority: 

"I don't need some magic sky fairy to tell me how to live! I have a highly evolved sense of morality, and hold to it better that theists!"

They admit to a moral compass that can only have been embedded by the Creator. The godless universe they profess to believe in has no morals, and no conscience. 

Think about it. Why would you follow your conscience,  if it is just man made platitudes to control you? Why would you hold to morals, if they are human constructs? 

You wouldn't, if you followed the logical conclusions of your beliefs. But since you do feel and observe (imperfectly!) moral absolutes, the conclusion is obvious: 

The Creator has embedded His Standards in you.

That sting of conscience is not man made. It is a guide.. a compass to help you follow the moral standards the Creator has established.

Listen to your own inner evidence. The Creator IS. He has made you, and has embedded within you a conscience. Don't be a dupe to the REAL manipulation. Atheistic Naturalism is a lie.. a delusion to divide you from your Maker. 

Follow the evidence. Listen to science and reason. Throw off the delusion of atheistic naturalism that has been indoctrinated into you from infancy. Seek your Maker. You can know the Truth, and it will set you free.

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