Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Birth

 "We are born wet, naked, and hungry. Then things get worse." ~unknown 

Few people can remember the trauma of birth.  There you were:  Warm. Comfortable. Safe. The rhythmic beating of your mother's heart keeping you protected and secure. You were fed well, and there was nothing to do but grow.

Then, for no reason, your own mother, who had cared for you selflessly to that point, starts pushing you out.. rejected for no reason, pushed, pulled, things attached to your head, and strange voices disturbing the calm security that had been home these many months. There were cold hands groping you, pulling your limbs, dashing the environment you thought was safe.

Its no wonder we block that out! Traumatized at such a tender age, unable to reason or process this new information, we are gripped with terror and anguish, at this unsettling turn of events. 

Why is this happening? What is going on?  Strange sensations overwhelm us. Air fills our lungs, and we cry out, involuntarily, at this rude disturbance of our peaceful existence.

For most of us, there was the comfortable reassurance of that heart.. beating rhythmically. Familiar. Soothing. Something good was put near our lips, and an instinctive action, that no one taught us, brought something else good, to our ever hungry stomachs.

This was our origin..  our beginning.. our first encounter with the material universe. It was confusing, traumatic, terrifying. It takes most of us years..  decades..  to recover from this trauma, and some never do.

Why did this happen? Where were we? How did we suddenly come to be, unaware of ourselves from eternity past?

Years go by. Our questions get glib, unsatisfactory answers. Some people claim to know, with dogmatic certainty, how and why we are. Some of us are grilled and browbeaten with fantastic stories, called 'science!', or 'religion!', or 'philosophy!' We learn to not ask questions, as a barrage of questionable information spews forth.  Shrieking witch doctors,  waving their arms, and chanting gibberish, frightened and bully us to believe the origins myth that belongs to our tribe.

But there is something in our roots.. something or Someone, that calls to us, in the quiet of reflection.  We can't quite remember.. we can't quite perceive it, or reason it out, but an ..inkling.. a primal awareness haunts us.. calling.. drawing.. beckoning us, to return to our Source.

We long to reunite with eternity, and a hole in our souls belies the bravado and smug confidence we project to others.. (mostly so we don't have to listen to their boring diatribes!)

But there is an ache.. an enduring emptiness, that no thing can fill. Oh, we try.. toys, sensory pleasures, mind altering substances.. mind bending ideas.   ANYTHING, to tittlate the senses, and distract us from the unknown, but they don't reacquaint us with our Source. A gnawing hunger stays with us, in spite of our self assurance or the wishful thinking of familiar propaganda. 

For a few.. a very few, it seems, there is Contact. The Source is revealed. The darkness of confusion and uncertainty explodes with blinding Light. Our Maker appears to us, and the spiritual dimension we had an inkling of suddenly unfolds before us.  Our souls are reborn, and our minds are blown by this dramatic encounter with the Almighty Creator of the universe. 

We were born to live in harmony with our Maker. He is our Source, and the reason for existence. In this world, there is constant Noise.. conflicting ideas, lies, propaganda, agenda driven ideologues pushing a narrative.. but in the quiet of eternity.. in the still, small voice we almost remember from birth, a Remembrance occurs. The inkling is affirmed. The Creator reveals Himself. 

Don't let the noise of this world distract you from your eternal soul. Draw near to your Creator, and seek Him in quietness and sober reflection. He has provided a Way.. a pathway to return to Him, your Maker. The Savior, the God/man Jesus, has atoned for your sins, and opened the doorway to reconciliation. 

Don't take my word for it. Don't believe anything second or third hand. You must engage your Maker yourself.. you cannot ride the coattails of another.  But don't be deceived by the lies and spin in this world. They are designed to deceive and separate you from your Creator. 

The Creator IS. Seek Him while you can.

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