Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Evidence for the Creator: Gullible Fools

The existence of gullible fools is evidence of the Creator, and a spiritual realm.

This world is full of con men, scammers, charlatans,  and fakes, eager to fool people for some agenda or advantage. Some live in ivory towers and wear flowing robes, others wear funny hats, frightening masks, or have bones through their noses. Throughout history,  they have made up wild stories, to explain our origins, with highly imaginative, but plausible scenarios that follow, logically, if you accept their assumptions. 

The current tribal origins myth, promoted by modern day witch doctors, is no exception. They spin fantastic tales, with made up terminology that dazzles the hearers with tittlating possibility.


'Primordial ooze!'

'Allele Frequency!'

'Spontaneous Order!'

'Cosmic Microwave Background!'

'Millions and billions of years!'

..and many other techno babble terms are tossed about, undefined and unevidenced, yet asserted with Absolute Certainty, to grip the hearer with awe and reverence at the amazing Knowledge and insight these Shamen possess. 

Gullible fools, eager to evade their Creator,  eat it like candy. Nodding like bobbleheads, they buy everything these shrieking witch doctors sell, abandoning Reason, Science,  and common sense. 

'A massive cosmic explosion made the stars, orbits, and precision that you can set your watch by!'

'Life spontaneously began when rocks got bombarded by spectral waves!'

'Living things evolve in increasing complexity! An amoeba became a man, spontaneously!'

The absurdity of atheistic naturalism exposes the mass deception that has defined this age.  Gullible fools, descend to madness and folly, their minds twisted until the most absurd assertions are embraced without question.

Skepticism dies.

Reason is lost.

Science is abandoned for superstition. 

They accuse the very thing that hold them in it's grip: Delusion

This is the unfortunate consequence of rejecting the Creator. 'Professing to be wise, they become fools.'  Sanity and critical thinking begins to fade, when you try to evade your Maker.

Reason  turns to Madness. Lies becomes facts.

Don't be a dupe to the lies and deceptions that fill this world. Listen. Hear the still, small voice of your Creator, beconing you back to Him. Wake up!  The lies of this world have gripped you in a delusion, and you need Divine Assistance to escape!  Call on your Maker. Plead for deliverance. Don't follow these charlatans and quacks down the highway to hell,  but turn away, repent, and find Peace in your Creator. 

There is NOTHING  more important. Your eternal soul needs your mind to think.. to choose life. Do it. NOW.

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