Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Monday, July 25, 2022

Symptoms of Indoctrination: Engineered Stupidity

 Engineered Stupidity 

Indoctrination is when ideologues ingrain lies, half truths, spin, and conjecture into people. The propagandists prefer young people, as they are easier to mold and shape into the lumps they desire. Propaganda is repeated loudly and often, forming irrational concepts with ear tickling possibility, dazzling techno babble, and mystical claims of 'deep insight!'

Historically and currently, indoctrination is used by power hungry controllers. They need the loyalty, fealty, devotion, and self sacrifice of people, to kill and die for the manipulator's beliefs. Jihadists are promised guaranteed paradise, if they die in a holy war against infidels. Kamikaze pilots also believed that they would receive great honor in the afterlife, aligning themselves with the 'Divine Wind' of self sacrifice. 

State devotion and Nationalism is more than loyalty to a geographic location. An ideology.. a religion.. is also used to pump up the faithful to kill and die for the 'Cause'.

The prevailing religious belief that is indoctrinated now, in the post Christian West, is Naturalism. A combination of Marxism and Darwinism form the basis of this belief, which is indoctrinated by agenda driven ideologues. Almost every state institution is controlled by these ideologues, who pound the drum of naturalism, censoring and banning any mention of the diametrically opposed ideology:

The Creator 

Marxism advanced throughout the 20th century, indoctrinating the belief that self sacrifice for the collective was the Highest Virtue. A 'New Man!' was the goal, that Party leaders could help evolve, by rewarding loyalty to the Party, and ..eliminating.. inferior throwbacks of bourgeois capitalism. A purely materialistic worldview formed the basis for this ideology. No God. No afterlife. No purpose other that self sacrifice for the collective. The 'Divine Wind' that True Believers can kill and die for is Naturalism. The jihad is for a collective utopia, that Naturalism will produce, if the remnants of superstition and the 'opiate of the masses!' can be eliminated. 

Millions of people were ..purged.. by marxist ideologues.. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Guevara, and many more tried with deadly seriousness to evolve this 'new man!'

This same marxist ideology, combined with the naturalistic beliefs in Darwinism, form the basis for state indoctrination,  now. Loyalty to the state is the primary goal, not acknowledging the Creator.. not Natural Law.. not the American Ideal born in the Enlightenment. 

Young and old are indoctrinated by a constant propaganda stream from state controlled institutions. They are ingrained with triggered hatred for anything relating to the Creator, and especially Christianity, which is their mortal enemy. 

Violent acts are increasing, as the hatred for traditional Christian values, devotion to God, and a Spiritual worldview are demonized and blamed for the evils caused by naturalism. 

I have called this naturalistic worldview 'Atheistic Naturalism', but it is redundant.  Godlessness is assumed, under the banner of naturalism. Oh, you can believe in a god, if you want, but it is a toothless god, not the Almighty Creator of the universe. The gods of naturalism are impotent, sadistic, powerless, and mostly just pace about in some cosmic dimension, wringing their hands, wishing people would believe in them, and be nice.  That is all the gods of Naturalism expect, if you need a god to believe in.

State indoctrination has been part of the human experience for millennia. Every generation; Every State; Every power hungry manipulator makes nationalistic, ideological, and religious appeals, to build a loyal base of followers who will kill and die for the Cause.

Atheistic Naturalism is the majority worldview, that state controllers indoctrinate, now. Almost every country, now, has naturalism as the mandated belief, established by law, and pounded into young people from infancy. 

Western civilization,  especially,  has abandoned its Judeo/Christian roots, born of the reformation, igniting the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution, and forming the basis of the American Experiment. 

Loyalty to the State is the Highest Virtue, in the naturalistic worldview. Submission and obedience are demanded, not Reason; not critical thinking; not scientific methodology; not skepticism.

Could you be a victim, or product of State indoctrination? 

How could you NOT be?

Do you think that the propaganda from state ideologues may be lies? Perhaps it is designed to divide you from your Maker,  not build a utopia on earth?  Perhaps it is a continuation of defiance toward the Creator, with man as his own god?

Don't be a dupe to State indoctrination. Don't be fooled by the propaganda and lies, streaming constantly from these manipulators. Your Creator IS. Break free from the fog of state manipulation, anti-Creator propaganda, and seek reconciliation with your Maker. Wake up! Your soul is in mortal danger! Why should you die in ignorance and engineered stupidity? Seek your Creator. Get to know Him, through the Mediator He has provided.  There is nothing more important.

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