Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

"R 2 Moral!"

One of the 'arguments given by naturalists is that they are moral, because of their strong sense of right and wrong, which does not require a Creator (they assert). 

This is flawed on many levels.

1. Morality is a scam.. a human construct for manipulation, in a godless universe. The universe does not care if you lie, steal, kill, or rape. Fitness and survival are the only virtues in a godless universe. Might makes right.

2. People who observe these human constructs are dupes of manipulation,  from agenda driven ideologues. A godless universe has no Standards to uphold. Morality is a human scam, in a godless universe. 

3. Morality..  the ACTUAL, REAL 'sense', that is embedded in human beings, can only be from the Creator,  who instilled Standards of behavior, as a compass to guide our choices.

4. Failure to keep these Standards does not negate the reality of their existence, and the reality of the inner conscience. We sense the 'rightness' of moral standards even when we violate them.

5. The observable fact, that even atheists observe and acknowledge 'morality', is evidence for the Creator. Their Creator has embedded this morality in them, which they instinctively acknowledge,  even while denying the very One who put it there.

6. Morality in humans is universal.. theft, fraud, rape, extortion, murder, and many other things are universally 'wrong!' in every human society. Most are codified into social law. Arbitrary  cultural additions are not universal, and ARE 'man made constructs'. But this does not imply that ALL moral standards are.  That is a fallacy..  a hasty generalization. 'Some, therefore all!'

Only by equivocation.. redefining the concept of morality.. can the principle of an instinctive awareness of 'right' Standards of behavior, be muddied.

Morality is a Real Thing.. even atheists feel it. It is evidence of the Creator.  It has no other possible source, other than a deception to control people by human manipulators. 

You know the moral standards you feel are real. You have felt the sting of conscience when you violate them.  This is your Creator, giving you guidance.

You also know you have not kept this Standard. Your sins have driven a wedge between you and your Maker. You need Someone to reconcile you to your Creator. You need a Savior.  You cannot save yourself. 

Don't be fooled by the deceivers of this age, who want to normalize sin, and pretend separation from the Creator is 'good!'  It is not. It is very bad.  Your very own conscience bears witness:

The Creator IS. 

Seek Him now, while you can. Listen to the still, small voice of Reason and Sanity, drawing you out of this world of madness and confusion. 

Don't be a fool. Don't be deceived by the lies of this world.

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