Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Evidence for the Creator

For decades, i have heard the argument: 

"There is no evidence for a Creator! You cannot prove there is a God!"

This has been repeated ad nauseum..  chanted, like a mantra.. until we turn off our minds, nod like bobbleheads, and embrace the engineered stupidity of State Indoctrination. 

It is not true. It is a lie.  The Evidence for the Creator is overwhelming. The evidence for our origins are logical, scientific, empirical, philosophical, abstract, experiential, implied, inferred, and explicit. This massive amount of evidence surrounds us, and suggests a creation event, not natural processes over billions of years.

Over the last 10 years or so, i have compiled a list of articles that address each of the evidences for the Creator. I offer here a shorter summary, of a few of the more compelling evidences for the Creator. 


"We come into the world laden with the weight of an infinite necessity."

– Albert Camus

There is no naturalistic explanation for this. It does not aid in our survival, or improve the species in any way. It is common throughout the human experience, traversing time, race, religion, and culture. It is a gnawing 'something' in man that hints and implies a spiritual connection.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator." ~Blaise Pascal c. 1670 

If Angst, as experienced and defined by philosophers and most humans over the millennia, is REAL, then it has to have a source. Either it was placed there by a Power with ability to do so, or it happened naturally.

How or why would 'evolution!', embed something like angst into the human psyche?  It is irrational. Angst has no naturalistic source. It can only be an embedded trait, from the Creator,  to remind us of our Source.

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Augustine 

What possible source is there, for this aching, nagging, emptiness?  It is evidence, that the Creator IS, and has put this 'need' in our innermost being, so we might seek Him, and find peace and meaning in our Creator.


"Entropy is just a fancy way of saying: things fall apart." ~Dan Brown

Entropy is the observable reality that all things tend towards randomness, unless acted upon by an intelligent,  ordered force.  Even things put into ordered complexity will decay into random disorder, if not maintained by an orderly force.

"Entropy broadly means tending towards chaos constantly." ~Sid Sriram

Everyone, in every time, every location, and every culture has observed entropy. It makes the BELIEF in atheistic naturalism impossible. If there was no other evidence for the Creator, entropy, by itself, is sufficient to completely falsify the belief in Naturalism. 


The existence of morality and the conscience in the human animal is The Most Compelling argument for the Creator. Our Maker has embedded Moral standards ..absolutes.. into our psyche as a guide for behavior, that we might reflect His image. 

Those who deny the Creator must engage in mental distortions.. irrational non sequiturs, to try to reconcile the obvious disconnect between what they feel, innately, and what they believe about the nature of the universe. 

In a godless universe, morality can ONLY  be a human construct. Moral platitudes are made up by man, to manipulate others. A godless universe DOES NOT CARE, if you are 'good!', or 'bad!' Those are meaningless platitudes. Theft, rape, murder, and many other 'bad!' things are common in the animal world, and there is no sting of conscience. Expediency and survival are the only virtues, in a godless universe. 


For millennia,  man has tried to unwrap the mystery of life, speculate about its origins, and parse it into manageable bits. Spontaneous Generation was the naturalistic explanation for life for a couple of thousand years, among the scientific establishment. It was thought that life could just spring from non-life, if the required elements were present.  Recipes were even produced, for particular life forms..  rags, meat, grain, and other such items could be placed in a desolate place in the woods, and mice would spontaneously appear!  It was Pasteur's experiments with isolation & bacteria that debunked the theory of spontaneous generation, and revealed the Great Mystery of Life.

Attempts to animate life have continued into the industrial age, through the age of technology, and up to our current modern scientific state.  Still, ALL attempts to 'create' life, in the most optimal laboratory conditions have failed.  Man has not been able to synthesize life, even with our ability to break things down at the atomic level. 

If life were a simple phenomenon, we could use scientific methodology to break it down, repeat the factors necessary to create it, and unravel the mystery of life.  But alas!  Life is not explainable by science.  It is here.  It teems on the earth, but nowhere else, to our knowledge. We think it a common, ordinary thing, and it is, but its origins are unfathomable to the rational mind.

If life could easily be created, by natural processes, one could believe in atheistic naturalism as the engine of our origins. But life CANNOT be explained by atheistic naturalism. Only an Intelligent Power, able to create life, matter, space, and the entire universe, could have Authored Life. It is impossible for life to appear in a godless universe. There is no mechanism or scientific principle to generate it.  Without the Creator, life is impossible. 

Divine Revelation

One of the most powerful evidences for the Creator is highly personal and subjective. If and when the Almighty Creator of the universe reveals Himself to the fallen creature, there is no doubt, then, of the existence of the Creator,  only remnants of confusion,  delusion, and disjointed facts that must be processed to arrive at a rational faith.

Few people, it seems, have experienced this Divine Call.  Fewer still respond with heartfelt devotion to the Creator. Many are called. Few are chosen. I cannot explain why this is.

But for those who have experienced the Divine Majesty, no muddled words.. no scoffing or skepticism.. no pseudoscience techno babble.. can erase the life changing experiential reality: the Creator IS. 

Browbeating, bullying, banning, torture, persecution.. NOTHING can erase the personal encounter with the Living God.. He is our Maker and Redeemer.  No propaganda, expert decrees, pseudoscience constructs, pressures from peers, family, rulers..  NOTHING can shake the inner conviction of a personal touch from Almighty God. 

This experience infuriates skeptics. They lash out with irrational hatred toward anyone who claims such an Encounter.

The world and it's systems are at enmity with the Creator,  His purposes, and His chosen ones.  This is compelling evidence that the Creator IS.

There is more. Much More.  The evidence for the Creator is overwhelming. It screams, "Creator!!"

Yet state sponsored propaganda and Indoctrination in state institutions has deceived a great many people into believing a lie..  THE Greatest lie of this age:

Atheistic Naturalism 

They censor and ban any mention of the Creator, mock and ridicule those who believe in the Creator, and attack with jihadist zeal any who dare cross the Official State Religion of Naturalism. 

Don't be a fool and deny the most obvious Truth in the universe: 

The Creator IS.

Seek your Maker, now, while He may be found. This world is descending into madness and folly. Use your mind. Think. Remember your Creator. There is nothing more important.

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