Philosophical Musings

Philosophical Musings

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Lies and Phony Caricatures of Christianity and Creationism

1. Christianity is responsible for all of the atrocities of humanity!  False. Human greed, the lust for power, and man made institutions are at the root of man's inhumanity to man, not Christian ideology, which teaches the exact opposite. 

2. The bible is full of errors!  False. No historical accounts recorded in the biblical manuscripts have been disproved or refuted. 

3. The bible has changed many times!  False. The early church fathers quoted every passage in the new testament, and plenty from the old. There is no substantive disagreement with our current translations.  All the historical manuscripts have lots of corroboration from other documents. The biblical manuscripts have a long history of scholarship and textual criticism by a continuous line of biblical scholars, translators, and historians. 

4. Hitler was a Christian! False. Hitler despised Christianity, and esteemed Islam. He was a chameleon, manipulating people for his agenda. He did not follow or esteem the teachings of Jesus. He did the opposite. 

5. Christianity is an opiate for humanity, squashing free expression!  False. Christianity provided the basis for enlightenment thought, freedom of conscience, human equality, and the natural rights of Man.  The Reformation led to the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution. 

6. The bible can be translated in many ways, and can mean whatever anyone wants it to mean! False. There is a scholarly, exegetical intent of the words used in the biblical manuscripts. Scholars may differ in some of the nuances in translation, but the source is clear and historically accurate. Individuals might apply personal meanings from a passage, but that does not override the original intent of the author. 

7. Christianity demands a political theocracy, mandating Christian values as law!  False. That is the agenda of Marxism and Islam. Historical Christianity is not involved with the secular state, and has always been contrary to the mandates from despots. Since the reformation, separation of church and state has been a constant theme.  

8. Christianity is an ideology of oppression, mandating conformity and submission to elites!  False. Christianity has never been a good fit with man's institutions. It has constantly rebelled against the status quo, and openly defied human authority and power. Elitism is the basis of Darwinism and Marxism. 

9. Christianity is anti science. False. Many early scientists were Christians, looking to see 'what God hath wrought'. There is no conflict with Christianity and scientific methodology.

10.  Christianity is anti education! False. Almost all older universities have Christian principles in their mission statement.  'Education!' has roots in Christianity, not atheistic naturalism. 

11.  Christianity is bigoted and racist. False. Christians led the abolition movements. Human equality is a basic principle of Christianity. It is anti elitist, unlike the institutions of the world.

 12. 'Atheism is science!  Creationism is religion!'  False.  The facts support the model of Creationism,  NOT the model of naturalism.  It is circular reasoning and prejudice to declare naturalism,  'science!', and exclude the possibility of the Creator. 

13. Creationists have faith! They deny facts!  False. Critical thinking and skepticism are essential tools for any scientific examination. Creationists who  use scientific methodology must use these tools. Naturalists have blind faith in EVERY tenet of atheistic naturalism.  The Big Bang, Abiogenesis, and Common Ancestry have NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE,  yet are taught and believed with jihadist zeal. 

Anti-Creator and anti-christian ideologues have seized control of almost ALL the propaganda megaphones, and broadcast a constant barrage of anti-christian, anti-Creator lies to deceive the gullible.

They censor and ban ANY mention of the Creator (except mocking),  and only allow naturalistic propaganda in every human institution.  Naturalism is the Official State Religion, and is taught..  MANDATED..  exclusively.

Triggers are indoctrinated into the gullible believers in naturalism, causing them to react with hostile indignation toward any questioning of the tenets of naturalistic belief.

The FACTS of science overwhelmingly suggest a creation event,  NOT atheistic naturalism. But the constant propaganda from state indoctrination centers has managed to fool a great number of people into believing these lies.

Don't be a dupe to the lies from agenda driven ideologues,  trying to divide you from your Maker.  The Creator IS.  Study the science.  Truth and Reason will lead you back to your Maker.

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